Source code for sardana.macroserver.scan.gscan

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This module contains the class definition for the MacroServer generic

__all__ = ["ScanSetupError", "ScanException", "ExtraData", "TangoExtraData",
           "GScan", "SScan", "CScan", "CSScan", "CTScan", "HScan", "TScan"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import os
import logging
import datetime
import operator
import time
import threading
import weakref
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np

import PyTango
import taurus
import collections

from collections import OrderedDict

from taurus.core.util.log import Logger
from taurus.core.util.user import USER_NAME
from taurus.core.tango import FROM_TANGO_TO_STR_TYPE
from taurus.core.util.enumeration import Enumeration
from taurus.core.util.threadpool import ThreadPool
from taurus.core.util.event import CallableRef
from taurus.core.tango.tangovalidator import TangoDeviceNameValidator
from taurus.console import Alignment
from taurus.console.list import List

from sardana.sardanathreadpool import OmniWorker
from sardana.util.tree import BranchNode, LeafNode, Tree
from sardana.util.motion import Motor as VMotor
from sardana.util.motion import MotionPath
from sardana.util.thread import CountLatch
from sardana.pool.pooldefs import SynchDomain, SynchParam
from sardana.macroserver.msexception import MacroServerException, UnknownEnv, \
    InterruptException, StopException, AbortException
from sardana.macroserver.msparameter import Type
from sardana.macroserver.scan.scandata import ColumnDesc, MoveableDesc, \
    ScanFactory, ScanDataEnvironment
from sardana.macroserver.scan.recorder import (AmbiguousRecorderError,
from sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana.pool import (

# ScanEndStatus enumeration indicates the reason of the scan end.
ScanEndStatus = Enumeration("ScanEndStatus",
                            ["Normal", "Stop", "Abort", "Exception"])

class ScanSetupError(Exception):

class ScanException(MacroServerException):

def _get_shape(channel):
    # internal Sardana channel
    if isinstance(channel, PyTango.DeviceProxy):
            shape = channel.shape
        except Exception:
            return None
        if shape is None:  # in PyTango empty spectrum is None
            return []
        return shape
    # external channel (Tango attribute)
    elif isinstance(channel, PyTango.AttributeProxy):
            attr_conf = channel.get_config()
        except Exception:
            return None
        if attr_conf.data_format == PyTango.AttrDataFormat.SCALAR:
            return []
            value =
        except Exception:
            return [n for n in (attr_conf.max_dim_x,
                                attr_conf.max_dim_y) if n > 0]
        return list(np.shape(value))

class ExtraData(object):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Expected keywords are:
            - model (str, mandatory): represents data source (ex.: a/b/c/d)
            - label (str, mandatory): column label
            - name (str, optional): unique name (defaults to model)
            - shape (seq, optional): data shape
            - dtype (numpy.dtype, optional): data type
            - instrument (str, optional): full instrument name"""
        self._label = kwargs['label']
        self._model = kwargs['model']
        if 'dtype' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['dtype'] = self.getType()
        if 'shape' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['shape'] = self.getShape()
        if 'name' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['name'] = self._model
        self._column = ColumnDesc(**kwargs)

    def getLabel(self):
        return self._label

    def getName(self):
        return self._label

    def getColumnDesc(self):
        return self._column

    def getType(self):
        raise Exception("Must be implemented in subclass")

    def getShape(self):
        raise Exception("Must be implemented in subclass")

    def read(self):
        raise Exception("Must be implemented in subclass")

class TangoExtraData(ExtraData):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._attribute = None
        ExtraData.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def attribute(self):
        if self._attribute is None:
            self._attribute = taurus.Attribute(self._model)
        return self._attribute

    def getType(self):
        t = self.attribute.getType()
        if t is None:
            raise Exception("Could not determine type for unknown attribute "
                            "'%s'" % self._model)
        return FROM_TANGO_TO_STR_TYPE[t]

    def getShape(self):
        s = self.attribute.getShape()
        if s is None:
            raise Exception("Could not determine type for unknown attribute "
                            "'%s'" % self._model)
        return s

    def read(self):
        except InterruptException:
        except Exception:
            return None

