Source code for sardana.tango.pool.MotorGroup

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

""" """

__all__ = ["MotorGroup", "MotorGroupClass"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import sys
import time

from PyTango import Except, DevState, DevDouble, AttrQuality, READ_WRITE, \

from taurus.core.util.log import DebugIt

from sardana import State, SardanaServer
from sardana.sardanaattribute import SardanaAttribute
from sardana.pool.poolexception import PoolException
from sardana.tango.core.util import exception_str, throw_sardana_exception
from sardana.tango.pool.PoolDevice import PoolGroupDevice, PoolGroupDeviceClass

[docs]class MotorGroup(PoolGroupDevice): def __init__(self, dclass, name): self.in_write_position = False PoolGroupDevice.__init__(self, dclass, name)
[docs] def init(self, name): PoolGroupDevice.init(self, name)
def _is_allowed(self, req_type): return PoolGroupDevice._is_allowed(self, req_type)
[docs] def get_motor_group(self): return self.element
[docs] def set_motor_group(self, motor_group): self.element = motor_group
motor_group = property(get_motor_group, set_motor_group)
[docs] @DebugIt() def delete_device(self): PoolGroupDevice.delete_device(self) motor_group = self.motor_group if motor_group is not None: motor_group.remove_listener(self.on_motor_group_changed) self.motor_group = None
[docs] @DebugIt() def init_device(self): PoolGroupDevice.init_device(self) detect_evts = "position", non_detect_evts = "elementlist", self.set_change_events(detect_evts, non_detect_evts) if self.pool.use_numeric_element_ids: self.Elements = list(map(int, self.Elements)) motor_group = self.motor_group if motor_group is None: full_name = self.get_full_name() name = self.alias or full_name self.motor_group = motor_group = \ self.pool.create_motor_group(name=name, id=self.Id, full_name=full_name, user_elements=self.Elements) motor_group.add_listener(self.on_motor_group_changed) self.set_state(DevState.ON)
[docs] def on_motor_group_changed(self, event_source, event_type, event_value): try: self._on_motor_group_changed(event_source, event_type, event_value) except: msg = 'Error occurred "on_motor_group_changed(%s.%s): %s"' exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.error(msg,,, exception_str(*exc_info[:2])) self.debug("Details", exc_info=exc_info)
def _on_motor_group_changed(self, event_source, event_type, event_value): # during server startup and shutdown avoid processing element # creation events if SardanaServer.server_state != State.Running: return timestamp = time.time() name = attr = self.get_attribute_by_name(name) quality = AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID priority = event_type.priority value, w_value, error = None, None, None if name == "state": value = self.calculate_tango_state(event_value) elif name == "status": value = self.calculate_tango_status(event_value) else: if isinstance(event_value, SardanaAttribute): if event_value.error: error = Except.to_dev_failed(*event_value.exc_info) else: value = event_value.value timestamp = event_value.timestamp else: value = event_value state = self.motor_group.get_state(propagate=0) if name == "position": w_value = event_value.w_value if state == State.Moving: quality = AttrQuality.ATTR_CHANGING self.set_attribute(attr, value=value, w_value=w_value, timestamp=timestamp, quality=quality, priority=priority, error=error, synch=False)
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self): pass
#state = to_tango_state(self.motor_group.get_state(cache=False)) def read_attr_hardware(self, data): pass def _to_motor_positions(self, pos): positions = [] for elem in self.motor_group.get_user_elements(): position = pos[elem] if position.in_error(): Except.throw_python_exception(*position.exc_info) positions.append(position.value) return positions def _to_motor_write_positions(self, pos): w_positions = [] for elem in self.motor_group.get_user_elements(): position = pos[elem] if position.in_error(): Except.throw_python_exception(*position.exc_info) w_positions.append(position.w_value) return w_positions
[docs] def read_Position(self, attr): # if motors are moving their position is already being updated with a # high frequency so don't bother overloading and just get the cached # values motor_group = self.motor_group use_cache = motor_group.is_in_operation() and not self.Force_HW_Read position = motor_group.get_position(cache=use_cache, propagate=0) if position.error: Except.throw_python_exception(*position.exc_info) state = motor_group.get_state(cache=use_cache, propagate=0) quality = None if state == State.Moving: quality = AttrQuality.ATTR_CHANGING self.set_attribute(attr, value=position.value, w_value=position.w_value, quality=quality, priority=0, timestamp=position.timestamp)
[docs] def write_Position(self, attr): self.in_write_position = True try: position = attr.get_write_value() self.debug("write_Position(%s)", position) try: self.wait_for_operation() except: raise Exception("Cannot move: already in motion") try: self.motor_group.position = position except PoolException as pe: throw_sardana_exception(pe) finally: self.in_write_position = False
is_Position_allowed = _is_allowed
[docs]class MotorGroupClass(PoolGroupDeviceClass): # Class Properties class_property_list = { } # Device Properties device_property_list = { } device_property_list.update(PoolGroupDeviceClass.device_property_list) # Command definitions cmd_list = { } cmd_list.update(PoolGroupDeviceClass.cmd_list) # Attribute definitions attr_list = { 'Position': [[DevDouble, SPECTRUM, READ_WRITE, 4096], ], } attr_list.update(PoolGroupDeviceClass.attr_list) def _get_class_properties(self): ret = PoolGroupDeviceClass._get_class_properties(self) ret['Description'] = "Motor group device class" ret['InheritedFrom'].insert(0, 'PoolGroupDevice') return ret