Source code for sardana.sardanadefs

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This module contains the most generic sardana constants and enumerations"""

import collections

import math
from enum import IntEnum
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from typing import Union
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Any
from typing import Sequence

__all__ = ["EpsilonError", "SardanaServer", "ServerRunMode", "State",
           "DataType", "DataFormat", "DataAccess", "AttrQuality",
           "from_dtype_str", "from_access_str", "to_dtype_dformat",
           "to_daccess", "InvalidId", "InvalidAxis", "ElementType",
           "Interface", "Interfaces", "InterfacesExpanded",

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

#: maximum difference between two floats so that they are considered equal
EpsilonError = 1E-16

#: sardana element state enumeration
State = Enumeration("State", (

class _SardanaServer(object):
    """Class representing the current sardana server state"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.server_state = State.Invalid

    def __repr__(self):
        return "SardanaServer()"

#: the global object containing the SardanaServer information
SardanaServer = _SardanaServer()

#: The sardana server run mode:
#: - **SynchPure** : Pure synchronous: Start the server and run the server loop
#:   until it stops
#: - **SynchThread** : separate thread synchronous: start a thread running the
#:   server loop. Block until the server loop ends
#: - **SynchProcess** : separate process synchronous: start a sub-process
#:   running the server loop. Block until the server loop ends
#: - **AsynchThread** : separate thread asynchronous: start a thread running the
#:   server loop. Return immediately
#: - **ASynchProcess** : separate process asynchronous: start a sub-process
#:   running the server loop. Return immediately
ServerRunMode = Enumeration("ServerRunMode",
                            ("SynchPure", "SynchThread", "SynchProcess",
                             "AsynchThread", "AsynchProcess"))

#: sardana data types (used by device pool controllers)
DataType = Enumeration("DataType", (

#: sardana data format enumeration (used by device pool controllers)
DataFormat = Enumeration("DataFormat", (

#: sardana data access (used by device pool controllers)
DataAccess = Enumeration("DataAccess", (

class AttrQuality(IntEnum):
    """Attribute quality factor"""

    #: Attribute is valid
    Valid = 0
    #: Attribute is invalid
    Invalid = 1
    #: Attribute is in alarm
    Alarm = 2
    #: Attribute is changing e.g. element is in operation
    Changing = 3
    #: Attribute is in warning
    Warning = 4

#: dictionary dict<data type, :class:`sardana.DataType`>
    'int': DataType.Integer,
    'integer': DataType.Integer,
    int: DataType.Integer,
    'long': DataType.Integer,
    DataType.Integer: DataType.Integer,
    'float': DataType.Double,
    'double': DataType.Double,
    float: DataType.Double,
    DataType.Double: DataType.Double,
    'str': DataType.String,
    'string': DataType.String,
    str: DataType.String,
    DataType.String: DataType.String,
    'bool': DataType.Boolean,
    'boolean': DataType.Boolean,
    bool: DataType.Boolean,
    DataType.Boolean: DataType.Boolean,

#: dictionary dict<data type, :class:`sardana.DataType`>
    'int': int,
    'integer': int,
    int: int,
    'long': int,
    DataType.Integer: int,
    'float': float,
    'double': float,
    float: float,
    DataType.Double: float,
    'str': str,
    'string': str,
    str: str,
    DataType.String: str,
    'bool': bool,
    'boolean': bool,
    bool: bool,
    DataType.Boolean: bool,

# DTYPE_MAP.setdefault(DataType.Invalid)

#: dictionary dict<access type, :class:`sardana.DataAccess`>
    'read': DataAccess.ReadOnly,
    DataAccess.ReadOnly: DataAccess.ReadOnly,
    'readwrite': DataAccess.ReadWrite,
    'read_write': DataAccess.ReadWrite,
    DataAccess.ReadWrite: DataAccess.ReadWrite,
# DACCESS_MAP.setdefault(DataAccess.Invalid)

