Source code for sardana.pool.poolbasegroup

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This module is part of the Python Pool library. It defines the base classes

__all__ = ["PoolBaseGroup"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from typing import Sequence, Iterator, Dict

from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator import TangoAttributeNameValidator

import sardana
from sardana import State, ElementType, TYPE_PHYSICAL_ELEMENTS
from sardana.pool.poolexternal import PoolExternalObject
from sardana.pool.poolcontainer import PoolContainer
from sardana.pool.poolelement import PoolElement
from sardana.pool.poolcontroller import PoolController

[docs] class PoolBaseGroup(PoolContainer): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._pending = True self._user_element_ids = None self._user_elements = None self._physical_elements = None self._physical_elements_set = None self._state_statistics = {} self._pool = kwargs.pop('pool') self.set_user_element_ids(kwargs.pop('user_elements')) PoolContainer.__init__(self) try: self._build_elements() except KeyError: # Failed to build element information. No problem. # Probably one or more underlying elements have not # been constructed yet. pass def _get_pool(self): return self._pool def _create_action_cache(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_action_cache(self): if self._action_cache is None: self._action_cache = self._fill_action_cache() return self._action_cache def _set_action_cache(self, action_cache): physical_elements = self.get_physical_elements() if self._action_cache is not None: for ctrl_physical_elements in list(physical_elements.values()): for physical_element in ctrl_physical_elements: action_cache.remove_element(physical_element) self._action_cache = self._fill_action_cache(action_cache) def _fill_action_cache(self, action_cache=None, physical_elements=None): if action_cache is None: action_cache = self._create_action_cache() if physical_elements is None: physical_elements = self.get_physical_elements() for _, ctrl_physical_elements in list(physical_elements.items()): for physical_element in ctrl_physical_elements: action_cache.add_element(physical_element) return action_cache def _calculate_element_state(self, elem, elem_state_info): u_state, u_status = elem_state_info if u_status is None: state_str = "None" if u_state is None else State.whatis(u_state) u_status = '{} is {}'.format(, state_str) else: u_status = u_status.split("\n", 1)[0] return u_state, u_status def _calculate_states(self, state_info=None): user_elements = self.get_user_elements() none, unknown = set(), set() fault, alarm, on, moving = set(), set(), set(), set() status = [] if not state_info: state_info = {} for elem in user_elements: if elem.get_type() == ElementType.External: continue # cannot call get_state(us) here since it may lead to dead # lock! si = elem.inspect_state(), elem.inspect_status() state_info[elem] = si for elem, elem_state_info in list(state_info.items()): elem_type = elem.get_type() if elem_type == ElementType.External: continue u_state, u_status = self._calculate_element_state( elem, elem_state_info) if u_state == State.Moving: moving.add(elem) elif u_state == State.On: on.add(elem) elif u_state == State.Fault: fault.add(elem) elif u_state == State.Alarm: alarm.add(elem) elif u_state is State.Unknown: unknown.add(elem) elif u_state is None: none.add(elem) status.append(u_status) state = State.On if none or unknown: state = State.Unknown if fault: state = State.Fault elif alarm: state = State.Alarm elif moving: state = State.Moving self._state_statistics = {State.On: on, State.Fault: fault, State.Alarm: alarm, State.Moving: moving, State.Unknown: unknown, None: none} status = "\n".join(status) return state, status def _is_managed_element(self, element): return True def _is_internal_element(self, element_id): if self.pool.use_numeric_element_ids: return isinstance(element_id, int) return True def _build_elements(self): self._user_elements = [] self._physical_elements = {} self._physical_elements_set = set() pool = self._get_pool() for user_element_id in self._user_element_ids: if self._is_internal_element(user_element_id): try: user_element = pool.get_element(id=user_element_id) except KeyError: self._pending = True self._user_elements = None self._physical_elements = None self._physical_elements_set = None raise if not self._is_managed_element(user_element): user_element_id = user_element.get_source() # a tango channel or non internal element (ex: ioregister or motor # in measurement group) else: validator = TangoAttributeNameValidator() params = validator.getUriGroups(user_element_id) params['pool'] = self._get_pool() user_element = PoolExternalObject(**params) self.add_user_element(user_element) self._pending = False
[docs] def on_element_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): pass
[docs] def set_user_element_ids(self, new_element_ids): self.clear_user_elements() self._user_element_ids = new_element_ids
[docs] def get_user_element_ids(self) -> Sequence[int]: """Returns the sequence of user element IDs :return: the sequence of user element IDs """ return self._user_element_ids
user_element_ids = property(get_user_element_ids)
[docs] def get_user_elements(self) -> Sequence[PoolElement]: """Returns the sequence of user elements :return: the sequence of user elements """ if self._pending: self._build_elements() return self._user_elements
[docs] def get_user_elements_attribute_iterator(self) -> Iterator[sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute]: """Returns an iterator over the main attribute of each user element. :return: an iterator over the main attribute of each user element. """ for element in self.get_user_elements(): yield element.get_default_attribute()
get_user_elements_attribute = get_user_elements_attribute_iterator get_user_elements_attribute.__doc__ = get_user_elements_attribute_iterator.__doc__
[docs] def get_user_elements_attribute_sequence(self) -> Sequence[sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute]: """Returns a sequence of main attribute of each user element. In loops use preferably :meth:`get_user_elements_attribute_iterator` for performance and memory reasons. :return: a sequence of main attribute of each user element. """ return list(self.get_user_elements_attribute_iterator())
