.. currentmodule:: sardana.pool.controller .. _sardana-pseudomotorcontroller-howto-basics: ====================================== How to write a pseudo motor controller ====================================== This chapter describes how to write a valid Python pseudo motor system class. Prerequisites ------------- Before writing the first Python pseudo motor class for your Device Pool two checks must be performed: #. The device pool **PoolPath** property must exist and must point to the directory which will contain your Python pseudo motor module. The syntax of this **PoolPath** property is one directory per line. .. seealso:: Please see :ref:`sardana-pool-api-poolpath` for more information on setting this property. #. A ``poolpseudomotor.py`` file is part of the Device Pool distribution and is located within the :mod:`sardana.pool` module. The directory containing this module must be in the PYTHONPATH environment variable or it must be part of the **PoolPath** Device Pool property mentioned above. Rules ----- A correct pseudo motor system class must obey the following rules: #. The pseudo motor system class being written must be a subclass of the PseudoMotorController class from :mod:`sardana.pool.controller` module (see example :ref:`below `). #. The class variable **motor_roles** should be a tuple of motor role name. The number of elements in this tuple will determine the number of required motors for this pseudo motor class. The order in which the roles are defined is also important as it will determine the index of the motors in the pseudo motor system. #. The class variable **pseudo_motor_roles** must be set if the pseudo motor class being written represents more than one pseudo motor. This variable must contain a tuple of pseudo motor role names. The order in which the roles are defined will determine the index of the pseudo motors in the pseudo motor system. If the pseudo motor class represents only one pseudo motor then this operation is optional. If omitted, the value of pseudo_motor_roles will be set to the class name. #. In case the pseudo motor class needs special properties or attributes, it exist the possibility of defining them as explained in the section :ref:`sardana-controller-howto-axis-attributes` and :ref:`sardana-controller-howto-controller-attributes`. #. The pseudo motor class must implement a **CalcPseudo** method with the following signature: :: number = CalcPseudo(index, physical_pos, curr_pseudo_pos) The method will receive as argument the index of the pseudo motor for which the pseudo position calculation is requested. This number refers to the index in the pseudo_motor_roles class variable. The physical_pos is a tuple containing the motor positions. The method body should contain a code to translate the given motor positions into pseudo motor positions. The method will return a number representing the calculated pseudo motor position. #. The pseudo motor class must implement a **CalcPhysical** method with the following signature: :: number = CalcPhysical(index, pseudo_pos, curr_physical_pos) The method will receive as argument the index of the motor for which the physical position calculation is requested. This number refers to the index in the motor_roles class variable. The pseudo_pos is a tuple containing the pseudo motor positions. The method body should contain a code to translate the given pseudo motor positions into motor positions. The method will return a number representing the calculated motor position. #. Optional implementation of **CalcAllPseudo** method with the following signature: :: ()/[]/number = CalcAllPseudo(physical_pos, curr_pseudo_pos) The method will receive as argument a physical_pos which is a tuple of motor positions. The method will return a tuple or a list of calculated pseudo motor positions. If the pseudo motor class represents a single pseudo motor then the return value could be a single number. .. note:: At the time of writing this documentation, the method **CalcAllPseudo** is not used. Is still available for backward compatibility. #. Optional implementation of **CalcAllPhysical** method with the following signature: :: ()/[]/number = CalcAllPhysical(pseudo_pos, curr_physical_pos) The method will receive as argument a pseudo_pos which is a tuple of pseudo motor positions. The method will return a tuple or a list of calculated motor positions. If the pseudo motor class requires a single motor then the return value could be a single number. .. note:: The default implementation **CalcAllPhysical** and **CalcAllPseudo** methods will call CalcPhysical and CalcPseudo for each motor and physical motor respectively. Overwriting the default implementation should only be done if a gain in performance can be obtained. .. _pseudomotor-example: Example ~~~~~~~ One of the most basic examples is the control of a slit. The slit has two blades with one motor each. Usually the user doesn't want to control the experiment by directly handling these two motor positions since their have little meaning from the experiments perspective. .. image:: /_static/gap_offset.png Instead, it would be more useful for the user to control the experiment by means of changing the gap and offset values. Pseudo motors gap and offset will provide the necessary interface for controlling the experiments gap and offset values respectively. The calculations that need to be performed are: :: gap = sl2t+sl2b offset = (sl2t-sl2b) / 2 :: sl2t = -offset + gap/2 sl2b = offset + gap/2 The corresponding Python code would be: :: """This module contains the definition of a slit pseudo motor controller for the Sardana Device Pool""" __all__ = ["Slit"] __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' from sardana import DataAccess from sardana.pool.controller import PseudoMotorController from sardana.pool.controller import DefaultValue, Description, Access, Type class Slit(PseudoMotorController): """A Slit pseudo motor controller for handling gap and offset pseudo motors. The system uses to real motors sl2t (top slit) and sl2b (bottom slit)""" gender = "Slit" model = "Default Slit" organization = "Sardana team" pseudo_motor_roles = "Gap", "Offset" motor_roles = "sl2t", "sl2b" ctrl_properties = {'sign': {Type: float, Description: 'Gap = sign * calculated gap\nOffset = sign * calculated offet', DefaultValue: 1}, } axis_attributes = {'example': {Type: int, Access: DataAccess.ReadWrite, Description: 'test purposes'}, } def __init__(self, inst, props, *args, **kwargs): PseudoMotorController.__init__(self, inst, props, *args, **kwargs) self._log.debug("Created SLIT %s", inst) self._example = {} def CalcPhysical(self, index, pseudo_pos, curr_physical_pos): half_gap = pseudo_pos[0] / 2.0 if index == 1: ret = self.sign * (pseudo_pos[1] + half_gap) else: ret = self.sign * (half_gap - pseudo_pos[1]) self._log.debug("Slit.CalcPhysical(%d, %s) -> %f", index, pseudo_pos, ret) return ret def CalcPseudo(self, index, physical_pos, curr_pseudo_pos): gap = physical_pos[1] + physical_pos[0] if index == 1: ret = self.sign * gap else: ret = self.sign * (physical_pos[0] - gap / 2.0) return ret def CalcAllPseudo(self, physical_pos, curr_pseudo_pos): """Calculates the positions of all pseudo motors that belong to the pseudo motor system from the positions of the physical motors.""" gap = physical_pos[1] + physical_pos[0] return (self.sign * gap, self.sign * (physical_pos[0] - gap / 2.0)) def SetAxisExtraPar(self, axis, parameter, value): self._example[axis] = value def GetAxisExtraPar(self, axis, parameter): return self._example.get(axis, -1) What to do when pseudo position can not be determined? ------------------------------------------------------ Some controllers won't be able to provide the pseudo calculation result because for some combinations of the physical values it may not exist. For example, ``DiscretePseudoMotorController`` with a configuration which has blind regions in the physical motor continuous space, when its physical motor stays on one of these spots, then the discrete position can not be determined. In such cases as the controller developer you should raise an exception from `~sardana.pool.controller.PseudoMotorController.CalcPseudo()` with a descriptive message why the value could not be calculated. Sardana will take care of propagating this exception message to the user giving him feedback. .. seealso:: For more details on pseudo motors please refer to :ref:`sardana-pseudomotor-api` .. _Tango: http://www.tango-controls.org/