Source code for sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana.macroserver

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""The macroserver submodule. It contains specific part of macroserver"""

__all__ = ['BaseInputHandler', 'BaseDoor', 'BaseMacroServer',

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import sys
import time
import uuid
import math
import weakref
import threading
import os.path as osp
import os

from lxml import etree

import PyTango

from taurus import Device, Factory
from taurus.core.taurusmanager import TaurusManager
from taurus.core.taurusbasetypes import TaurusEventType, TaurusSWDevState, \

from taurus.core import TaurusDevState
from taurus.core.util.log import Logger
from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessDict
from taurus.core.util.codecs import CodecFactory
from taurus.core.util.event import EventGenerator, AttributeEventWait
from taurus.core.tango import TangoDevice

from sardana.macroserver.macro import Optional
from sardana.sardanautils import recur_map
from .macro import MacroInfo, Macro, MacroNode, ParamFactory, \
    SingleParamNode, ParamNode, createMacroNode
from .sardana import BaseSardanaElementContainer, BaseSardanaElement
from .pool import getChannelConfigs
from itertools import zip_longest

CHANGE_EVT_TYPES = TaurusEventType.Change, TaurusEventType.Periodic

def get_terminal_size(fileno=None):
        if fileno is None:
            fileno = sys.stdout.fileno()
        if not os.isatty(fileno):
            return None
        return os.get_terminal_size(fileno)
    except Exception:
        return None

def _get_nb_lines(nb_chrs, max_chrs):
    return int(math.ceil(float(nb_chrs)/max_chrs))

class Attr(Logger, EventGenerator):

    def __init__(self, dev, name, obj_class, attr):
        self._dev = weakref.ref(dev)
        self._obj_class = obj_class
        self._attr = attr
        self.call__init__(Logger, name)
        event_name = '%s %s' % (dev.getNormalName(), name)
        self.call__init__(EventGenerator, event_name)


    def eventReceived(self, src, event_type, evt_value):
        if event_type == TaurusEventType.Error:
        elif event_type != TaurusEventType.Config:
            if evt_value:

    def getTaurusAttribute(self):
        return self._attr
    def read(self, cache=False):

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self._attr, name)

class LogAttr(Attr):

    def __init__(self, dev, name, obj_class, attr, max_buff_size=4096):
        self._log_buffer = []
        self._max_buff_size = max_buff_size
        self.call__init__(Attr, dev, name, obj_class, attr)

    def getLogBuffer(self):
        return self._log_buffer

    def clearLogBuffer(self):
        self._log_buffer = []

    def eventReceived(self, src, event_type, evt_value):
        if event_type == TaurusEventType.Change:
            if evt_value is None or evt_value.rvalue is None:
                while len(self._log_buffer) > self._max_buff_size:
                if evt_value:

class BaseInputHandler(object):

    def __init__(self):
            self._input = raw_input
        except NameError:
            self._input = input

    def input(self, input_data=None):
        if input_data is None:
            input_data = {}
        prompt = input_data.get('prompt')
        ret = dict(input=None, cancel=False)
            if prompt is None:
                ret['input'] = self._input()
                ret['input'] = self._input(prompt)
            ret['cancel'] = True
        return ret

    def input_timeout(self, input_data):
        print("input timeout")

class MacroServerDevice(TangoDevice):
    """A class encapsulating a generic macro server device (usually a
    MacroServer or a Door"""

    def _getEventWait(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_evt_wait'):
            # create an object that waits for attribute events.
            # each time we use it we have to connect and disconnect to an
            # attribute
            self._evt_wait = AttributeEventWait()
        return self._evt_wait

class ExperimentConfiguration(object):

    def __init__(self, door):
        self._door = door

    def get(self, cache=False):
        door = self._door
        macro_server = door.macro_server
        env = door.getEnvironment()

        ret = dict(ScanDir=env.get('ScanDir'),
                   DataCompressionRank=env.get('DataCompressionRank', 1),
                   PreScanSnapshot=env.get('PreScanSnapshot', []))
        scan_file = env.get('ScanFile')
        if scan_file is None:
            scan_file = []
        elif isinstance(scan_file, str):
            scan_file = [scan_file]
        ret['ScanFile'] = scan_file
        mnt_grps = macro_server.getElementsOfType("MeasurementGroup")
        mnt_grps_names = [ for mnt_grp in list(mnt_grps.values())]
        mnt_grps_full_names = list(mnt_grps.keys())

        active_mnt_grp = env.get('ActiveMntGrp')
        if active_mnt_grp is None and len(mnt_grps):
            active_mnt_grp = mnt_grps_names[0]
            door.putEnvironment('ActiveMntGrp', active_mnt_grp)

        ret['ActiveMntGrp'] = active_mnt_grp
        ret['MntGrpConfigs'] = mnt_grp_configs = CaselessDict()

        if len(mnt_grps) == 0:
            return ret

        mnt_grp_grps = PyTango.Group("grp")
        # use full names cause we may be using a different Tango database

