Source code for sardana.macroserver.macros.env

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""Environment related macros"""

__all__ = ["dumpenv", "load_env", "lsenv", "senv", "usenv", "genv",
           "lsvo", "setvo", "usetvo",
           "lsgh", "defgh", "udefgh"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import pprint

from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator import TangoDeviceNameValidator
from taurus.console.list import List
from sardana.macroserver.macro import Macro, Type
from sardana.macroserver.msexception import UnknownEnv

# Environment related macros

from lxml import etree

def reprValue(v, max=74):
    # cut long strings
    v = str(v)
    if len(v) > max:
        v = v[:max] + ' [...]'
    return v

[docs] class dumpenv(Macro): """Dumps the complete environment"""
[docs] def run(self): env = self.getGlobalEnv() out = List(['Name', 'Value', 'Type']) for k, v in env.items(): str_v = reprValue(v) type_v = type(v).__name__ out.appendRow([str(k), str_v, type_v]) for line in out.genOutput(): self.output(line)
[docs] class lsvo(Macro): """Lists the view options"""
[docs] def run(self): vo = self.getViewOptions() out = List(['View option', 'Value']) for key, value in list(vo.items()): out.appendRow([key, str(value)]) for line in out.genOutput(): self.output(line)
[docs] class setvo(Macro): """Sets the given view option to the given value. Available view options: - **ShowDial**: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value ``False`` - **ShowCtrlAxis**: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value ``False`` - **PosFormat**: used by macro wm, pwm, wa and umv. Default value ``-1`` - **OutputBlock**: used by scan macros. Default value ``False`` - **DescriptionLength**: used by lsdef. Default value ``60`` """ param_def = [['name', Type.String, None, 'View option name'], ['value', Type.String, None, 'View option value']]
[docs] def run(self, name, value): try: value = eval(value) except: pass self.setViewOption(name, value)
[docs] class usetvo(Macro): """Resets the value of the given view option. Available view options: - **ShowDial**: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value ``False`` - **ShowCtrlAxis**: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value ``False`` - **PosFormat**: used by macro wm, pwm, wa and umv. Default value ``-1`` - **OutputBlock**: used by scan macros. Default value ``False`` - **DescriptionLength**: used by lsdef. Default value ``60`` """ param_def = [['name', Type.String, None, 'View option name']]
[docs] def run(self, name): self.resetViewOption(name)
[docs] class lsenv(Macro): """Lists the environment in alphabetical order""" param_def = [ ['macro_list', [['macro', Type.MacroClass, None, 'macro name'], {'min': 0}], None, 'List of macros to show environment'], ]
[docs] def prepare(self, macro_list, **opts): self.table_opts = opts
[docs] def run(self, macro_list): # list the environment for the current door if len(macro_list) == 0: # list All the environment for the current door out = List(['Name', 'Value', 'Type']) env = self.getAllDoorEnv() names_list = list(env.keys()) names_list.sort(key=str.lower) for k in names_list: str_val = self.reprValue(env[k]) type_name = type(env[k]).__name__ out.appendRow([k, str_val, type_name]) # list the environment for the current door for the given macros else: out = List(['Macro', 'Name', 'Value', 'Type']) for macro in macro_list: env = self.getEnv(key=None, names_list = list(env.keys()) names_list.sort(key=str.lower) for k in names_list: str_val = self.reprValue(env[k]) type_name = type(env[k]).__name__ out.appendRow([, k, str_val, type_name]) for line in out.genOutput(): self.output(line)
def reprValue(self, v, max=54): # cut long strings v = str(v) if len(v) > max: v = '%s [...]' % v[:max] return v
