Source code for sardana.macroserver.recorders.h5storage

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2017 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

This module provides a recorder for NXscans implemented with h5py (no nxs)

__all__ = ["NXscanH5_FileRecorder"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import os
import re
import posixpath
import weakref
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
import numpy
import h5py

from sardana.sardanautils import is_pure_str
from sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana import PlotType
from sardana.macroserver.scan.recorder import BaseFileRecorder, SaveModes
from sardana.macroserver.recorders.h5util import _h5_file_handler, \
from sardana import sardanacustomsettings

VDS_available = True
except AttributeError:
    VDS_available = False

def timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta):
    """Equivalent to timedelta.total_seconds introduced with python 2.7."""
    return (
        timedelta.microseconds + 0.0
        + (timedelta.seconds + timedelta.days * 24 * 3600)
        * 10 ** 6) / 10 ** 6

[docs] class NXscanH5_FileRecorder(BaseFileRecorder): """ Saves data to a nexus file that follows the NXscan application definition (This is a pure h5py implementation that does not depend on the nxs module) """ formats = {'h5': '.h5'} # from try: str_dt = h5py.string_dtype() except AttributeError: # h5py < 3 str_dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) # Variable-length UTF-8 byte_dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=bytes) # Variable-length UTF-8 supported_dtypes = ('float32', 'float64', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', str_dt, byte_dt) _dataCompressionRank = -1 def __init__(self, filename=None, macro=None, overwrite=False, **pars): BaseFileRecorder.__init__(self, **pars) if macro is not None: macro = weakref.ref(macro) self.macro = macro self.overwrite = overwrite if filename: self.setFileName(filename) self.currentlist = None self._nxclass_map = {} self.entryname = 'entry' scheme = r'([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\.\+\-]*)' authority = (r'//(?P<host>([\w\-_]+\.)*[\w\-_]+)' + r'(:(?P<port>\d{1,5}))?') path = (r'((?P<filepath>(/(//+)?([A-Za-z]:/)?([\w.\-_]+/)*' + r'[\w.\-_]+.(h5|hdf5|\w+))))' + r'(::(?P<dataset>(([\w.\-_]+/)*[\w.\-_]+)))?') pattern = ('^(?P<scheme>%(scheme)s):' + '((?P<authority>%(authority)s)' + '($|(?=[/#?])))?(?P<path>%(path)s)$') self.pattern = pattern % dict(scheme=scheme, authority=authority, path=path) self._close = False def getFormat(self): return 'HDF5::NXscan' def setFileName(self, filename): if self.fd is not None: self.fd.close() self.filename = filename self.currentlist = None
[docs] def sanitizeName(self, name): """It returns a version of the given name that can be used as a python variable (and conforms to NeXus best-practices for dataset names) """ # make sure the name does not start with a digit if name[0].isdigit(): name = "_%s" % name # substitute whitespaces by underscores and remove other # non-alphanumeric characters return "".join( x for x in name.replace(' ', '_') if x.isalnum() or x == '_')
def _openFile(self, fname): """Open the file with given filename (create if it does not exist) Populate the root of the file with some metadata from the NXroot definition""" try: fd = _h5_file_handler[fname] except KeyError: fd = _open_h5_file(fname) self._close = True try: fd.attrs['NX_class'] except KeyError: fd.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXroot' fd.attrs['file_name'] = fname fd.attrs['file_time'] = fd.attrs['creator'] = self.__class__.__name__ fd.attrs['HDF5_Version'] = h5py.version.hdf5_version fd.attrs['h5py_version'] = h5py.version.version return fd def _startRecordList(self, recordlist): if self.filename is None: return self.currentlist = recordlist env = self.currentlist.getEnviron() serialno = env['serialno'] self._dataCompressionRank = env.get('DataCompressionRank', self._dataCompressionRank) # open/create the file and store its descriptor self.fd = self._openFile(self.filename) # create an entry for this scan using the scan serial number self.entryname = 'entry%d' % serialno try: nxentry = self.fd.create_group(self.entryname) except ValueError: # Warn and abort if self.entryname in list(self.fd.keys()): msg = ('{ename:s} already exists in {fname:s}. ' 'Aborting macro to prevent data corruption.