Source code for sardana.pool.poolzerodexpchannel

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This module is part of the Python Pool library. It defines the base classes
for ZeroDExpChannel"""

__all__ = ["Pool0DExpChannel"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import numpy
import time
from typing import Any

import sardana
from sardana import ElementType
from sardana.sardanaevent import EventType
from sardana.sardanaattribute import SardanaAttribute
from sardana.sardanavalue import SardanaValue

from sardana.pool.poolbasechannel import PoolBaseChannel
from sardana.pool.poolacquisition import Pool0DAcquisition

class BaseAccumulation(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.buffer = numpy.zeros(shape=(2, 16384), dtype=numpy.float64)

    def clear(self):
        self.nb_points = 0
        self.value = None
        self.timestamp = None

    def get_value_buffer(self):
        return self.buffer[0][:self.nb_points]

    def get_time_buffer(self):
        return self.buffer[1][:self.nb_points]

    def append(self, value, timestamp=None):
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = time.time()
        idx = self.nb_points
        self.nb_points += 1
        self.buffer[0][idx] = value
        self.buffer[1][idx] = timestamp
        self.update_value(value, timestamp)

    def update_value(self, value, timestamp):
        self.value = value
        self.timestamp = timestamp

LastAccumulation = BaseAccumulation

class SumAccumulation(BaseAccumulation):

    def clear(self):
        self.sum = 0.0

    def update_value(self, value, timestamp):
        BaseAccumulation.update_value(self, value, timestamp)
        if not value is None:
            self.sum += value
            self.value = self.sum

class AverageAccumulation(SumAccumulation):

    def clear(self):
        self.nb_valid_points = 0

    def update_value(self, value, timestamp):
        SumAccumulation.update_value(self, value, timestamp)
        if not value is None:
            self.nb_valid_points += 1
            self.value = self.sum / self.nb_valid_points

class IntegralAccumulation(BaseAccumulation):

    def clear(self):
        self.sum = 0.0
        self.last_value = None
        self.start_time = None

    def update_value(self, value, timestamp):
        if self.nb_points == 1:
            self.last_value = value, timestamp
            self.start_time = timestamp
            self.value = value
            last_value, last_timestamp = self.last_value
            dt = timestamp - last_timestamp
            self.sum += dt * (last_value + value) / 2
            total_dt = timestamp - self.start_time
            self.value = self.sum / total_dt
            self.last_value = value, timestamp

def get_accumulation_class(ctype):
    return globals()[ctype + "Accumulation"]

class CurrentValue(SardanaAttribute):

    def update(self, cache=True, propagate=1):
        if not cache or not self.has_value():
            value = self.obj.read_current_value()
            self.set_value(value, propagate=propagate)

class Value(SardanaAttribute):

    DefaultAccumulationType = "Average"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        accumulation_type = kwargs.pop(
            'accumulation_type', self.DefaultAccumulationType)
        super(Value, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_val(self):
        return self.obj.get_value_attribute()

    def set_accumulation_type(self, ctype):
        klass = get_accumulation_class(ctype)
        self._accumulation = klass()

    def get_accumulation_type(self):
        klass_name = self._accumulation.__class__.__name__
        return klass_name[:klass_name.index("Accumulation")]

    def get_accumulation(self):
        return self._accumulation

    accumulation = property(get_accumulation)

    def _get_value(self):
        value = self._accumulation.value
        if value is None:
            raise Exception("Value not available: no successful acquisition"
                            " done so far!")
        return value

    def _get_value_obj(self):
        '''Override superclass method and compose a SardanaValue object from
        the present values.
        value = self._accumulation.value
        # use timestamp of the last acquired sample as timestamp of
        # accumulation
        timestamp = self._accumulation.get_time_buffer()[-1]
        value_obj = SardanaValue(value=value, timestamp=timestamp)
        return value_obj

    def _in_error(self):
        # for the moment let's assume that 0D is never in error
        # this could be improved by searching the accumulation buffer
        # in presence of readout errors
        return False