        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec('json')
        replies = mnt_grp_grps.read_attribute("configuration")
        for mnt_grp, reply in zip(mnt_grps_names, replies):
                mnt_grp_configs[mnt_grp] = \
                    codec.decode(('json', reply.get_data().value))[1]
            except Exception as e:
                from taurus.core.util.log import warning
                warning('Cannot load Measurement group "%s": %s',
                        repr(mnt_grp), repr(e))
        return ret

    def set(self, conf, mnt_grps=None):
        """Sets the ExperimentConfiguration dictionary."""
        if mnt_grps is None:
            mnt_grps = list(conf['MntGrpConfigs'].keys())

        codec = CodecFactory().getCodec('json')
        msg_error = ''
        for mnt_grp in mnt_grps:
                mnt_grp_cfg = conf['MntGrpConfigs'][mnt_grp]
                if mnt_grp_cfg is None:  # a mntGrp to be deleted
                    pool = self._getPoolOfElement(mnt_grp)
                        # TODO: Fix incorrect implementation. It must check if
                        #  the measurement group is part of the Pools
                        #  controlled by the MacroServer. Otherwise,
                        #  it must raise an exception.
                        mnt_grp_dev = Device(mnt_grp)
                    except Exception:
                        # if the mnt_grp did not already exist, create it now
                        chconfigs = getChannelConfigs(mnt_grp_cfg)
                        chnames, chinfos = list(zip(*chconfigs))  # unzipping
                        # We assume that all the channels belong to the same
                        # pool!
                        pool = self._getPoolOfElement(chnames[0])
                        pool.createMeasurementGroup([mnt_grp] + list(chnames))
                        mnt_grp_dev = Device(mnt_grp)

                    # TODO when we start using measurement group extension
                    # change the code below with the following:
                    # mnt_grp.setConfiguration(mnt_grp_cfg)

                    data = codec.encode(('', mnt_grp_cfg))[1]
                    mnt_grp_dev.write_attribute('configuration', data)
            except PyTango.DevFailed as df:
                # Take the description of the first exception.
                desc = df.args[0].desc
                desc = desc.replace('\r', '')
                desc = desc.replace('\n', '')
                msg_error += 'Measurement Group {0}:\n'\
                             '{1}\n\n'.format(mnt_grp, desc)

        if len(msg_error) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError(msg_error)

        # Send the environment changes
        env = dict(ScanDir=conf.get('ScanDir'),
                   DataCompressionRank=conf.get('DataCompressionRank', -1),


    def _getPoolOfElement(self, elementname):
        ms = self._door.macro_server
        einfo = ms.getElementInfo(elementname)
        poolname = einfo.pool
        return ms.getElementInfo(poolname)

#    @property
#    def _pool(self):
#        pooldict = self._door.macro_server.getElementsOfType('Pool')
#        if len(pooldict)==0:
#            raise ValueError('Cannot access the Pool')
#        elif len(pooldict)>1:
#            raise ValueError('Multiple pools are not supported')
#        poolinfo = pooldict.values()[0]
#        return poolinfo