[docs] def from_dtype_str(dtype: Union[Optional[str], DataType]) -> Tuple[str, DataFormat]: """Transforms the given dtype parameter (string/:obj:`DataType` or None) into a tuple of two elements (str, :obj:`DataFormat`) where the first element is a string with a simplified data type. - If None is given, it returns ('float', :obj:`DataFormat.Scalar`) - If :obj:`DataType` is given, it returns (:obj:`DataType`, :obj:`DataFormat.Scalar`) :param dtype: the data type to be transformed :return: a tuple <str, :obj:`DataFormat`> for the given dtype """ dformat = DataFormat.Scalar if dtype is None: dtype = 'float' elif isinstance(dtype, str): dtype = dtype.lower() if dtype.startswith("pytango."): dtype = dtype[len("pytango."):] if dtype.startswith("dev"): dtype = dtype[len("dev"):] if dtype.startswith("var"): dtype = dtype[len("var"):] if dtype.endswith("array"): dtype = dtype[:dtype.index("array")] dformat = DataFormat.OneD return dtype, dformat
[docs] def from_access_str(access: Any) -> str: """Transforms the given access parameter (string or :obj:`DataAccess`) into a simplified data access string. :return: a simple string for the given access """ if isinstance(access, str): access = access.lower() if access.startswith("pytango."): access = access[len("pytango."):] return access
[docs] def to_dtype_dformat(data: Union[str, Sequence[str], Sequence[Sequence[str]]]) -> Tuple[DataType, DataFormat]: """Transforms the given data parameter (string/ or sequence of string or sequence of sequence of string/:obj:`DataType`) into a tuple of two elements (:obj:`DataType`, :obj:`DataFormat`). :param data: the data information to be transformed :return: a tuple <:obj:`DataType`, :obj:`DataFormat`> for the given data """ dtype, dformat = data, DataFormat.Scalar if isinstance(data, str): dtype, dformat = from_dtype_str(data) elif isinstance(data, dformat = DataFormat.OneD dtype = data[0] if isinstance(dtype, str): dtype, dformat2 = from_dtype_str(dtype) if dformat2 == DataFormat.OneD: dformat = DataFormat.TwoD elif isinstance(dtype, dformat = DataFormat.TwoD dtype = dtype[0] if isinstance(dtype, str): dtype, _ = from_dtype_str(dtype) dtype = DTYPE_MAP.get(dtype, DataType.Invalid) return dtype, dformat
[docs] def to_daccess(daccess: Any) -> DataAccess: """Transforms the given access parameter (string or None) into a :obj:`DataAccess`. If None is given returns :obj:`DataAccess.ReadWrite` :param dtype: the access to be transformed :return: a :obj:`DataAccess` for the given access """ if daccess is None: daccess = DataAccess.ReadWrite elif isinstance(daccess, str): daccess = DACCESS_MAP.get( from_access_str(daccess), DataAccess.ReadWrite) return daccess
#: A constant representing an invalid ID InvalidId = 0 #: A constant representing an invalid axis InvalidAxis = 0 #: An enumeration describing the all possible element types in sardana ElementType = Enumeration("ElementType", ( "Pool", "Controller", "Motor", "CTExpChannel", "ZeroDExpChannel", "OneDExpChannel", "TwoDExpChannel", "ComChannel", "IORegister", "TriggerGate", "PseudoMotor", "PseudoCounter", "Constraint", "MotorGroup", "MeasurementGroup", "Instrument", "ControllerClass", "ControllerLibrary", "RecorderClass", "RecorderLibrary", "MacroServer", "Door", "MacroClass", "MacroLibrary", "MacroFunction", "External", "Meta", "ParameterType", "Unknown")) ET = ElementType #: a set containning all "controllable" element types. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_ELEMENTS = {ET.Motor, ET.CTExpChannel, ET.ZeroDExpChannel, ET.OneDExpChannel, ET.TwoDExpChannel, ET.TriggerGate, ET.ComChannel, ET.IORegister, ET.PseudoMotor, ET.PseudoCounter, ET.Constraint} #: a set containing all group element types. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_GROUP_ELEMENTS = {ET.MotorGroup, ET.MeasurementGroup} #: a set containing the type of elements which are moveable. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_MOVEABLE_ELEMENTS = {ET.Motor, ET.PseudoMotor, ET.MotorGroup} #: a set containing the possible types of physical elements. