Source code for sardana.macroserver.macros.expconf

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""Experiment configuration related macros"""

__all__ = ["get_meas", "get_meas_conf", "set_meas", "set_meas_conf",
           "lssnap", "defsnap", "udefsnap"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from collections import OrderedDict

import taurus
from taurus.console import Alignment
from taurus.console.list import List

from sardana.pool import AcqSynchType
from sardana.macroserver.msexception import UnknownEnv
from sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana import PlotType
from sardana.macroserver.macro import macro, Macro, Type, Optional

def sanitizer(values):
    return ["n/a" if v is None else v for v in values]

def plot_type_sanitizer(values):
    return [PlotType.whatis(v) for v in values]

def plot_axes_sanitizer(values):
    return ["n/a" if len(v) == 0 else v[0] for v in values]

def synchrtonization_sanitizer(values):
    return [AcqSynchType.whatis(v) for v in values]

def plot_axes_validator(value):
    value = value.lower()
    if value in ("idx", "<idx>"):
        value = ["<idx>"]
    elif value in ("mov", "<mov>"):
        value = ["<mov>"]
    return value

def bool_validator(value):
    in_value = value
    value = value.lower()
    if value in ['true', '1']:
        value = True
    elif value in ['false', '0']:
        value = False
        raise ValueError('{0} is not a boolean'.format(in_value))
    return value

def synchronization_validator(value):
    in_value = value
    value = value.lower()
            value = int(value)
        except ValueError:
            value = AcqSynchType.get(value.capitalize())
            value = AcqSynchType.get(value)
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("{0} is not a synchronization type".format(in_value))
    return value

# if sanitizers and validators evolve to sth too complicated refactor this
# to use classes
parameter_map = OrderedDict([
    ("enabled", ("Enabled", None, bool_validator)),
    ("output", ("Output", None, bool_validator)),
    ("plottype", ("PlotType", plot_type_sanitizer, None)),
    ("plotaxes", ("PlotAxes", plot_axes_sanitizer, plot_axes_validator)),
    ("timer", ("Timer", sanitizer, None)),
    ("monitor", ("Monitor", sanitizer, None)),
    ("synchronizer", ("Synchronizer", sanitizer, None)),
        ("Synchronization", synchrtonization_sanitizer,
    ("valuerefenabled", ("ValueRefEnabled", sanitizer, bool_validator)),
    ("valuerefpattern", ("ValueRefPattern", sanitizer, None))

simple_parameters = ("enabled", "output", "plottype", "plotaxes")