[docs] class senv(Macro): """Sets the given environment variable to the given value""" param_def = [ ['name', Type.Env, None, 'Environment variable name. Can be one of the following:\n' ' - <name> - global variable\n' ' - <full door name>.<name> - variable value for a specific door\n' ' - <macro name>.<name> - variable value for a specific macro\n' ' - <full door name>.<macro name>.<name> - variable value for a ' 'specific macro running on a specific door'], ['value_list', [['value', Type.String, None, 'environment value item (string value which corresponds' + 'to a Python type e.g. int, float, Exception, etc. ' + 'must be double enclosed in quotes e.g. "\'int\'"'], {'min': 1}], None, 'value(s). one item will eval to a single element. More than ' 'one item will eval to a tuple of elements'], ]
[docs] def run(self, env, value): if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] else: value = '(%s)' % ', '.join(value) k, v = self.setEnv(env, value) line = '%s = %s' % (k, str(v)) self.output(line)
[docs] class genv(Macro): """Gets the given environment variable""" param_def = [ ["name", Type.Env, None, "Environment variable name. Can be one of the following:\n" " - <name> - global variable\n" " - <full door name>.<name> - variable value for a specific " "door\n" " - <macro name>.<name> - variable value for a specific" " macro\n" " - <full door name>.<macro name>.<name> - variable value" " for a specific macro running on a specific door"], ]
[docs] def run(self, var): pars = var.split(".") door_name = None macro_name = None if len(pars) == 1: key = pars[0] elif len(pars) > 1: _, door_name, _ = TangoDeviceNameValidator().getNames(pars[0]) if door_name is None: # first string is a Macro name macro_name = pars[0] if len(pars) == 3: macro_name = pars[1] key = pars[2] else: key = pars[1] env = self.getEnv(key=key, macro_name=macro_name, door_name=door_name) env = pprint.pformat(env) self.output("{} = \n".format(key) + env)
[docs] class usenv(Macro): """Unsets the given environment variable""" param_def = [ ['environment_list', [['env', Type.Env, None, 'Environment variable name'], {'min': 1}], None, 'List of environment items to be removed'], ]
[docs] def run(self, env): self.unsetEnv(env) self.output("Success!")
[docs] class load_env(Macro): """ Read environment variables from config_env.xml file"""
[docs] def run(self): doc = etree.parse("config_env.xml") root = doc.getroot() for element in root: if element.find("./name").text == "auto_filter": self.output("Loading auto_filter variables:") filter_max_elem = element.find(".//FilterMax") if filter_max_elem is not None: filter_max = filter_max_elem.text self.setEnv("FilterMax", filter_max) self.output("FilterMax loaded") else: self.output("FilterMax not found") filter_min_elem = element.find(".//FilterMin") if filter_min_elem is not None: filter_min = filter_max_elem.text self.setEnv("FilterMin", filter_min) self.output("FilterMin loaded") else: self.output("FilterMin not found") filter_delta_elem = element.find(".//FilterDelta") if filter_delta_elem is not None: filter_delta = filter_delta_elem.text self.setEnv("FilterDelta", filter_delta) self.output("FilterDelta loaded") else: self.output("FilterDelta not found") filter_signal_elem = element.find(".//FilterSignal") if filter_signal_elem is not None: filter_signal = filter_signal_elem.text self.setEnv("FilterSignal", filter_signal) self.output("FilterSignal loaded") else: self.output("FilterSignal not found") filter_absorber_elem = element.find(".//FilterAbsorber") if filter_absorber_elem is not None: filter_absorber = filter_absorber_elem.text self.setEnv("FilterAbsorber", filter_absorber) self.output("FilterAbsorber loaded") else: self.output("FilterAbsorber not found") auto_filter_elem = element.find(".//AutoFilter") if auto_filter_elem is not None: auto_filter = auto_filter_elem.text self.setEnv("AutoFilter", auto_filter) self.output("AutoFilter loaded") else: self.output("AutoFilter not found") if element.find("./name").text == "auto_beamshutter": self.output("Loading auto_beamshutter variables:") auto_beamshutter_elem = element.find(".//AutoBeamshutter") if auto_beamshutter_elem is not None: auto_beamshutter = auto_beamshutter_elem.text self.setEnv("AutoBeamshutter", auto_beamshutter) self.output("AutoBeamshutter loaded") else: self.output("AutoBeamshutter not found") beamshutter_limit_elem = element.find(".