[docs]class BaseDoor(MacroServerDevice): """ Class encapsulating Door device functionality.""" On = PyTango.DevState.ON Alarm = PyTango.DevState.ALARM Running = PyTango.DevState.RUNNING Paused = PyTango.DevState.STANDBY Critical = 'Critical' Error = 'Error' Warning = 'Warning' Info = 'Info' Output = 'Output' Debug = 'Debug' Result = 'Result' RecordData = 'RecordData' BlockStart = '<BLOCK>' BlockFinish = '</BLOCK>' log_streams = (Error, Warning, Info, Output, Debug, Result) # maximum execution time without user interruption # this also means a time window within door state events must arrive # 0.1 s was not enough on Windows (see sardana-ord/sardana#725) InteractiveTimeout = .3 def __init__(self, name, **kw): self._log_attr = CaselessDict() self._block_lines = 0 self._in_block = False self._macro_server = None self._running_macros = None self._running_macro = None self._last_running_macro = None self._user_xml = None self._ignore_logs = kw.get("ignore_logs", False) self._silent = kw.get("silent", True) self._debug = kw.get("debug", False) self._output_stream = kw.get("output", sys.stdout) self._writeLock = threading.Lock() self._input_handler = self.create_input_handler() self._len_last_data_line = 1 self._stopped_by_keyboard_interrupt = False self.call__init__(MacroServerDevice, name, **kw) self._old_door_state = PyTango.DevState.UNKNOWN self._old_sw_door_state = TaurusDevState.Undefined self.stateObj.addListener(self.stateChanged) for log_name in self.log_streams: tg_attr = self.getAttribute(log_name) attr = LogAttr(self, log_name, None, tg_attr) if log_name == 'Result': attr.subscribeEvent(self.resultReceived, log_name) else: attr.subscribeEvent(self.logReceived, log_name) self._log_attr[log_name] = attr self.__input_attr = self.getAttribute("Input") self.__input_attr.addListener(self.inputReceived) self.__record_data_attr = self.getAttribute('RecordData') self.__record_data_attr.addListener(self.recordDataReceived) self.__macro_status_attr = self.getAttribute('MacroStatus') self.__macro_status_attr.addListener(self.macroStatusReceived) self._experiment_configuration = ExperimentConfiguration(self)
[docs] def create_input_handler(self): return BaseInputHandler()
[docs] def get_input_handler(self): return self._input_handler
[docs] def get_color_mode(self): return "NoColor"
# def macrosChanged(self, s, v, t): # pass @property def log_start(self): if not hasattr(self, "_log_start"): import taurus.core.util.console if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor": kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors else: kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors self._log_start = {BaseDoor.Critical: kls.LightRed, BaseDoor.Error: kls.Red, BaseDoor.Info: kls.LightBlue, BaseDoor.Warning: kls.Brown, BaseDoor.Output: kls.Normal, BaseDoor.Debug: kls.DarkGray, BaseDoor.Result: kls.LightGreen} return self._log_start @property def log_stop(self): if not hasattr(self, "_log_stop"): import taurus.core.util.console if self.get_color_mode() == "NoColor": kls = taurus.core.util.console.NoColors else: kls = taurus.core.util.console.TermColors self._log_stop = {BaseDoor.Critical: kls.Normal, BaseDoor.Error: kls.Normal, BaseDoor.Info: kls.Normal, BaseDoor.Warning: kls.Normal, BaseDoor.Output: kls.Normal, BaseDoor.Debug: kls.Normal, BaseDoor.Result: kls.Normal} return self._log_stop
[docs] def getStateAttr(self): return self._state_attr
@property def macro_server(self): if self._macro_server is None: self._macro_server = self._get_macroserver_for_door() return self._macro_server def _get_macroserver_for_door(self): """Returns the MacroServer device object in the same DeviceServer as this door""" db = self.getParentObj() door_name = self.dev_name() server_list = list(db.get_server_list('MacroServer/*')) server_list += list(db.get_server_list('Sardana/*')) for server in server_list: server_devs = db.get_device_class_list(server) devs, klasses = server_devs[0::2], server_devs[1::2] for dev in devs: if dev.lower() == door_name: for i, klass in enumerate(klasses): if klass == 'MacroServer': full_name = db.getFullName() + "/" + devs[i] return self.factory().getDevice(full_name) else: return None
[docs] def setDebugMode(self, state): self._debug = state
[docs] def getDebugMode(self): return self._debug
[docs] def setSilent(self, yesno): self._silent = yesno
[docs] def isSilent(self): return self._silent
[docs] def getLogObj(self, log_name='Debug'): return self._log_attr.get(log_name, None)
[docs] def getRunningXML(self): return self._user_xml
[docs] def getRunningMacro(self): return self._running_macro
[docs] def getLastRunningMacro(self): return self._last_running_macro
[docs] def abort(self, synch=True): if not synch: self.command_inout("AbortMacro") return evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state")) evt_wait.lock() try: time_stamp = time.time() self.command_inout("AbortMacro") evt_wait.waitForEvent((self.Running, ), equal=False, after=time_stamp, reactivity=self.InteractiveTimeout) finally: evt_wait.unlock() evt_wait.disconnect()
