#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of Sardana
# http://www.sardana-controls.org/
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""This module contains the class definition for the MacroServer environment
__all__ = ["EnvironmentManager"]
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import ast
import os
import shelve
from itertools import zip_longest
import copy
from typing import Dict, Any
from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessDict
from sardana.macroserver.msmanager import MacroServerManager
from sardana.macroserver.msexception import UnknownEnv
from sardana import sardanacustomsettings
import collections
def _dbm_gnu(filename):
import dbm.gnu
return dbm.gnu.open(filename, "c")
def _dbm_dumb(filename):
import dbm.dumb
return dbm.dumb.open(filename, "c")
def _create_dbm(filename, backend):
if backend is None:
return _dbm_gnu(filename)
except ImportError:
return _dbm_dumb(filename)
elif backend == "gnu":
return _dbm_gnu(filename)
elif backend == "dumb":
return _dbm_dumb(filename)
raise ValueError("'{}' is not a supported backend".format(backend))
class EnvironmentManager(MacroServerManager):
"""The MacroServer environment manager class. It is designed to be a
singleton for the entire application.
def __init__(self, macro_server, environment_db=None):
MacroServerManager.__init__(self, macro_server)
if environment_db is not None:
def reInit(self):
"""(Re)initializes the manager"""
if self.is_initialized():
# a string containing the absolute filename containing the environment
self._env_name = None
# the full enviroment (a shelf for now - can be accessed as a dict)
self._env = None
# cache environment for keys that start with door name
# dict<string, dict<string, value> > where:
# - key: door name
# - value: dict where:
# - key: environment name
# - value: environment value
self._door_env = None
# cache environment for keys that start with macro name
# dict<string, dict<string, value> > where:
# - key: macro name
# - value: dict where:
# - key: environment name
# - value: environment value
self._macro_env = None
# cache environment for global keys
# dict<string, value> where:
# - key: environment name
# - value: environment value
self._global_env = None
def cleanUp(self):
if self.is_cleaned():
def _initEnv(self):
self._macro_env, self._global_env = {}, {}
self._door_env = CaselessDict()
def _clearEnv(self):
self._env = self._macro_env = self._global_env = self._door_env = None
def setEnvironmentDb(self, f_name):
"""Sets up a new environment from a file"""
f_name = os.path.abspath(f_name)
self._env_name = f_name
dir_name = os.path.dirname(f_name)
if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
self.info("Creating environment directory: %s" % dir_name)
except OSError as ose:
self.error("Creating environment: %s" % ose.strerror)
self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
raise ose
if not os.path.exists(f_name) and not os.path.exists(f_name + ".dat"):
backend = getattr(sardanacustomsettings, "MS_ENV_SHELVE_BACKEND",
dbm = _create_dbm(f_name, backend)
except Exception:
self.error("Failed to create environment in %s", f_name)
self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
self._env = shelve.open(f_name, flag='w', writeback=False)
except Exception:
self.error("Failed to access environment in %s", f_name)
self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
self.info("Environment is being stored in %s", f_name)
# fill the three environment caches
self.error("Failed to fill local enviroment cache")
self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
def _fillEnvironmentCaches(self, env):
# fill the three environment caches
env_dict = self._global_env
for k, v in list(env.items()):
k_parts = k.rsplit('.', 1)
key = k_parts[0]
# door or macro property
if len(k_parts) == 2:
obj_name, simple_key_name = k_parts
if obj_name.count('/') == 2:
class_dict = self._door_env
class_dict = self._macro_env
obj_dict = class_dict.get(obj_name, None)
if obj_dict is None:
class_dict[obj_name] = obj_dict = {}
obj_dict[simple_key_name] = v
env_dict[key] = v
def hasEnv(self, key, macro_name=None, door_name=None):
#<door>.<macro>.<property name> (highest priority)
if macro_name and door_name:
has = self._hasDoorMacroPropertyEnv((door_name, macro_name, key))
if has:
return True
# <macro>.<property name>
if macro_name:
has = self._hasMacroPropertyEnv((macro_name, key))
if has:
return True
# <door>.<property name>
if door_name:
has = self._hasDoorPropertyEnv((door_name, key))
if has:
return True
# <property name> (less priority)
return self._hasEnv(key)
def _getDoorMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
"""Returns the property value for a property which must have the
format <door name>.<macro name>.<property name>"""
if isinstance(prop, str):
door_name, macro_name_key = prop.split('.', 1)
door_name, macro_name_key = prop[0], '.'.join(prop[1:])
door_props = self._door_env.get(door_name)
if door_props is None:
return None
# TODO: Remove the copy when we have new backend
return copy.deepcopy(door_props.get(macro_name_key))
def _hasDoorMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
"""Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
<door name>.<macro name>.<property name>"""
return not self._getDoorMacroPropertyEnv(prop) is None
def _getMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
"""Returns the property value for a property which must have the
format <macro name>.<property name>"""
if isinstance(prop, str):
macro_name, key = prop.split('.')