\n' 'This is likely caused by a wrong ScanID\n' 'Possible workarounds:\n' ' * first, try re-running this macro (the ScanID ' 'may be automatically corrected)\n' ' * if not, try changing ScanID with senv, or...\n' ' * change the file name ({ename:s} will be in both ' 'files containing different data)\n' '\nPlease report this problem.' ).format(ename=self.entryname, fname=self.filename) raise RuntimeError(msg) else: raise nxentry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXentry' # adapt the datadesc to the NeXus requirements self.datadesc = [] for dd in env['datadesc']: dd = dd.clone() dd.label = self.sanitizeName(dd.label) if not hasattr(dd, "value_ref_enabled"): dd.value_ref_enabled = False if dd.dtype == 'bool': dd.dtype = 'int8' self.debug('%r will be stored with type=%r',, dd.dtype) elif dd.dtype == 'str': dd.dtype = NXscanH5_FileRecorder.str_dt if dd.value_ref_enabled: # substitute original data (image or spectrum) type and shape # since we will receive references instead dd.dtype = NXscanH5_FileRecorder.str_dt dd.shape = tuple() self.debug('%r will be stored with type=%r',, dd.dtype) if dd.dtype in self.supported_dtypes: self.datadesc.append(dd) else: msg = '%r will not be stored. Reason: %r not supported' self.warning(msg,, dd.dtype) # make a dictionary out of env['instrumentlist'] # (use fullnames -paths- as keys) self._nxclass_map = {} for inst in env.get('instrumentlist', []): self._nxclass_map[ + inst.getFullName()] = inst.klass if self._nxclass_map is {}: self.warning('Missing information on NEXUS structure. ' + 'Nexus Tree will not be created') self.debug('Starting new recording %d on file %s', serialno, self.filename) # populate the entry with some data nxentry.create_dataset('definition', data='NXscan') import sardana.release program_name = '%s (%s)' % (, self.__class__.__name__) _pname = nxentry.create_dataset('program_name', data=program_name) _pname.attrs['version'] = sardana.release.version nxentry.create_dataset('start_time', data=env['scanstarttime'].isoformat()) nxentry.create_dataset('macro_start_time', data=env['starttime'].isoformat()) timedelta = (env['starttime'] - datetime(1970, 1, 1)) try: _epoch = timedelta.total_seconds() except AttributeError: # for python 2.6 compatibility _epoch = timedelta_total_seconds(timedelta) nxentry.attrs['epoch'] = _epoch nxentry.create_dataset('title', data=env['title']) nxentry.create_dataset('entry_identifier', data=str(env['serialno'])) _usergrp = nxentry.create_group('user') _usergrp.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXuser' _usergrp.create_dataset('name', data=env['user']) # prepare the 'measurement' group _meas = nxentry.create_group('measurement') _meas.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXcollection' if self.savemode == SaveModes.Record: # create extensible datasets for dd in self.datadesc: shape = ([0] + list(dd.shape)) _ds = _meas.create_dataset( dd.label, dtype=dd.dtype, shape=shape, maxshape=([None] + list(dd.shape)), chunks=(1,) + tuple(dd.shape), compression=self._compression(shape) ) if hasattr(dd, 'data_units'): _ds.attrs['units'] = dd.data_units else: # leave the creation of the datasets to _writeRecordList # (when we actually know the length of the data to write) pass self._createPreScanSnapshot(env) self._populateInstrumentInfo() self._createNXData() self.fd.flush() def _compression(self, shape, compfilter='gzip'): """ Returns `compfilter` (the name of the compression filter) to use (or None if no compression is recommended), based on the given shape and the self._dataCompressionRank thresshold. By default, `compfilter` is set to `'gzip'` """ min_rank = self._dataCompressionRank if shape is None or min_rank < 0 or len(shape) < min_rank: compfilter = None elif len(shape) == 0: msg = "%s compression is not supported for scalar datasets"\ " - these datasets will not be compressed" % compfilter self.warning(msg) compfilter = None return compfilter def _createPreScanSnapshot(self, env): """ Write the pre-scan snapshot in "<entry>/measurement/pre_scan_snapshot". Also link to the snapshot datasets from the <entry>/measurement group """ _meas = self.fd[posixpath.join(self.entryname, 'measurement')] self.preScanSnapShot = env.get('preScanSnapShot', []) _snap = _meas.create_group('pre_scan_snapshot') _snap.