
Environment related macros

class dumpenv(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Dumps the complete environment


Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class load_env(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Read environment variables from config_env.xml file


Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class lsenv(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Lists the environment in alphabetical order

param_def = [['macro_list', [['macro', 'MacroClass', None, 'macro name'], {'min': 0}], None, 'List of macros to show environment']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')
prepare(macro_list, **opts)[source]

Macro API. Prepare phase. Overwrite as necessary. Default implementation does nothing


Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class senv(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Sets the given environment variable to the given value

param_def = [['name', 'Env', None, 'Environment variable name. Can be one of the following:\n - <name> - global variable\n - <full door name>.<name> - variable value for a specific door\n - <macro name>.<name> - variable value for a specific macro\n - <full door name>.<macro name>.<name> - variable value for a specific macro running on a specific door'], ['value_list', [['value', 'String', None, 'environment value item (string value which correspondsto a Python type e.g. int, float, Exception, etc. must be double enclosed in quotes e.g. "\'int\'"'], {'min': 1}], None, 'value(s). one item will eval to a single element. More than one item will eval to a tuple of elements']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')
run(env, value)[source]

Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class usenv(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Unsets the given environment variable

param_def = [['environment_list', [['env', 'Env', None, 'Environment variable name'], {'min': 1}], None, 'List of environment items to be removed']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')

Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class genv(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Gets the given environment variable

param_def = [['name', 'Env', None, 'Environment variable name. Can be one of the following:\n - <name> - global variable\n - <full door name>.<name> - variable value for a specific door\n - <macro name>.<name> - variable value for a specific macro\n - <full door name>.<macro name>.<name> - variable value for a specific macro running on a specific door']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')

Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class lsvo(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Lists the view options


Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class setvo(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Sets the given view option to the given value.

Available view options:

  • ShowDial: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value False

  • ShowCtrlAxis: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value False

  • PosFormat: used by macro wm, pwm, wa and umv. Default value -1

  • OutputBlock: used by scan macros. Default value False

  • DescriptionLength: used by lsdef. Default value 60

param_def = [['name', 'String', None, 'View option name'], ['value', 'String', None, 'View option value']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')
run(name, value)[source]

Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class usetvo(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Resets the value of the given view option.

Available view options:

  • ShowDial: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value False

  • ShowCtrlAxis: used by macro wm, pwm and wa. Default value False

  • PosFormat: used by macro wm, pwm, wa and umv. Default value -1

  • OutputBlock: used by scan macros. Default value False

  • DescriptionLength: used by lsdef. Default value 60

param_def = [['name', 'String', None, 'View option name']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')

Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class lsgh(*args, **kwargs)[source]

List general hooks.


The lsgh macro has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers.


Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class defgh(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Define general hook:

>>> defgh "mv [[mot02 9]]" pre-scan
>>> defgh "ct 0.1" pre-scan
>>> defgh lsm pre-scan
>>> defgh "mv mot03 10" pre-scan
>>> defgh "Print 'Hello world'" pre-scan


The defgh macro has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers.

param_def = [['macro_name', 'String', None, 'Macro name with parameters. Ex.: "mv exp_dmy01 10"'], ['hookpos_list', [['position', 'String', None, 'macro name'], {'min': 1}], None, 'List of positions where the hook has to be executed']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')
run(macro_name, position)[source]

Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.



class udefgh(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Undefine general hook. Without arguments undefine all.


The lsgh macro has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers.

param_def = [['macro_name', 'String', 'all', 'General hook to be undefined'], ['hook_pos', 'String', 'all', 'Position to undefine the general hook from']]

This property holds the macro parameter description. It consists of a sequence of parameter information objects. A parameter information object is either:

  1. a simple parameter object

  2. a parameter repetition object

A simple parameter object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter name

  2. a member of Macro.Type representing the parameter data type

  3. a default value for the parameter or None if there is no default value

  4. a string with the parameter description


param_def = ( ('value', Type.Float, None, 'a float parameter' ) )

A parameter repetition object is a sequence of:

  1. a string representing the parameter repetition name

  2. a sequence of parameter information objects

  3. a dictionary representing the parameter repetition semantics or None to use the default parameter repetition semantics. Dictionary keys are:

    • min - integer representing minimum number of repetitions or None for no minimum.

    • max - integer representing maximum number of repetitions or None for no maximum.

    Default parameter repetition semantics is { 'min': 1, 'max' : None } (in other words, “at least one repetition” semantics)


param_def = (
    ( 'motor_list', ( ( 'motor', Type.Motor, None, 'motor name') ), None, 'List of motors')
run(macro_name, hook_pos)[source]

Macro API. Runs the macro. Overwrite MANDATORY! Default implementation raises RuntimeError.