macro_name, key = prop
macro_props = self._macro_env.get(macro_name)
if macro_props is None:
return None
# TODO: Remove the copy when we have new backend
return copy.deepcopy(macro_props.get(key))
def _hasMacroPropertyEnv(self, prop):
"""Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
<macro name>.<property name>"""
return not self._getMacroPropertyEnv(prop) is None
def _getDoorPropertyEnv(self, prop):
"""Returns the property value for a property which must have the
format <door name>.<property name>"""
if isinstance(prop, str):
door_name, key = prop.split('.')
door_name, key = prop
door_props = self._door_env.get(door_name)
if door_props is None:
return None
# TODO: Remove the copy when we have new backend
return copy.deepcopy(door_props.get(key))
def _hasDoorPropertyEnv(self, prop):
"""Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
<door name>.<property name>"""
return not self._getDoorPropertyEnv(prop) is None
def _getEnv(self, prop):
"""Returns the property value for a property which must have the
format <property name>"""
# TODO: Remove the copy when we have new backend
return copy.deepcopy(self._global_env.get(prop))
def _hasEnv(self, prop):
"""Determines if the environment contains a property with the format
<property name>"""
return not self._getEnv(prop) is None
def getEnv(self, key=None, door_name=None, macro_name=None):
"""Gets the environment matching the given parameters:
- If key is None it returns the complete environment for the given
macro and/or door. If both are None the the complete environment is
if key is None:
return self._getAllEnv(door_name=door_name, macro_name=macro_name)
#<door>.<macro>.<property name> (highest priority)
if macro_name and door_name:
v = self._getDoorMacroPropertyEnv((door_name, macro_name, key))
if not v is None:
return v
# <macro>.<property name>
if macro_name:
v = self._getMacroPropertyEnv((macro_name, key))
if not v is None:
return v
# <door>.<property name>
if door_name:
v = self._getDoorPropertyEnv((door_name, key))
if not v is None:
return v
# <property name> (less priority)
v = self._getEnv(key)
if v is None:
raise UnknownEnv("Unknown environment %s" % key)
return v
def _getAllEnv(self, door_name=None, macro_name=None):
"""Gets the complete environment for the given macro and/or door. If
both are None the the complete environment is returned"""
if macro_name is None and door_name is None:
return dict(self._env)
elif not door_name is None and macro_name is None:
return self.getDoorEnv(door_name)
elif door_name and macro_name:
return self.getAllDoorMacroEnv(door_name, macro_name)
elif not macro_name is None and door_name is None:
return self._macro_env.get(macro_name, {})
def getAllDoorEnv(self, door_name):
"""Gets the complete environment for the given door."""