[docs]@macro([ ["detail", Type.String, Optional, "Detail level of parameters. If omitted or \"simple\" then " "get simple parameters. If \"advanced\" then get all parameters."], ["meas_grp", Type.MeasurementGroup, Optional, "Measurement group"] ]) def get_meas_conf(self, detail, meas_grp): """Print measurement group configuration in form of a table. Examples of usage: >>> get_meas_conf # get <ActiveMntGrp> simple configuration >>> get_meas_conf advanced # get <ActiveMntGrp> complete configuration >>> get_meas_conf simple mntgrp01 # get mntgrp01 simple configuration >>> get_meas_conf advanced mntgrp01 # get mntgrp01 complete configuration """ if detail is None or detail == "simple": parameters = simple_parameters elif detail == "advanced": parameters = parameter_map.keys() else: raise ValueError("wrong detail level: {}".format(detail)) if meas_grp is None: meas_grp = self.getEnv("ActiveMntGrp") self.print("ActiveMntGrp = {}".format(meas_grp)) meas_grp = self.getMeasurementGroup(meas_grp) col_headers = ["Channel"] width = [-1] align = [Alignment.Right] cols = [] for parameter in parameters: parameter, sanitizer, _ = parameter_map[parameter] getter = getattr(meas_grp, "get" + parameter) ret = getter() if len(cols) == 0: # add channel names as first column cols.append(ret.keys()) values = ret.values() if sanitizer is not None: values = sanitizer(values) cols.append(values) col_headers.append(parameter) width.append(-1) align.append(Alignment.Right) out = List(col_headers, text_alignment=align, max_col_width=width) for row in zip(*cols): out.appendRow(row) for line in out.genOutput(): self.output(line)
[docs]@macro([ ["parameter", Type.String, None, "Parameter (case insensitive) to set."], ["value", Type.String, None, "Parameter value to set"], ["items", [ ["item", Type.String, None, "Experimental channel/controller"], {"min": 0}], None, "Experimental channels (also external e.g. Tango attribute: " "sys/tg_test/1/ampli) or their controllers" ], ["meas_grp", Type.MeasurementGroup, Optional, "Measurement group"], ]) def set_meas_conf(self, parameter, value, items, meas_grp): """Set measurement group configuration parameter. Available configuration parameters and values: - **Enabled**: True/1 or False/0 - **Output**: True/1 or False/0 - **PlotType**: No, Spectrum or Image - **PlotAxes**: idx, mov or a <channel name> e.g. ct01 (for image use "|" as separator of axes e.g. idx|ct01) - **Timer**: <channel name> e.g. ct01 - **Monitor**: <channel name> e.g. ct01 - **Synchronizer**: software or <trigger/gate name> e.g. tg01 - **Synchronization**: 0/Trigger, 1/Gate or 2/Start - **ValueRefEnabled** - True/1 or False/0 - **ValueRefPattern** - URI e.g. file:///tmp/img_{index}.tiff Examples of usage: >>> # enable all channels in <ActiveMntGrp> >>> set_meas_conf enabled True >>> # enable spectrum plotting for ct01 on <ActiveMntGrp> >>> set_meas_conf plottype spectrum ct01 >>> # set plot x-axis to <moveable> for all channels of <ActiveMntGrp> >>> set_meas_conf plotaxes mov >>> # enable spectrum plotting for all mntgrp01 >>> set_meas_conf plottype spectrum [] mntgrp01 """ try: parameter, _, validator = parameter_map[parameter.lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError("wrong parameter: {}".format(parameter)) if meas_grp is None: meas_grp = self.getEnv("ActiveMntGrp") self.print("ActiveMntGrp = {}".format(meas_grp)) meas_grp = self.getMeasurementGroup(meas_grp) setter = getattr(meas_grp, "set" + parameter) if validator is not None: value = validator(value) setter(value, *items)
[docs]@macro([ ["meas_grp", Type.MeasurementGroup, None, "Measurement group to activate"], ["macro", Type.Macro, Optional, "Activate measurement group on this macro." "If omitted activate on all."], ]) def set_meas(self, meas_grp, macro): """Activate measurement group. It sets the ActiveMntGrp environment variable. """ var = "ActiveMntGrp" if macro is not None: var = "{}.{}".format(, var) self.setEnv(var, meas_grp.getName())
[docs]@macro([ ["macro", Type.Macro, Optional, "Get active measurement group set for this macro." "If omitted get the one set for all."], ]) def get_meas(self, macro): """Activate measurement group. It gets the ActiveMntGrp environment variable. """ if macro is not None: macro_name = else: macro_name = None var = "ActiveMntGrp" try: value = self.getEnv(var, macro_name=macro_name) except UnknownEnv: self.warning("Active measurement group is not set. " "Hint: use `set_meas` macro to set it.") else: self.print("{} = {}".format(var, value))
[docs]class lssnap(Macro): """List pre-scan snapshot group. """
[docs] def run(self): try: snapshot_items = self.getEnv("PreScanSnapshot") except UnknownEnv: self.output("No pre-scan snapshot") return out = List(['Snap item', 'Snap item full name']) for full_name, label in snapshot_items: out.appendRow([label, full_name]) for line in out.genOutput(): self.output(line)
[docs]class defsnap(Macro): """Define snapshot group item(s). Accepts: - Pool moveables: motor, pseudo motor - Pool experimental channels: counter/timer, 0D, 1D, 2D, pseudo counter - Taurus attributes """ param_def = [ ["snap_names", [[ "name", Type.String, None, "Name of an item to be added to the " "pre-scan snapshot group"]], None, "Items to be added to the pre-scan snapshot group"], ]
[docs] def run(self, snap_names): def get_item_info(item): if isinstance(item, taurus.core.TaurusAttribute): return item.fullname, item.label else: return item.full_name, try: snap_items = self.getEnv("PreScanSnapshot") except UnknownEnv: snap_items = [] snap_full_names = [item[0] for item in snap_items] new_snap_items = [] for name in snap_names: obj = self.getObj(name) if obj is None: try: obj = taurus.Attribute(name) except taurus.TaurusException: raise ValueError("item is neither Pool element not " "Taurus attribute") elif obj.type == "MotorGroup": raise ValueError("MotorGroup item type is not accepted") new_full_name, new_label = get_item_info(obj) if new_full_name in snap_full_names: msg = "{} already in pre-scan snapshot".format(name) raise ValueError(msg) new_snap_items.append((new_full_name, new_label)) self.setEnv("PreScanSnapshot", snap_items + new_snap_items)
[docs]class udefsnap(Macro): """Undefine snapshot group item(s). Without arguments undefine all. """ param_def = [ ["snap_names", [[ "name", Type.String, None, "Name of an item to be removed " "from the pre-scan snapshot group", ], {"min": 0}], None, "Items to be remove from the pre-scan snapshot group"], ]
[docs] def run(self, snap_names): if len(snap_names) == 0: self.unsetEnv("PreScanSnapshot") return try: snap_items = self.getEnv("PreScanSnapshot") except UnknownEnv: raise RuntimeError("no pre-scan snapshot defined") snap_full_names = {} for i, item in enumerate(snap_items): snap_full_names[item[0]] = i for name in snap_names: obj = self.getObj(name) if obj is None: try: obj = taurus.Attribute(name) except taurus.TaurusException: raise ValueError("item is neither Pool element not " "Taurus attribute") elif obj.type == "MotorGroup": raise ValueError("MotorGroup item type is not accepted") rm_full_name = obj.fullname if rm_full_name not in snap_full_names.keys(): msg = "{} not in pre-scan snapshot".format(name) raise ValueError(msg) i = snap_full_names[rm_full_name] snap_items.pop(i) self.setEnv("PreScanSnapshot", snap_items)