[docs] def release(self, synch=True): if not synch: try: self.command_inout("ReleaseMacro") except PyTango.DevFailed as df: # Macro already finished - no need to release if df.args[0].reason == "API_CommandNotAllowed": pass return evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state")) evt_wait.lock() try: time_stamp = time.time() try: self.command_inout("ReleaseMacro") except PyTango.DevFailed as df: # Macro already finished - no need to release if df.args[0].reason == "API_CommandNotAllowed": return evt_wait.waitForEvent((self.Running, ), equal=False, after=time_stamp, reactivity=self.InteractiveTimeout) finally: evt_wait.unlock() evt_wait.disconnect()
[docs] def stop(self, synch=True): if not synch: self.command_inout("StopMacro") return evt_wait = AttributeEventWait(self.getAttribute("state")) evt_wait.lock() try: time_stamp = time.time() self.command_inout("StopMacro") evt_wait.waitForEvent((self.Running, ), equal=False, after=time_stamp, reactivity=self.InteractiveTimeout) finally: evt_wait.unlock() evt_wait.disconnect()
def _clearLogBuffer(self): list(map(LogAttr.clearLogBuffer, list(self._log_attr.values()))) def _clearRunMacro(self): self._running_macros = None self._running_macro = None self._user_xml = None self._block_lines = 0 def _createMacroXml(self, macro_name, macro_params): """Creation of the macro XML object. :param macro_name: (str) macro name :param macro_params: (sequence[str]) list of parameter values, if repeat parameters are used parameter values may be sequences itself. :return (lxml.etree._Element) macro XML element """ macro_info = self.macro_server.getMacroInfoObj(macro_name) params_def = macro_info.parameters macro_node = createMacroNode(macro_name, params_def, macro_params) return macro_node.toXml()
[docs] def preRunMacro(self, obj, parameters): self._clearLogBuffer() self._clearRunMacro() self._stopped_by_keyboard_interrupt = False xml_root = None if isinstance(obj, str): if obj.startswith('<') and not parameters: xml_root = etree.fromstring(obj) else: macros = [] if len(parameters) == 0: macros_strs = obj.split('\n') for m in macros_strs: pars = m.split() macros.append((pars[0], pars[1:])) else: parameters = recur_map(str, parameters) macros.append((obj, parameters)) xml_root = xml_seq = etree.Element('sequence') for m in macros: macro_name = m[0] macro_params = m[1] xml_macro = self._createMacroXml(macro_name, macro_params) xml_macro.set('id', str(uuid.uuid1())) xml_seq.append(xml_macro) elif etree.iselement(obj): xml_root = obj else: raise TypeError('obj must be a string or a etree.Element') self._running_macros = {} for macro_xml in xml_root.xpath('//macro'): id, name = macro_xml.get('id'), macro_xml.get('name') self._running_macros[id] = Macro(self, name, id, macro_xml) return xml_root
[docs] def postRunMacro(self, result, synch): pass
[docs] def runMacro(self, obj, parameters=[], synch=False): self._user_xml = self.preRunMacro(obj, parameters) result = self._runMacro(self._user_xml, synch=synch) return self.postRunMacro(result, synch)
def _runMacro(self, xml, synch=False): if not synch: return self.command_inout("RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml, encoding='unicode')]) timeout = self.InteractiveTimeout evt_wait = self._getEventWait() evt_wait.connect(self.getAttribute("state")) evt_wait.lock() try: evt_wait.waitForEvent((self.Running, ), equal=False, reactivity=timeout) # Clear event set to not confuse the value coming from the # connection with the event of of end of the macro execution # in the next wait event. This was observed on Windows where # the time stamp resolution is not better than 1 ms. evt_wait.clearEventSet() ts = time.time() result = self.command_inout("RunMacro", [etree.tostring(xml, encoding='unicode')]) evt_wait.waitForEvent((self.Running, ), after=ts, reactivity=timeout) if synch: try: evt_wait.waitForEvent((self.Running, ), equal=False, after=ts, reactivity=timeout) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._stopped_by_keyboard_interrupt = True raise finally: self._clearRunMacro() evt_wait.unlock() evt_wait.disconnect() return result
[docs] def stateChanged(self, s, t, v): # In contrary to the Taurus3 the Taurus4 raises exceptions when the # device server is getting down and we try to retrieve the state. # In this case provide the same behavior as Taurus3 - assign None to # the old state try: self._old_door_state = self.stateObj.rvalue except PyTango.DevFailed: self._old_door_state = None self._old_sw_door_state = self.state
[docs] def resultReceived(self, log_name, result): """Method invoked by the arrival of a change event on the Result attribute""" if self._ignore_logs or self._running_macro is None: return self._running_macro.setResult(result) return result
