#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of Sardana
# http://www.sardana-controls.org/
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""The MacroServer tango module"""
import os.path
import sys
from PyTango import Util, Except, DevVoid, DevLong, DevString, DevState, \
DevEncoded, DevVarStringArray, READ, READ_WRITE, SCALAR, SPECTRUM, DebugIt
import taurus
from taurus.core.util.codecs import CodecFactory
from sardana import State, SardanaServer
from sardana.tango.core.SardanaDevice import SardanaDevice, SardanaDeviceClass
from sardana.macroserver.msexception import MacroServerException
from sardana.macroserver.macroserver import MacroServer as MS
class MacroServer(SardanaDevice):
"""The MacroServer tango class"""
ElementsCache = None
EnvironmentCache = None
def __init__(self, cl, name):
self._macro_server = None
SardanaDevice.__init__(self, cl, name)
def init(self, name):
SardanaDevice.init(self, name)
if self._alias is None:
self._alias = Util.instance().get_ds_inst_name()
self._macro_server = ms = MS(self.get_full_name(), self.alias)
def macro_server(self):
return self._macro_server
def delete_device(self):
# Workaround for bug #494.
factory = taurus.Factory("tango")
for attr in list(factory.tango_attrs.values()):
def init_device(self):
self.set_change_event('State', True, False)
self.set_change_event('Status', True, False)
self.set_change_event('TypeList', True, False)
self.set_change_event('DoorList', True, False)
self.set_change_event('MacroList', True, False)
self.set_change_event('MacroLibList', True, False)
self.set_change_event('Elements', True, False)
self.set_change_event('Environment', True, False)
dev_class = self.get_device_class()
self.EnvironmentDb = self._calculate_name(self.EnvironmentDb)
self.LogReportFilename = self._calculate_name(self.LogReportFilename)
macro_server = self.macro_server
# if it is not possible to store/retrieve the environment from the
# current path then setup a new unique path and store the environment
# there forever
self.error("Failed to set environment DB to %s",
self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
import tempfile
env_db = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(),
env_db = self._calculate_name(env_db)
db = Util.instance().get_database()
db.put_device_property(self.get_name(), dict(EnvironmentDb=env_db))
self.EnvironmentDb = env_db
self.LogReportFilename, self.LogReportFormat)
self.error("Failed to setup log report to %s",
self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1)
def sardana_init_hook(self):
def _calculate_name(self, name):
if name is None:
return None
util = Util.instance()
return name % {'ds_name': util.get_ds_name().lower(),
'ds_exec_name': util.get_ds_exec_name(),
'ds_inst_name': util.get_ds_inst_name().lower()}
def on_macro_server_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value):
# during server startup and shutdown avoid processing element
# creation events
if SardanaServer.server_state != State.Running:
evt_name = evt_type.name.lower()
multi_attr = self.get_device_attr()
elems_attr = multi_attr.get_attr_by_name("Elements")
if evt_name == "poolelementschanged":
# force the element list cache to be rebuild next time someone reads
# the element list
self.ElementsCache = None
value = CodecFactory().getCodec('utf8_json').encode(('', evt_value))
self.set_attribute(elems_attr, value=value)
#self.push_change_event('Elements', *evt_value.value)
elif evt_name in ("elementcreated", "elementdeleted"):
# force the element list cache to be rebuild next time someone reads
# the element list
self.ElementsCache = None
elem = evt_value
value = {}
if "created" in evt_name:
key = 'new'
key = 'del'
json_elem = elem.serialize(pool=self.pool.full_name)
value[key] = json_elem,
value = CodecFactory().getCodec('utf8_json').encode(('', value))
self.set_attribute(elems_attr, value=value)
#self.push_change_event('Elements', *value)
elif evt_name == "elementschanged":