//BeamshutterLimit") if beamshutter_limit_elem is not None: beamshutter_limit = beamshutter_limit_elem.text self.setEnv("BeamshutterLimit", beamshutter_limit) self.output("BeamshutterLimit loaded") else: self.output("BeamshutterLimit not found") beamshutter_signal_elem = element.find(".//BeamshutterSignal") if beamshutter_signal_elem is not None: beamshutter_signal = beamshutter_signal_elem.text self.setEnv("BeamshutterSignal", beamshutter_signal) self.output("BeamshutterSignal loaded") else: self.output("BeamshutterSignal not found") beamshutter_time_elem = element.find(".//BeamshutterTime") if beamshutter_time_elem is not None: beamshutter_time = beamshutter_time_elem.text self.setEnv("BeamshutterTime", beamshutter_time) self.output("BeamshutterTime loaded") else: self.output("BeamshutterTime not found") if element.find("./name").text == "exafs": self.output("Loading exafs variables:") exafs_int_times_elem = element.find(".//ExafsIntTimes") if exafs_int_times_elem is not None: exafs_int_times = exafs_int_times_elem.text self.setEnv("ExafsIntTimes", exafs_int_times) self.output("ExafsIntTimes loaded") else: self.output("ExafsIntTimes not found") exafs_nb_intervals_elem = element.find(".//ExafsNbIntervals") if exafs_nb_intervals_elem is not None: exafs_nb_intervals = exafs_nb_intervals_elem.text self.setEnv("ExafsNbIntervals", exafs_nb_intervals) self.output("ExafsNbIntervals loaded") else: self.output("ExafsNbIntervals not found") exafs_regions_elem = element.find(".//ExafsRegions") if exafs_regions_elem is not None: exafs_regions = exafs_regions_elem.text self.setEnv("ExafsRegions", exafs_regions) self.output("ExafsRegions loaded") else: self.output("ExafsRegions not found") misc_tree = root.find("./miscellaneous") if misc_tree is not None: for parameter in misc_tree: if parameter.tag != "name": self.setEnv(parameter.tag, parameter.text)
[docs] class lsgh(Macro): """List general hooks. .. note:: The `lsgh` macro has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. """
[docs] def run(self): try: general_hooks = self.getEnv("_GeneralHooks") except UnknownEnv: self.output("No general hooks") return out = List(['Hook place', 'Hook(s)']) default_dict = {} for hook in general_hooks: name = hook[0] places = hook[1] for place in places: if place not in list(default_dict.keys()): default_dict[place] = [] default_dict[place].append(name) for pos in list(default_dict.keys()): pos_set = 0 for hook in default_dict[pos]: if pos_set: out.appendRow(["", hook]) else: out.appendRow([pos, hook]) pos_set = 1 for line in out.genOutput(): self.output(line)
[docs] class defgh(Macro): """Define general hook: >>> defgh "mv [[mot02 9]]" pre-scan >>> defgh "ct 0.1" pre-scan >>> defgh lsm pre-scan >>> defgh "mv mot03 10" pre-scan >>> defgh "Print 'Hello world'" pre-scan .. note:: The `defgh` macro has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. """ param_def = [ ['macro_name', Type.String, None, ('Macro name with parameters. ' 'Ex.: "mv exp_dmy01 10"')], ['hookpos_list', [['position', Type.String, None, 'macro name'], {'min': 1}], None, 'List of positions where the hook has to be executed'], ]
[docs] def run(self, macro_name, position):"Defining general hook") self.output(macro_name) try: macros_list = self.getEnv("_GeneralHooks") except UnknownEnv: macros_list = [] hook_tuple = (macro_name, position) self.debug(hook_tuple) macros_list.append(hook_tuple) self.setEnv("_GeneralHooks", macros_list) self.debug("General hooks:") self.debug(macros_list)
[docs] class udefgh(Macro): """Undefine general hook. Without arguments undefine all. .. note:: The `lsgh` macro has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. """ param_def = [ ['macro_name', Type.String, "all", 'General hook to be undefined'], ['hook_pos', Type.String, "all", ('Position to undefine the general ' 'hook from')], ]
[docs] def run(self, macro_name, hook_pos): try: gh_macros_list = self.getEnv("_GeneralHooks") except UnknownEnv: return if macro_name == "all": self.unsetEnv("_GeneralHooks")"Undefine all general hooks") else: macros_list = [] for el in gh_macros_list: if el[0] != macro_name: macros_list.append(el) else:"Hook %s is undefineed" % macro_name) self.setEnv("_GeneralHooks", macros_list)