[docs] def putEnvironment(self, name, value): self.macro_server.putEnvironment(name, value)
[docs] def putEnvironments(self, obj): self.macro_server.putEnvironments(obj)
setEnvironment = putEnvironment setEnvironments = putEnvironments
[docs] def getEnvironment(self, name=None): return self.macro_server.getEnvironment(name=name)
[docs] def inputReceived(self, s, t, v): if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES: return if v is None or self._running_macros is None: return input_data = CodecFactory().decode(('json', v.value)) self.processInput(input_data)
[docs] def processInput(self, input_data): TaurusManager().addJob(self._processInput, None, input_data)
def _processInput(self, input_data): input_type = input_data['type'] if input_type == 'input': result = self._input_handler.input(input_data) if result['input'] == '' and 'default_value' in input_data: result['input'] = input_data['default_value'] result = CodecFactory().encode('json', ('', result))[1] self.write_attribute('Input', result) elif input_type == 'timeout': self._input_handler.input_timeout(input_data)
[docs] def recordDataReceived(self, s, t, v): if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES: return return self._processRecordData(v)
def _processRecordData(self, data): if data is None or data.rvalue is None: return data = data.rvalue size = len(data[1]) if size == 0: return format = data[0] codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format) data = codec.decode(data) return data
[docs] def processRecordData(self, data): pass
[docs] def macroStatusReceived(self, s, t, v): if v is None or self._running_macros is None: return if t not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES: return v = v.rvalue if not len(v[1]): return format = v[0] codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format) fmt, data = codec.decode(v) for macro_status in data: id = macro_status.get('id') macro = self._running_macros.get(id) self._last_running_macro = self._running_macro = macro # if we don't have the ID it's because the macro is running a # submacro or another client is connected to the same door (shame # on him!) and executing a macro we discard this event if macro is not None: macro.__dict__.update(macro_status) return data
[docs] def logReceived(self, log_name, output): term_size = get_terminal_size() max_chrs = term_size.columns if term_size else None if not output or self._silent or self._ignore_logs: return if log_name == self.Debug and not self._debug: return o = self.log_start[log_name] for line in output: if not self._debug: if line == self.BlockStart: self._in_block = True for i in range(self._block_lines): if max_chrs is None: nb_lines = 1 else: nb_lines = _get_nb_lines( self._len_last_data_line, max_chrs) # per each line: erase current line, # go up one line and erase current line o += '\x1b[2K\x1b[1A\x1b[2K' * nb_lines self._block_lines = 0 continue elif line == self.BlockFinish: self._in_block = False continue else: self._len_last_data_line = len(line) if self._in_block: self._block_lines += 1 else: self._block_lines = 0 o += "%s\n" % line o += self.log_stop[log_name] self.write(o)
[docs] def write(self, msg, stream=None): if self.isSilent(): return out = self._output_stream if stream is not None: start, stop = self.log_start.get(stream), self.log_stop.get(stream) if start is not None and stop is not None: out.write(start) out.write(msg) out.write(stop) out.flush() return # out.write(msg) # out.flush() print(msg, end="", flush=True)
[docs] def writeln(self, msg='', stream=None): self.write("%s\n" % msg, stream=stream)
[docs] def getExperimentConfigurationObj(self): return self._experiment_configuration
[docs] def getExperimentConfiguration(self): return self._experiment_configuration.get()
[docs] def setExperimentConfiguration(self, config, mnt_grps=None): self._experiment_configuration.set(config, mnt_grps=mnt_grps)
class UnknownMacroServerElementFormat(Exception): pass class MacroPath(object): def __init__(self, ms): self._ms = weakref.ref(ms) self.refresh() def refresh(self): self.macro_path = mp = self._ms().get_property("MacroPath")[ "MacroPath"] self.base_macro_path = osp.commonprefix(self.macro_path) self.rel_macro_path = [osp.relpath for p in (mp, self.base_macro_path)] class Environment(dict): def __init__(self, macro_server): dict.__setattr__(self, "_macro_server_", weakref.ref(macro_server)) def __setattr__(self, key, value): ms = self._macro_server_() if ms is not None: ms.putEnvironment(key, value) def __getattr__(self, key): return self[key] def __delattr__(self, key): ms = self._macro_server_() if ms is not None: ms.removeEnvironment(key) def __dir__(self): return [key for key in list(self.keys()) if not key.startswith("_")]