door_name = door_name.lower()
# first go through the global environment
ret = self._global_env.copy()
# Then go through the door specific environment
ret.update(self._door_env.get(door_name, {}))
return ret
def getAllDoorMacroEnv(self, door_name: str, macro_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Gets the complete environment for the given macro in a specific
:param door_name: the door name (case insensitive)
:param macro_name: the macro name
:return: a dictionary with the resulting environment"""
door_name = door_name.lower()
# first go through the global environment
ret = self._global_env.copy()
# get the specific door environment
d_env = self._door_env.get(door_name, {})
# get the specific macro environment
m_env = self._macro_env.get(macro_name, {})
# put the doors global environment
for k, v in d_env.items():
if k.count('.') == 0:
ret[k] = v
# put the macro environment
# put the door and macro specific environment
for k, v in d_env.items():
if k.count('.') > 0:
m_name, key = k.split('.', 1)
if m_name is macro_name:
ret[key] = v
return ret
def getDoorMacroEnv(self, door_name, macro_name, keys=None):
"""Gets the environment for the given macro in a specific door for the
given key(s)
:param door_name: the door name (case insensitive)
:param macro_name: the macro name (case sensitive)
:param key: the keys to be retrieved. If None (default) the complete
environment is returned (same as getAllDoorMacroEnv)
key can be a string or a sequence<string>.
keys must NOT contain '.' characters
:return: a dictionary with the resulting environment"""
if keys is None:
return self.getAllDoorMacroEnv(door_name, macro_name)
if isinstance(keys, str):
keys = (keys,)
door_name = door_name.lower()
g_env = self._global_env
# get the specific door environment
d_env = self._door_env.get(door_name, {})
# get the specific macro environment
m_env = self._macro_env.get(macro_name, {})
# first go through the global environment
ret = {}
for k in keys:
comp_key = '%s.%s' % (macro_name, k)
if comp_key in d_env:
ret[k] = d_env[comp_key]
elif k in m_env:
ret[k] = m_env[k]
elif k in d_env:
ret[k] = d_env[k]
elif k in g_env:
ret[k] = g_env[k]
return ret
def _grouper(self, iterable):
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes
args = [iter(iterable)] * 2
return zip_longest(*args)
def _dictFromSequence(self, seq):
return dict(self._grouper(seq))
def _encode(self, d):
ret = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
v = ast.literal_eval(v)
except Exception:
v = ast.literal_eval(v.capitalize())
except Exception:
ret[k] = v
return ret
def _getCacheForKey(self, key):
"""Returns the cache dictionary object for the given key
:param key: a string representing the key
:return: a tuple pair. The first element is the dictionary and the
second is the modified key that is applicable to the
d = None
key_parts = key.split('.')
# global property
if len(key_parts) == 1:
d = self._global_env
# macro property
elif len(key_parts) == 2 and key_parts[0].count('/') != 2:
macro_name, key = key_parts
d = self._macro_env.get(macro_name)
if d is None:
self._macro_env[macro_name] = d = {}
# door property
door_name, key = key.rsplit('.', 1)
d = self._door_env.get(door_name)
if d is None:
self._door_env[door_name] = d = {}
return d, key
def _setOneEnv(self, key, value):
# TODO: Remove the copy when we have new backend
value = copy.deepcopy(value)
self._env[key] = value
d, key = self._getCacheForKey(key)
d[key] = value
def _unsetOneEnv(self, key):
if key not in self._env:
raise UnknownEnv("Unknown environment %s" % key)
del self._env[key]
d, key = self._getCacheForKey(key)
if key in d:
del d[key]
def _unsetEnv(self, env_names):
for key in env_names:
def setEnvObj(self, obj):
"""Sets the environment for the given object. If object is a sequence
then each pair of elements k, v is added as env[k] = v.
If object is a map then the environment is updated.
Other object types are not supported
The elements which are strings are 'python evaluated'
using `ast.literal_eval`.
@throws TypeError is obj is not a sequence or a map
@param[in] obj object to be added to the environment
@return a dict representing the added environment"""
if isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Sequence) and \
not isinstance(obj, str):
obj = self._dictFromSequence(obj)
elif not isinstance(obj, collections.abc.Mapping):
raise TypeError("obj parameter must be a sequence or a map")
obj = self._encode(obj)
for k, v in obj.items():
self._setOneEnv(k, v)
return obj
def setEnv(self, key, value):
"""Sets the environment key to the new value and stores it
:param key: the key for the environment
:param value: the value for the environment
:return: a tuple with the key and value objects stored"""
ret = self.setEnvObj((key, value))
return key, ret[key]
def unsetEnv(self, key):
"""Unsets the environment for the given key.
:param key: the key for the environment to be unset
:return: the sequence of keys which have been removed"""
if isinstance(key, str):
key = (key,)
return key