# force the element list cache to be rebuild next time someone reads
# the element list
self.ElementsCache = None
ms_name = self.macro_server.full_name
new_values, changed_values, deleted_values = [], [], []
for elem in evt_value['new']:
json_elem = elem.serialize(macro_server=ms_name)
for elem in evt_value['change']:
json_elem = elem.serialize(macro_server=ms_name)
for elem in evt_value['del']:
json_elem = elem.serialize(macro_server=ms_name)
value = {"new": new_values, "change": changed_values,
"del": deleted_values}
value = CodecFactory().getCodec('utf8_json').encode(('', value))
self.set_attribute(elems_attr, value=value)
#self.push_change_event('Elements', *value)
elif evt_name == "environmentchanged":
self.EnvironmentCache = None
env_attr = multi_attr.get_attr_by_name("Environment")
value = CodecFactory().getCodec('pickle').encode(('', evt_value))
self.set_attribute(env_attr, value=value)
def always_executed_hook(self):
def read_attr_hardware(self, data):
def read_DoorList(self, attr):
door_names = self.macro_server.get_door_names()
def read_MacroList(self, attr):
macro_names = self.macro_server.get_macro_names()
def read_MacroLibList(self, attr):
macro_lib_names = self.macro_server.get_macro_lib_names()
def read_TypeList(self, attr):
type_names = self.macro_server.get_data_type_names_with_asterisc()
def getElements(self, cache=True):
value = self.ElementsCache
if cache and value is not None:
return value
elements = self.macro_server.get_elements_info()
value = dict(new=elements)
value = CodecFactory().getCodec('utf8_json').encode(('', value))
if SardanaServer.server_state == State.Running:
# Only cache value when the server is running
# If a client is reading Elements during server startup,
# the list might be incomplete and we don't want to cache that
self.ElementsCache = value
return value
def read_Elements(self, attr):
fmt, data = self.getElements()
attr.set_value(fmt, data)
def is_Elements_allowed(self, req_type):
return SardanaServer.server_state == State.Running
is_DoorList_allowed = \
is_MacroList_allowed = \
is_MacroLibList_allowed = \
is_TypeList_allowed = is_Elements_allowed
def GetMacroInfo(self, macro_names):
"""Get macro information
Returns a list of strings containing macro information.
Each string is a JSON encoded.
macro_names (list(str)): macro(s) name(s)
list(str): macro(s) information
macro_server = self.macro_server
codec = CodecFactory().getCodec('json')
ret = []
for _, macro in list(macro_server.get_macros().items()):
if macro.name in macro_names:
ret.append(codec.encode(('', macro.serialize()))[1])
return ret
def ReloadMacro(self, macro_names):
"""ReloadMacro(list<string> macro_names):"""
for macro_name in macro_names:
except MacroServerException as mse:
Except.throw_exception(mse.type, mse.msg, 'ReloadMacro')
return ['OK']
def ReloadMacroLib(self, lib_names):
"""ReloadMacroLib(sequence<string> lib_names):
for lib_name in lib_names:
except MacroServerException as mse:
Except.throw_exception(mse.type, mse.msg, 'ReloadMacroLib')
return ['OK']
def GetMacroCode(self, argin):
"""GetMacroCode(<module name> [, <macro name>]) -> full filename, code, line_nb
ret = self.macro_server.get_or_create_macro_lib(*argin)
return list(map(str, ret))
def SetMacroCode(self, argin):
lib_name, code = argin[:2]
auto_reload = True
if len(argin) > 2:
auto_reload = argin[2].lower() in ('true', 'yes')
lib_name, code, auto_reload=auto_reload)
def getEnvironment(self, cache=True):
value = self.EnvironmentCache
if cache and value is not None:
return value
env = self.macro_server.get_env()
value = dict(new=env)
value = CodecFactory().getCodec('pickle').encode(('', value))
self.EnvironmentCache = value
return value
def read_Environment(self, attr):
fmt, data = self.getEnvironment()
attr.set_value(fmt, data)
def write_Environment(self, attr):
data = attr.get_write_value()
data = CodecFactory().getCodec('pickle').decode(data)[1]
def is_Environment_allowed(self, req_type):
return True
class MacroServerClass(SardanaDeviceClass):
"""MacroServer Tango class class"""