[docs]class BaseMacroServer(MacroServerDevice): """Class encapsulating Macro Server device functionality.""" def __init__(self, name, **kw): self._env = Environment(self) self._elements = BaseSardanaElementContainer() self.call__init__(MacroServerDevice, name, **kw) self.__elems_attr = self.getAttribute("Elements") try: serialization_mode = TaurusSerializationMode.TangoSerial except AttributeError: serialization_mode = TaurusSerializationMode.Serial self.__elems_attr.setSerializationMode(serialization_mode) self.__elems_attr.addListener(self.on_elements_changed) self.__elems_attr.setSerializationMode( TaurusSerializationMode.Concurrent) self.__env_attr = self.getAttribute('Environment') try: serialization_mode = TaurusSerializationMode.TangoSerial except AttributeError: serialization_mode = TaurusSerializationMode.Serial self.__env_attr.setSerializationMode(serialization_mode) self.__env_attr.addListener(self.on_environment_changed) self.__env_attr.setSerializationMode( TaurusSerializationMode.Concurrent) NO_CLASS_TYPES = 'ControllerClass', 'ControllerLibrary', \ 'MacroLibrary', 'Instrument', 'Meta', 'ParameterType'
[docs] def on_environment_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): try: return self._on_environment_changed(evt_src, evt_type, evt_value) except Exception: self.error("Exception occurred processing environment") self.error("Details:", exc_info=1) return set(), set(), set()
def _on_environment_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): ret = added, removed, changed = set(), set(), set() if evt_type not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES: return ret env = CodecFactory().decode(evt_value.rvalue) for key, value in list(env.get('new', {}).items()): self._addEnvironment(key, value) added.add(key) for key in env.get('del', []): self._removeEnvironment(key) removed.add(key) for key, value in list(env.get('change', {}).items()): self._removeEnvironment(key) self._addEnvironment(key, value) changed.add(key) return ret def _addEnvironment(self, key, value): self._env[key] = value def _removeEnvironment(self, key): try: self._env.pop(key) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def putEnvironment(self, name, value): self.putEnvironments({name: value})
[docs] def putEnvironments(self, obj): obj = dict(new=obj) codec = CodecFactory().getCodec('pickle') self.write_attribute('Environment', codec.encode(('', obj)))
setEnvironment = putEnvironment setEnvironments = putEnvironments
[docs] def getEnvironment(self, name=None): if name is None: return self._env else: return self._env[name]
[docs] def removeEnvironment(self, key): keys = key, return self.removeEnvironments(keys)
[docs] def removeEnvironments(self, keys): obj = {'del': keys} codec = CodecFactory().getCodec('pickle') self.write_attribute('Environment', codec.encode(('', obj)))
[docs] def getObject(self, element_info): elem_type = element_info.getType() if elem_type in self.NO_CLASS_TYPES: obj = object() elif "MacroCode" in element_info.interfaces: obj = self._createMacroClassObject(element_info) else: obj = self._createDeviceObject(element_info) return obj
def _createMacroClassObject(self, element_info): return MacroInfo(from_json=element_info._data) def _createDeviceObject(self, element_info): return Factory().getDevice(element_info.full_name)
[docs] def on_elements_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): try: return self._on_elements_changed(evt_src, evt_type, evt_value) except Exception: self.error("Exception occurred processing elements") self.error("Details:", exc_info=1) return set(), set(), set()
def _on_elements_changed(self, evt_src, evt_type, evt_value): ret = added, removed, changed = set(), set(), set() if evt_type not in CHANGE_EVT_TYPES: return ret try: elems = CodecFactory().decode(evt_value.rvalue) except: self.error("Could not decode element info format=%s len=%s", evt_value.rvalue[0], len(evt_value.rvalue[1])) return ret for element_data in elems.get('new', ()): element_data['manager'] = self element = self._addElement(element_data) added.add(element) for element_data in elems.get('del', ()): element = self._removeElement(element_data) removed.add(element) for element_data in elems.get('change', ()): # Macros on the server side have a unique name. # Changes of macros where the new macro has a different # location (full_name) but the same name requires obtaining # the old element for removal and not the new one attached # in the event. Use name to obtain the element for removal. # See more details in #300. if "MacroCode" in element_data.get("interfaces", []): name = element_data["name"] element = self.getElementInfo(name) old_element_data = element.getData() element = self._removeElement(old_element_data) else: element = self._removeElement(element_data) element_data['manager'] = self element = self._addElement(element_data) changed.add(element) return ret def _addElement(self, element_data): element = BaseSardanaElement(**element_data) self.getElementsInfo().addElement(element) return element def _removeElement(self, element_data): full_name = element_data['full_name'] element = self.getElementInfo(full_name) self.getElementsInfo().removeElement(element) return element