    def _has_value(self):
        return self.accumulation.value is not None

    def _get_timestamp(self):
        return self.accumulation.timestamp

    def get_accumulation_buffer(self):
        return self.accumulation.get_value_buffer()

    def get_time_buffer(self):
        return self.accumulation.get_time_buffer()

    def clear_buffer(self):

    def append_buffer(self, value, propagate=1):
        self.accumulation.append(value.value, value.timestamp)
        if propagate > 0:
            evt_type = EventType(, priority=propagate)
            self.fire_event(evt_type, self)

    def update(self, cache=True, propagate=1):
        # it is the Pool0DAcquisition action which is allowed to update
        raise Exception("0D Value can not be updated from outside"
                        " of acquisition")

[docs] class Pool0DExpChannel(PoolBaseChannel): ValueAttributeClass = Value AcquisitionClass = Pool0DAcquisition def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['elem_type'] = ElementType.ZeroDExpChannel PoolBaseChannel.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._current_value = CurrentValue(self, listeners=self.on_change) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accumulation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_accumulation_type(self): return self.get_value_attribute().get_accumulation_type()
[docs] def get_accumulation(self): return self.get_value_attribute().get_accumulation()
[docs] def set_accumulation_type(self, ctype): return self.get_value_attribute().set_accumulation_type(ctype)
accumulation = property(get_accumulation) accumulation_type = property(get_accumulation_type, set_accumulation_type) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # value # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_accumulated_value_attribute(self) -> sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute: """Returns the accumulated value attribute object for this 0D. :return: the accumulated value attribute """ return self.get_value_attribute()
[docs] def get_current_value_attribute(self) -> sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute: """Returns the current value attribute object for this 0D. :return: the current value attribute """ return self._current_value
[docs] def get_accumulated_value(self) -> sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute: """Gets the accumulated value for this 0D. :return: a :class:`~sardana.sardanavalue.SardanaValue` containing the 0D value :raises: Exception if no acquisition has been done yet on this 0D""" return self.get_accumulated_value_attribute()
[docs] def read_current_value(self) -> sardana.sardanavalue.SardanaValue: """Reads the 0D value from hardware. :return: a :class:`~sardana.sardanavalue.SardanaValue` containing the counter value """ return self.acquisition.read_value()[self]
[docs] def put_current_value(self, value: sardana.sardanavalue.SardanaValue, propagate: int = 1) -> None: """Put a current value. :param value: the new value :param propagate: 0 for not propagating, 1 to propagate, 2 propagate with priority """ curr_val_attr = self.get_current_value_attribute() curr_val_attr.set_value(value, propagate=propagate) if self.is_in_operation(): acc_val_attr = self.get_accumulated_value_attribute() acc_val_attr.append_buffer(value, propagate=propagate)
[docs] def get_current_value(self, cache: Any = True, propagate: Any = 1) -> sardana.sardanaattribute.SardanaAttribute: """Returns the counter value. :return: the 0D accumulated value """ curr_val_attr = self.get_current_value_attribute() curr_val_attr.update(cache=cache, propagate=propagate) return curr_val_attr
current_value = property(get_current_value, doc="0D value") accumulated_value = property(get_accumulated_value, doc="0D value")
[docs] def clear_buffer(self): self.get_accumulated_value_attribute().clear_buffer()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # accumulation buffer # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_accumulation_buffer(self): return self.get_accumulated_value_attribute().get_accumulation_buffer()
accumulation_buffer = property(get_accumulation_buffer) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # time buffer # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_time_buffer(self): return self.get_accumulated_value_attribute().get_time_buffer()
time_buffer = property(get_time_buffer)
[docs] def start_acquisition(self, value=None): self._aborted = False self.clear_buffer() if value is None: raise Exception( "Invalid integration_time '%s'. Hint set a new value for 'value' first" % value) if not self._simulation_mode: acq =