# Class Properties
class_property_list = {
DefaultEnvBaseDir = "/tmp/tango"
DefaultEnvRelDir = "%(ds_exec_name)s/%(ds_inst_name)s/macroserver.properties"
DefaultLogReportFormat = '%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s: %(message)s'
# Device Properties
device_property_list = {
"Sardana device pool device names",
"list of directories to search for macros (path separators "
"can be '\n' or character conventionally used by the OS to"
"separate search path components, such as ':' for POSIX"
"or ';' for Windows)",
"list of directories to search for recorders (path separators "
"can be '\n' or character conventionally used by the OS to"
"separate search path components, such as ':' for POSIX"
"or ';' for Windows)",
"list of directories to be appended to sys.path at startup (path "
"separators can be '\n' or ':')",
"Maximum number of macros that can execute concurrently.",
"The environment database (usually a plain file).",
os.path.join(DefaultEnvBaseDir, DefaultEnvRelDir)],
"Filename (absolute) which contains user log reports [default: "
"None, meaning don't store log report messages]. The system will "
"save old log files by appending extensions to the filename. The "
"extensions are date-and-time based, using the strftime "
"format %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S or a leading portion thereof, "
"depending on the rollover interval.",
"Log report format [default: '%s']" % DefaultLogReportFormat,
"Hostname where Logstash runs. "
"This property has been included in Sardana on a provisional "
"basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including "
"its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the "
"core developers.",
"Port on which Logstash will listen on events [default: 12345]. "
"This property has been included in Sardana on a provisional "
"basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including "
"its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the "
"core developers.",
"Path to the Logstash cache database [default: None]. "
"It is advised not to use the database cache, as it may "
"have negative effects on logging performance. See #895. "
"This property has been included in Sardana on a provisional "
"basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including "
"its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the "
"core developers.",
# Command definitions
cmd_list = {
[[DevVarStringArray, "Macro(s) name(s)"],
[DevVarStringArray, "Macro(s) description(s)"]],
[[DevVarStringArray, "Macro(s) name(s)"],
[DevVarStringArray, "[OK] if successfull or a traceback "
"if there was a error (one string with complete traceback of "
"each error)"]],
[[DevVarStringArray, "MacroLib(s) name(s)"],
[DevVarStringArray, "[OK] if successfull or a traceback "
"if there was a error (one string with complete traceback of "
"each error)"]],
[[DevVarStringArray, "<MacroLib name> [, <Macro name>]"],
[DevVarStringArray, "result is a sequence of 3 strings:\n"
"<full path and file name>, <code>, <line number>"]],
[[DevVarStringArray, "<MacroLib name>, <code> [, <Auto reload>=True]\n"
"- if macro lib is a simple module name:\n"
" - if it exists, it is overwritten, otherwise a new python "
"file is created in the directory of the first element in "
"the MacroPath property"
"- if macro lib is the full path name:\n"
" - if path is not in the MacroPath, an exception is thrown"
" - if file exists it is overwritten otherwise a new file "
"is created"],
[DevVoid, ""]],
# Attribute definitions
attr_list = {
'DoorList': [[DevString, SPECTRUM, READ, 256]],
'MacroList': [[DevString, SPECTRUM, READ, 4096]],
'MacroLibList': [[DevString, SPECTRUM, READ, 1024]],
'TypeList': [[DevString, SPECTRUM, READ, 256]],
'Elements': [[DevEncoded, SCALAR, READ],
{'label': "Elements",
'description': "the list of all elements "
"(a JSON encoded dict)", }],
'Environment': [[DevEncoded, SCALAR, READ_WRITE],
{'label': 'Environment',
'description': "The macro server environment "
"(a JSON encoded dict)", }],