[docs] def getElementsInfo(self): return self._elements
[docs] def getElements(self): return self.getElementsInfo().getElements()
[docs] def getElementInfo(self, name): return self.getElementsInfo().getElement(name)
[docs] def getElementNamesOfType(self, elem_type): return self.getElementsInfo().getElementNamesOfType(elem_type)
[docs] def getElementNamesWithInterface(self, interface): return self.getElementsInfo().getElementNamesWithInterface(interface)
[docs] def getElementsWithInterface(self, interface): return self.getElementsInfo().getElementsWithInterface(interface)
[docs] def getElementsWithInterfaces(self, interfaces): return self.getElementsInfo().getElementsWithInterfaces(interfaces)
[docs] def getElementsOfType(self, elem_type): return self.getElementsInfo().getElementsOfType(elem_type)
[docs] def getElementsOfTypes(self, elem_types): elems = CaselessDict() for elem_type in elem_types: elems.update(self.getElementsOfType(elem_type)) return elems
[docs] def getInterfaces(self): return self.getElementsInfo().getInterfaces()
[docs] def getExpChannelElements(self): channel_types = "CTExpChannel", "ZeroDExpChannel", "OneDExpChannel", \ "TwoDExpChannel", "PseudoCounter" return self.getElementsOfTypes(channel_types)
# -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- # Macro API # -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
[docs] def getMacros(self): iname = 'MacroCode' return dict(self.getElementsInfo().getElementsWithInterface(iname))
[docs] def getMacroInfoObj(self, macro_name): iname = 'MacroCode' return self.getElementsInfo().getElementWithInterface(macro_name, iname)
[docs] def getMacroStrList(self): return self.getElementNamesWithInterface('MacroCode')
[docs] def getMacroNodeObj(self, macro_name): """ This method retrieves information about macro from MacroServer and creates MacroNode object, filled with all information about parameters. :param macro_name: (str) macro name :return: (MacroNode) See Also: fillMacroNodeAddidtionalInfos """ macroInfoObj = self.getMacroInfoObj(macro_name) if macroInfoObj is None: return # fill macro parameters paramsInfo = macroInfoObj.parameters macroNode = MacroNode(name=macro_name, params_def=paramsInfo) hasParams = bool(len(paramsInfo)) macroNode.setHasParams(hasParams) # fill allowed hook places allowedHookPlaces = [] hints = macroInfoObj.hints if hints is not None: for hook in hints.get('allowsHooks', []): allowedHookPlaces.append(str(hook)) macroNode.setAllowedHookPlaces(allowedHookPlaces) return macroNode
[docs] def validateMacroName(self, macroName): macroInfo = self.getElementInfo(macroName) if macroInfo is None: raise Exception( "%s macro does not exist in this sardana system." % macroName) elif macroInfo.type != 'MacroClass': raise Exception("%s element is not a macro." % macroName) return True
[docs] def validateMacroNode(self, macroNode): paramNodes = macroNode.children() for paramNode in paramNodes: self.validateParamNode(paramNode) return True
[docs] def validateParamNode(self, paramNode): assert isinstance(paramNode, ParamNode) if isinstance(paramNode, SingleParamNode): self.validateSingleParam(paramNode) else: self.validateRepeatParam(paramNode) return True
[docs] def validateSingleParam(self, singleParamNode): name = paramType = singleParamNode.type() value = singleParamNode.value() if paramType == "Boolean": pass elif paramType == "Env": pass elif paramType == "File": pass elif paramType == "Filename": pass elif paramType == "MotorParam": pass elif paramType == "String": pass elif paramType == "User": pass elif paramType == "MotorParam": pass elif paramType == "Integer": int(value) min = singleParamNode.min() max = singleParamNode.max() if min is not None and value < min: raise Exception( "%s parameter value: %s is below minimum allowed value." % (name, value)) if max is not None and value > max: raise Exception( "%s parameter value: %s is above maximum allowed value." % (name, value)) elif paramType == "Float": float(value) min = singleParamNode.min() max = singleParamNode.max() if min is not None and value < min: raise Exception( "%s parameter value: %s is below minimum allowed value." % (name, value)) if max is not None and value > max: raise Exception( "%s parameter value: %s is above maximum allowed value." % (name, value)) else: allowedInterfaces = list(self.getInterfaces().keys()) if paramType not in allowedInterfaces: raise Exception( "No element with %s interface exist in this sardana " "system." % paramType) allowedValues = self.getElementNamesWithInterface(paramType) if value not in allowedValues: raise Exception( "%s element with %s interface does not exist in this " "sardana system." % (value, paramType)) return True