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXcollection' meas_keys = list(_meas.keys()) for dd in self.preScanSnapShot: label = self.sanitizeName(dd.label) if label in _snap: self.warning( "PreScanSnapShot: skipping duplicated label'{}'".format( label ) ) continue dtype = dd.dtype pre_scan_value = dd.pre_scan_value if dd.dtype == 'bool': dtype = 'int8' pre_scan_value = numpy.int8(dd.pre_scan_value) self.debug('Pre-scan snapshot of %s will be stored as type %s',, dtype) elif dd.dtype == 'str': dtype = NXscanH5_FileRecorder.str_dt dd.dtype = NXscanH5_FileRecorder.str_dt if dtype in self.supported_dtypes: _snap.create_dataset( label, data=pre_scan_value, compression=self._compression(dd.shape) ) # link to this dataset also from the measurement group # if enabled in the sardanacustomsettings enable_softlinks = getattr( sardanacustomsettings, 'NXSCANH5_RECORDER_LINK_PRE_SCAN_SNAPSHOT', False ) if enable_softlinks and (label not in meas_keys): pre_scan_path = posixpath.join('/', self.entryname, 'measurement', 'pre_scan_snapshot', label) _meas[label] = h5py.SoftLink(pre_scan_path) else: self.warning(('Pre-scan snapshot of %s will not be stored. ' + 'Reason: type %s not supported'),, dtype) def _writeRecord(self, record): if self.filename is None: return _meas = self.fd[posixpath.join(self.entryname, 'measurement')] for dd in self.datadesc: if in data =[] _ds = _meas[dd.label] if data is None: data = numpy.zeros(dd.shape, dtype=dd.dtype) # skip NaN if value reference is enabled if dd.value_ref_enabled and not is_pure_str(data): continue elif not hasattr(data, 'shape'): data = numpy.array([data], dtype=dd.dtype) elif dd.dtype != self.debug('%s casted to %s (was %s)', dd.label, dd.dtype, data = data.astype(dd.dtype) # resize the dataset and add the latest chunk if _ds.shape[0] <= record.recordno: _ds.resize(record.recordno + 1, axis=0) # write the slab of data _ds[record.recordno, ...] = data else: self.debug('missing data for label %r', dd.label) self.fd.flush() def _endRecordList(self, recordlist): if self.filename is None: return env = self.currentlist.getEnviron() nxentry = self.fd[self.entryname] for dd, dd_env in zip(self.datadesc, env["datadesc"]): label = dd.label # If h5file scheme is used: Creation of a Virtual Dataset if dd.value_ref_enabled: measurement = nxentry['measurement'] try: dataset = measurement[label].asstr() except AttributeError: # h5py < 3 dataset = measurement[label] first_reference = dataset[0] group = re.match(self.pattern, first_reference) if group is None: msg = 'Unsupported reference %s' % first_reference self.warning(msg) continue uri_groups = group.groupdict() if uri_groups['scheme'] != "h5file": continue if not VDS_available: msg = ("VDS not available in this version of h5py, " "{0} will be stored as string reference") msg.format(label) self.warning(msg) continue bk_label = "_" + label measurement[bk_label] = measurement[label] nb_points = measurement[label].size (dim_1, dim_2) = dd_env.shape layout = h5py.VirtualLayout(shape=(nb_points, dim_1, dim_2), dtype=dd_env.dtype) for i in range(nb_points): reference = dataset[i] group = re.match(self.pattern, reference) if group is None: msg = 'Unsupported reference %s' % first_reference self.warning(msg) continue uri_groups = group.groupdict() filename = uri_groups["filepath"] remote_dataset_name = uri_groups["dataset"] if remote_dataset_name is None: remote_dataset_name = "dataset" vsource = h5py.VirtualSource(filename, remote_dataset_name, shape=(dim_1, dim_2)) layout[i] = vsource # Substitute dataset by Virtual Dataset in output file try: del measurement[label] measurement.create_virtual_dataset( label, layout, fillvalue=-numpy.inf) except Exception as e: msg = 'Could not create a Virtual Dataset. Reason: %r' self.warning(msg, e) else: del measurement[bk_label] nxentry.create_dataset('end_time', data=env['endtime'].isoformat()) self.fd.flush() self.debug('Finishing recording %d on file %s:', env['serialno'], self.filename) if self._close: self.fd.close() self.currentlist = None
[docs] def writeRecordList(self, recordlist): """Called when in BLOCK writing mode""" self._startRecordList(recordlist) _meas = self.fd[posixpath.join(self.entryname, 'measurement')] for dd in self.datadesc: shape = ([len(recordlist.records)] + list(dd.shape)) _ds = _meas.create_dataset( dd.label, dtype=dd.dtype, shape=shape, chunks=(1,) + tuple(dd.shape), compression=self._compression(shape) ) if hasattr(dd, 'data_units'): _ds.attrs['units'] = dd.data_units for record in recordlist.records: if dd.label in _ds[record.recordno, ...] =[dd.label] else: self.debug('missing data for label %r in record %i', dd.label, record.recordno) self._endRecordList(recordlist)