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_PHYSICAL_ELEMENTS = {ET.Motor, ET.CTExpChannel, ET.ZeroDExpChannel, ET.OneDExpChannel, ET.TwoDExpChannel, ET.TriggerGate, ET.ComChannel, ET.IORegister} #: a set containing the possible types of acquirable elements. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_ACQUIRABLE_ELEMENTS = {ET.Motor, ET.CTExpChannel, ET.ZeroDExpChannel, ET.OneDExpChannel, ET.TwoDExpChannel, ET.ComChannel, ET.IORegister, ET.PseudoMotor, ET.PseudoCounter} #: a set containing the possible measure-able elements. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_COUNTABLE_ELEMENTS = {ET.CTExpChannel, ET.OneDExpChannel, ET.TwoDExpChannel, ET.MeasurementGroup} #: a set containing the possible types of experimental channel elements. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_EXP_CHANNEL_ELEMENTS = {ET.CTExpChannel, ET.ZeroDExpChannel, ET.OneDExpChannel, ET.TwoDExpChannel, ET.PseudoCounter} #: a set containing the possible timer-able elements. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_TIMERABLE_ELEMENTS = {ET.CTExpChannel, ET.OneDExpChannel, ET.TwoDExpChannel} #: a set containing the possible types of pseudo elements. #: Constant values belong to :class:`~sardana.sardanadefs.ElementType` TYPE_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS = {ET.PseudoMotor, ET.PseudoCounter} # : An enumeration describing the all possible sardana interfaces # SardanaInterface = Enumeration("SardanaInterface", ( \ # ("Object", 0b0000000000000001), # ("Element", 0b0000000000000011), # ("Class", 0b0000000000000101), # ("Library", 0b0000000000001001), # ("PoolObject", 0b0000000000010001), # ("PoolElement", 0b0000000000010011), # ("Pool", 0b0000000000110011), # ("Controller", 0b0000000001000001), # ("Moveable", 0b0000000010000001), # ("Acquirable", 0b0000000100000001), # ("Instrument", 0b0000001000000001), # ("Motor", 0b0000010000000001), # ("PseudoMotor", 0b0000100000000001), # ("IORegister", 0b0001000000000001), # ("ExpChannel", 0b0010000000000001), # ("CTExpChannel", 0b0100000000000001), # ("ZeroDExpChannel", 0b1000000000000001), # ("OneDExpChannel", 0b0000000000000001), # ("TwoDExpChannel", 0b0000000000000001), # ("PseudoCounter", 0b0000000000000001), # ("ComChannel", 0b0000000000000001), # ("MotorGroup", 0b0000000000000001), # ("MeasurementGroup", 0b0000000000000001), # ("ControllerLibrary", 0b0000000000000001), # ("ControllerClass", 0b0000000000000001), # ("Constraint", 0b0000000000000001), # ("External", 0b0000000000000001), # ("MacroServerObject", 0b0000000000000001), # ("MacroServerElement",0b0000000000000001), # ("MacroServer", 0b0000000000000001), # ("MacroLibrary", 0b0000000000000001), # ("MacroClass", 0b0000000000000001), # ("Macro", 0b0000000000000001), ) ) #: a dictionary containing the direct interfaces supported by each type #: (:obj:`dict`\<:obj:`str`\, :obj:`tuple`\<:obj:`set`\<:obj:`str`\, :obj:`str`\>>>) INTERFACES = { "Meta": (set(), "A generic sardana meta object"), "Object": (set(), "A generic sardana object"), "Element": ({"Object"}, "A generic sardana element"), "Class": ({"Object"}, "A generic sardana class"), "Function": ({"Object"}, "A generic sardana function"), "Library": ({"Object"}, "A generic sardana library"), "PoolObject": ({"Object"}, "A Pool object"), "PoolElement": ({"Element", "PoolObject"}, "A Pool element"), "Pool": ({"PoolElement"}, "A Pool"), "Controller": ({"PoolElement"}, "A controller"), "Moveable": ({"PoolElement"}, "A moveable element"), "Acquirable": ({"PoolElement"}, "An acquirable element"), "Countable": ({"PoolElement"}, "A countable element"), "Instrument": ({"PoolElement"}, "An instrument"), "Motor": ({"Moveable", "Acquirable"}, "a motor"), "PseudoMotor": ({"Moveable", "Acquirable"}, "A pseudo motor"), "IORegister": ({"Acquirable"}, "An IO register"), "ExpChannel": ({"Acquirable"}, "A generic experimental channel"), "CTExpChannel": ({"ExpChannel", "Countable"}, "A counter/timer experimental channel"), "ZeroDExpChannel": ({"ExpChannel"}, "A 