[docs] def validateRepeatParam(self, repeatParamNode): paramName = if repeatParamNode.isBelowMin(): raise Exception( "%s param repeats has not enough repeats." % (paramName)) if repeatParamNode.isAboveMax(): raise Exception( "%s param repeat has too many repeats." % (paramName)) repetitions = repeatParamNode.children() for repeat in repetitions: params = repeat.children() for param in params: if isinstance(param, SingleParamNode): self.validateSingleParam(param) else: self.validateRepeatParam(param) return True
[docs] def fillMacroNodeAdditionalInfos(self, macroNode): """ This method fills macroNode information which couldn't be stored in XML file. :param macroNode: (MacroNode) macro node obj populated from XML information See also: getMacroNodeObj """ macroName = macroInfoObj = self.getMacroInfoObj(macroName) if macroInfoObj is None: msg = "It was not possible to get information about {0} " \ "macro. Check if MacroServer is alive and if this macro " \ "exist.".format(macroName) raise Exception("no info about macro {0}".format(macroName)) allowedHookPlaces = [] hints = macroInfoObj.hints or {} for hook in hints.get("allowsHooks", []): allowedHookPlaces.append(str(hook)) macroNode.setAllowedHookPlaces(allowedHookPlaces) hasParams = macroInfoObj.hasParams() macroNode.setHasParams(hasParams) if hasParams: paramList = macroInfoObj.getParamList() for paramNode, paramInfo in zip(macroNode.params(), paramList): self.__fillParamNodeAdditionalInfos(paramNode, paramInfo)
def __fillParamNodeAdditionalInfos(self, paramNode, paramInfo): """ This is a protected method foreseen to use only internally by fillMacroNodeAdditionaInfos, to be called for every param node obj.""" paramType = paramInfo.get('type') paramNode.setDescription(str(paramInfo.get("description"))) min = paramInfo.get("min") paramNode.setMin(min) max = paramInfo.get("max") paramNode.setMax(max) if isinstance(paramType, list): paramNode.setParamsInfo(paramType) for repeatNode in paramNode.children(): for internalParamNode, internalParamInfo in zip( repeatNode.children(), paramType): self.__fillParamNodeAdditionalInfos( internalParamNode, internalParamInfo) else: paramNode.setType(str(paramType)) defValue = paramInfo.get("default_value") if defValue != Optional: defValue = str(defValue) paramNode.setDefValue(defValue) def __fillParamNodesValues(self, paramInfo, paramNode): """ This is a protected method foreseen to use only internally by __fillParamNodesValues, to be called for every param node obj. :param paramInfo, paramNode: :return: """ paramType = paramInfo.get('type') paramNode.setDescription(str(paramInfo.get("description"))) min = paramInfo.get("min") paramNode.setMin(min) max = paramInfo.get("max") paramNode.setMax(max) paramNode.setName(paramInfo['name']) if isinstance(paramType, list): for repeatNode in paramNode.children(): children = repeatNode.children() for child, paramT in zip_longest(children, paramType): if child is None: node = ParamFactory(paramT, repeatNode) repeatNode.insertChild(node) else: self.__fillParamNodesValues(paramT, child) else: paramNode.setType(str(paramType)) paramNode.setDefValue(str(paramInfo.get("default_value")))
[docs] def printTree(self, nodes, tabs=0): tabs = tabs + 1 for node in nodes: print(('\t'*tabs) + str(type(node)) + str(node)) if isinstance(node, SingleParamNode): pass else: nodes = node.children() self.printTree(nodes, tabs)
def __recreateParamNodeAdditionalInfos(self, paramNode, paramInfo): """ This is a protected method foreseen to use only internally by fillMacroNodeAdditionaInfos, to be called for every param node obj.""" paramType = paramInfo.get('type') min = paramInfo.get("min") max = paramInfo.get("max") paramNode.setMin(min) paramNode.setMax(max) paramNode.setDescription(str(paramInfo.get("description"))) if isinstance(paramType, list): paramNode.setParamsInfo(paramType) for repeatNode in paramNode.children(): for internalParamNode, internalParamInfo in zip( repeatNode.children(), paramType): self.__recreateParamNodeAdditionalInfos( internalParamNode, internalParamInfo) else: paramNode.setType(paramType) paramNode.setDefValue(str(paramInfo.get("default_value")))
[docs] def getMacroPathObj(self, cache=False): if not hasattr(self, "_macro_path"): self._macro_path = MacroPath(self) elif not cache: self._macro_path.refresh() return self._macro_path
[docs]def registerExtensions(): """Registers the macroserver extensions in the :class:`taurus.core.tango.TangoFactory`""" factory = Factory('tango') factory.registerDeviceClass('MacroServer', BaseMacroServer) factory.registerDeviceClass('Door', BaseDoor)
[docs]def unregisterExtensions(): """Registers the macroserver extensions in the :class:`taurus.core.tango.TangoFactory`""" factory = Factory('tango') factory.unregisterDeviceClass('MacroServer') factory.unregisterDeviceClass('Door')