def _populateInstrumentInfo(self): nxentry = self.fd[self.entryname] _meas = nxentry['measurement'] _snap = _meas['pre_scan_snapshot'] # create a link for each for dd in self.datadesc: # we only link if the instrument info is available if getattr(dd, 'instrument', None): try: _ds = _meas[dd.label] _instr = self._createNXpath(dd.instrument, _instr[os.path.basename(] = _ds except Exception as e: msg = 'Could not create link to %r in %r. Reason: %r' self.warning(msg, dd.label, dd.instrument, e) for dd in self.preScanSnapShot: if getattr(dd, 'instrument', None): label = self.sanitizeName(dd.label) try: _ds = _snap[label] _instr = self._createNXpath(dd.instrument, _instr[os.path.basename(] = _ds except Exception as e: msg = 'Could not create link to %r in %r. Reason: %r' self.warning(msg, label, dd.instrument, e) def _createNXData(self): """ Creates groups of type NXdata by making links to the corresponding datasets """ # classify by type of plot: plots1d = {} plots1d_names = {} i = 1 for dd in self.datadesc: ptype = getattr(dd, 'plot_type', PlotType.No) if ptype == PlotType.No: continue elif ptype == PlotType.Spectrum: # converting the list into a colon-separated string axes = ':'.join(dd.plot_axes) if axes in plots1d: plots1d[axes].append(dd) else: plots1d[axes] = [dd] # Note that datatesc ordering determines group name # indexing plots1d_names[axes] = 'plot_%i' % i i += 1 else: continue # TODO: implement support for images and other nxentry = self.fd[self.entryname] _meas = nxentry['measurement'] # write the 1D NXdata group for axes, v in list(plots1d.items()): _nxdata = nxentry.create_group(plots1d_names[axes]) _nxdata.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdata' # write the signals for i, dd in enumerate(v): # link the datasets _ds = _nxdata[dd.label] = _meas[dd.label] # add attrs _ds.attrs['signal'] = min(i + 1, 2) _ds.attrs['axes'] = axes _ds.attrs['interpretation'] = 'spectrum' # write the axes for axis in axes.split(':'): try: _nxdata[axis] = _meas[axis] except Exception: self.warning('cannot create link for "%s". Skipping', axis) def _createNXpath(self, path, prefix=None): """ Creates a path in the nexus file composed by nested data_groups with their corresponding NXclass attributes. This method creates the groups if they do not exist. If the path is given using `name:nxclass` notation, the given nxclass is used. Otherwise, the class name is obtained from self._nxclass_map values (and if not found, it defaults to NXcollection). It returns the tip of the branch (the last group created) """ if prefix is None: # if prefix is None, use current entry if path is relative path = posixpath.join("/%s:NXentry" % self.entryname, path) else: # if prefix is given explicitly, assume that path is relative to it # even if path is absolute path = posixpath.join(prefix, path.lstrip('/')) grp = self.fd['/'] for name in path[1:].split('/'): if ':' in name: name, nxclass = name.split(':') else: nxclass = None # open group (create if it does not exist) grp = grp.require_group(name) if 'NX_class' not in grp.attrs: if nxclass is None: nxclass = self._nxclass_map.get(, 'NXcollection') grp.attrs['NX_class'] = nxclass return grp def _addCustomData(self, value, name, nxpath: Optional[str] = None, dtype=None, **kwargs): """ Apart from value and name, this recorder can use the following optional parameters: :param nxpath: a nexus path (optionally using name:nxclass notation for the group names). See the rules for automatic nxclass resolution used by :meth:`._createNXpath`. If None given, it defaults to nxpath='custom_data:NXcollection' :param dtype: name of data type (it is inferred from value if not given) """ if nxpath is None: nxpath = 'custom_data:NXcollection' if dtype is None: if numpy.isscalar(value): dtype = numpy.dtype(type(value)).name if numpy.issubdtype(dtype, str): dtype = NXscanH5_FileRecorder.str_dt if dtype == 'bool': value, dtype = int(value), 'int8' else: value = numpy.array(value) dtype = if dtype not in self.supported_dtypes and dtype != 'char': self.warning( 'cannot write %r. Reason: unsupported data type', name) return # open the file if necessary fileClosed = True try: if fileClosed = False except AttributeError: pass if fileClosed: self.fd = self._openFile(self.filename) # create the custom data group if it does not exist grp = self._createNXpath(nxpath) try: grp.create_dataset(name, data=value) except ValueError as e: msg = 'Error writing %s. Reason: %s' % (name, e) self.warning(msg) if self.macro is not None: self.macro().warning(msg) # flush self.fd.flush() # leave the file as it was if fileClosed: self.fd.close()