0D experimental channel"), "OneDExpChannel": ({"ExpChannel", "Countable"}, "A 1D experimental channel"), "TwoDExpChannel": ({"ExpChannel", "Countable"}, "A 2D experimental channel"), "TriggerGate": ({"PoolElement"}, "A trigger/gate"), "PseudoCounter": ({"ExpChannel"}, "A pseudo counter"), "ComChannel": ({"PoolElement"}, "A communication channel"), "MotorGroup": (set(("PoolElement",),), "A motor group"), "MeasurementGroup": ({"PoolElement", "Countable"}, "A measurement group"), "ControllerLibrary": ({"Library", "PoolObject"}, "A controller library"), "ControllerClass": ({"Class", "PoolObject"}, "A controller class"), "Constraint": ({"PoolObject"}, "A constraint"), "External": ({"Object"}, "An external object"), "MacroServerObject": ({"Object"}, "A generic macro server object"), "MacroServerElement": ({"Element", "MacroServerObject"}, "A generic macro server element"), "MacroServer": ({"MacroServerElement"}, "A MacroServer"), "Door": ({"MacroServerElement"}, "A macro server door"), "MacroLibrary": ({"Library", "MacroServerObject"}, "A macro server library"), "MacroCode": ({"MacroServerObject"}, "A macro server macro code"), "MacroClass": ({"Class", "MacroCode"}, "A macro server macro class"), "MacroFunction": ({"Function", "MacroCode"}, "A macro server macro function"), "Macro": ({"MacroClass", "MacroFunction"}, "A macro server macro"), "ParameterType": ({"Meta"}, "A generic macro server parameter type"), } #: a dictionary containing the *all* interfaces supported by each type #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`str`, :obj:`set` < :obj:`str`> >) INTERFACES_EXPANDED = {} def __expand(name): direct_expansion, _ = INTERFACES[name] if isinstance(direct_expansion, str): direct_expansion = direct_expansion, exp = set(direct_expansion) for e in direct_expansion: e_value = INTERFACES_EXPANDED.get(e) if e_value is None: exp.update(__expand(e)) else: exp.update(e_value[0]) exp.add(name) return exp def __build_interfaces_expanded(): global INTERFACES_EXPANDED for i in INTERFACES: INTERFACES_EXPANDED[i] = __expand(i), INTERFACES[i][1] __build_interfaces_expanded() def __expand_sardana_interface_data(si_map, name, curr_id): if name in si_map: return curr_id d = 0 i_expanded = set(INTERFACES_EXPANDED[name][0]) i_expanded.remove(name) for interface in i_expanded: if interface not in si_map: curr_id = __expand_sardana_interface_data( si_map, interface, curr_id) d |= si_map[interface] si_map[name] = int(d | curr_id) return 2 * curr_id def __root_expand_sardana_interface_data(): curr_id = 1 si_map = {} for interface in INTERFACES_EXPANDED: curr_id = __expand_sardana_interface_data(si_map, interface, curr_id) return si_map #: An enumeration describing the all possible sardana interfaces Interface = Enumeration("Interface", list(__root_expand_sardana_interface_data().items())) def __create_sardana_interfaces(): interfaces, interfaces_expanded = {}, {} for i in INTERFACES: i_enum = Interface[i] i_items, i_items_expanded = INTERFACES[i][0], INTERFACES_EXPANDED[i][0] i_enum_items = set(map(Interface.get, i_items)) i_enum_items_expanded = set(map(Interface.get, i_items_expanded)) interfaces[i_enum] = i_enum_items interfaces_expanded[i_enum] = i_enum_items_expanded return interfaces, interfaces_expanded _Interfaces, _InterfacesExpanded = __create_sardana_interfaces() #: a dictionary containing the direct interfaces supported by each type #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`sardana.sardanadefs.Interface`, :obj:`set` < :obj:`sardana.sardanadefs.Interface`> >) Interfaces = _Interfaces #: a dictionary containing the *all* interfaces supported by each type. #: (:obj:`dict` <:obj:`sardana.sardanadefs.Interface`, :obj:`set` < :obj:`sardana.sardanadefs.Interface`> >) InterfacesExpanded = _InterfacesExpanded class ScalarNumberFilter(object): """A simple scalar number filter that returns ``False`` if two numbers are indentical (i.e. |a-b| < error)""" def __call__(self, a, b): try: return math.fabs(a - b) > EpsilonError except: return a != b