[docs] def get_user_elements_attribute_map(self) -> Dict[PoolElement, sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute]: """Returns a dictionary of main attribute of each user element. :return: a dictionary of main attribute of each user element. """ ret = {} for element in self.get_user_elements(): ret[element] = element.get_default_attribute() return ret
[docs] def get_physical_elements(self) -> Dict[PoolController, Sequence[PoolElement]]: """Returns a dictionary or physical elements where key is a controller object and value is a sequence of pool elements :return: a dictionary of physical elements """ if self._pending: self._build_elements() return self._physical_elements
[docs] def get_physical_elements_iterator(self) -> Iterator[PoolElement]: """Returns an iterator over the physical elements. .. warning:: The order is non deterministic. :return: an iterator over the physical elements. """ for _, elements in list(self.get_physical_elements().items()): for element in elements: yield element
[docs] def get_physical_elements_attribute_iterator(self) -> Iterator[sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute]: """Returns an iterator over the main attribute of each physical element. .. warning:: The order is non deterministic. :return: an iterator over the main attribute of each physical element. """ for element in self.get_physical_elements_iterator(): yield element.get_default_attribute()
[docs] def get_physical_elements_set(self): if self._pending: self._build_elements() return self._physical_elements_set
[docs] def add_user_element(self, element, index=None): user_elements = self._user_elements physical_elements = self._physical_elements physical_elements_set = self._physical_elements_set if element in user_elements: raise Exception("Group already contains %s" % if index is None: index = len(user_elements) user_elements.insert(index, element) if not self._is_managed_element(element): return index self.add_element(element) self._find_physical_elements(element, physical_elements=physical_elements, physical_elements_set=physical_elements_set) action_cache = self._action_cache if action_cache is not None: self._fill_action_cache(action_cache=action_cache, physical_elements=physical_elements) element.add_listener(self.on_element_changed) return index
def _find_physical_elements(self, element, physical_elements=None, physical_elements_set=None): elem_type = element.get_type() if physical_elements is None: physical_elements = {} if physical_elements_set is None: physical_elements_set = set() if elem_type in TYPE_PHYSICAL_ELEMENTS: ctrl = element.controller own_elements = physical_elements.get(ctrl) if own_elements is None: physical_elements[ctrl] = own_elements = set() own_elements.add(element) physical_elements_set.add(element) else: elem_physical_elements = element.get_physical_elements() for ctrl, elements in list(elem_physical_elements.items()): own_elements = physical_elements.get(ctrl) if own_elements is None: physical_elements[ctrl] = own_elements = set() own_elements.update(elements) physical_elements_set.update(elements) return physical_elements # TODO: too complicated to implement for now # def remove_user_element(self, element): # try: # idx = self._user_elements.index(element) # except ValueError: # raise Exception("Group doesn't contain %s" % # action_cache = self.get_action_cache() # element.remove_listener(self.on_element_changed) # action_cache.remove_element(element) # del self._user_elements[idx] # del self._user_element_ids[self._user_element_ids.index(] # self.remove_element(element)
[docs] def clear_user_elements(self): user_elements = self._user_elements if user_elements is not None: for element in user_elements: if element.get_type() != ElementType.External: element.remove_listener(self.on_element_changed) self.remove_element(element) self._action_cache = None self._pending = True self._user_elements = None self._user_element_ids = None self._physical_elements = None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # stop # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def stop(self): msg = "" for ctrl, elements in list(self.get_physical_elements().items()): self.debug("Stopping %s %s",, [ for e in elements]) for el in elements: el._stopped = True try: error_elements = ctrl.stop_elements(elements=elements) if len(error_elements) > 0: element_names = [ for elem in error_elements] msg += ("Controller %s -> %s\n" % (, element_names)) self.error("Unable to stop %s controller: " "Stop of elements %s failed" % (, element_names)) except Exception: self.error("Unable to stop controller %s", self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) if msg: msg_init = "Elements which could not be stopped:\n" # TODO: think about a more specific type of exception raise Exception(msg_init + msg)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # abort # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def abort(self): msg = "" for ctrl, elements in list(self.get_physical_elements().items()): self.debug("Aborting %s %s",, [ for e in elements]) try: error_elements = ctrl.abort_elements(elements=elements) # TODO: report elements that could not be aborted by their # names if len(error_elements) > 0: element_names = [ for elem in error_elements] msg += ("Controller %s -> %s\n" % (, element_names)) self.error("Unable to abort %s controller: " "Abort of axes %s failed" % (, element_names)) except Exception: self.error("Unable to abort controller %s", self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) if msg: msg_init = "Elements which could not be aborted:\n" # TODO: think about a more specific type of exception raise Exception(msg_init + msg)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # involved in an operation # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_operation(self): for _, elements in list(self.get_physical_elements().items()): for element in elements: op = element.get_operation() if op is not None: return op return None