[docs]class GScan(Logger): """Generic Scan object. The idea is that the scan macros create an instance of this Generic Scan, supplying in the constructor a reference to the macro that created the scan, a generator function pointer, a list of moveable items, an extra environment and a sequence of constrains. If the referenced macro is hookable, ``pre-scan`` and ``post-scan`` hook hints will be used to execute callables before the start and after the end of the scan, respectively The generator must be a function yielding a dictionary with the following content (minimum) at each step of the scan: - 'positions' : In a step scan, a sequence with position(s) where the moveable(s) should go. ``None`` or ``float("NaN")`` in the sequence means do not move a given moveable. - 'integ_time' : In a step scan, a number representing the integration time for the step (in seconds) - 'integ_time' : In a continuous scan, the time between acquisitions - 'pre-move-hooks' : (optional) a sequence of callables to be called in strict order before starting to move. - 'post-move-hooks': (optional) a sequence of callables to be called in strict order after finishing the move. - 'pre-acq-hooks' : (optional) a sequence of callables to be called in strict order before starting to acquire. - 'post-acq-hooks' : (optional) a sequence of callables to be called in strict order after finishing acquisition but before recording the step. - 'post-step-hooks' : (optional) a sequence of callables to be called in strict order after finishing recording the step. - 'point_id' : a hashable identifing the scan point. - 'check_func' : (optional) a list of callable objects. callable(moveables, counters) - 'extravalues': (optional) a dictionary containing the values for each extra info field. The extra information fields must be described in extradesc (passed in the constructor of the Gscan) Generator may accept a `bool` kwarg ``estimate`` which will be set to `True` when the generator will be iterated to estimate the scan time. The moveables must be a sequence Motion or MoveableDesc objects. The environment is a dictionary of extra environment to be added specific to the macro in question. Each constrain must be a callable which must receive a two parameters: the current point and the next point. It should return True or False The extradesc optional argument consists of a list of ColumnDesc objects which describe the data fields that will be filled using step['extravalues'], where step is what the generator yields. The Generic Scan will create: - a ScanData - DataHandler with the following recorders: - OutputRecorder (depends on ``OutputCols`` environment variable) - SharedMemoryRecorder (depends on ``SharedMemory`` environment variable) - FileRecorder (depends on ``ScanDir``, ``ScanData`` and ``ScanRecorder`` environment variables) - ScanDataEnvironment with the following contents: - 'serialno' : a integer identifier for the scan operation - 'user' : the user which started the scan - 'title' : the scan title (build from macro.getMacroCommand) - 'datadesc' : a seq<ColumnDesc> describing each column of data (labels, data format, data shape, etc) - 'estimatedtime' : a float representing an estimation for the duration of the scan (in seconds). Negative means the time estimation is known not to be accurate. Anyway, time estimation has 'at least' semantics. - 'total_scan_intervals' : total number of scan intervals. Negative means the estimation is known not to be accurate. In this case, estimation has 'at least' semantics. - '' : a datetime.datetime representing the start of the scan - 'instrumentlist' : a list of Instrument objects containing info about the physical setup of the motors, counters, - <extra environment> given in the constructor (at the end of the scan, extra keys 'endtime' and 'deadtime' will be added representing the time at the end of the scan and the dead time) This object is passed to all recorders at the beginning and at the end of the scan (when startRecordList and endRecordList is called) At each step of the scan, for each Recorder, the writeRecord method will be called with a Record object as parameter. The member will be a dictionary containing: - 'point_nb' : the point number of the scan - for each column of the scan (motor or counter), a key with the corresponding column name will contain the value """ MAX_SCAN_HISTORY = 20 env = ('ActiveMntGrp', 'ExtraColumns' 'ScanDir', 'ScanFile', 'ScanRecorder', 'SharedMemory', 'OutputCols') def __init__(self, macro, generator=None, moveables=[], env={}, constraints=[], extrainfodesc=[]): self._macro = weakref.ref(macro) if generator is not None: generator = CallableRef(generator) self._generator = generator self._extrainfodesc = extrainfodesc # nasty hack to make sure macro has access to gScan as soon as # possible self.macro._gScan = self self._rec_manager = macro.getMacroServer().recorder_manager self._moveables, moveable_names = [], [] for moveable in moveables: if not isinstance(moveable, MoveableDesc): moveable = MoveableDesc(moveable=moveable) moveable_names.append(moveable.moveable.getName()) self._moveables.append(moveable) self._check_moveables_limits() name = self.__class__.__name__ self.call__init__(Logger, name) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup motion objects # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if len(moveable_names) > 0: self._motion = macro.getMotion(moveable_names) else: self._motion = None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find the measurement group # --------------------------------------------------------------------- try: mnt_grp_name = macro.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp') except UnknownEnv: mnt_grps = macro.getObjs(".*", type_class=Type.MeasurementGroup) if len(mnt_grps) == 0: raise ScanSetupError('No Measurement Group defined') mnt_grp = mnt_grps[0]"ActiveMntGrp not defined. Using %s", mnt_grp) macro.setEnv('ActiveMntGrp', mnt_grp.getName()) else: if not isinstance(mnt_grp_name, str): t = type(mnt_grp_name).__name__ raise TypeError("ActiveMntGrp MUST be string. It is '%s'" % t) mnt_grp = macro.getObj(mnt_grp_name, type_class=Type.MeasurementGroup) if mnt_grp is None: raise ScanSetupError("ActiveMntGrp has invalid value: '%s'" % mnt_grp_name) self._measurement_group = mnt_grp # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup extra columns # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self._extra_columns = self._getExtraColumns() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup data management # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate data handler data_handler = ScanFactory().getDataHandler() # The Scan data object try: apply_interpol = macro.getEnv('ApplyInterpolation') except UnknownEnv: apply_interpol = False try: apply_extrapol = macro.getEnv('ApplyExtrapolation') except UnknownEnv: apply_extrapol = False # The Scan data object data = ScanFactory().getScanData(data_handler, apply_interpolation=apply_interpol, apply_extrapolation=apply_extrapol) # The Output recorder (if any) output_recorder = self._getOutputRecorder() # The Output recorder (if any) json_recorder = self._getJsonRecorder() # The Generic Data recorders (if any) data_recorders = self._getDataRecorders() # The File recorders (if any) file_recorders = self._getFileRecorders() # The Shared memory recorder (if any) shm_recorder = self._getSharedMemoryRecorder(0) shm_recorder_1d = None if shm_recorder is not None: shm_recorder_1d = self._getSharedMemoryRecorder(1) data_handler.addRecorder(output_recorder) data_handler.addRecorder(json_recorder) for data_recorder in data_recorders: data_handler.addRecorder(data_recorder) for file_recorder in file_recorders: data_handler.addRecorder(file_recorder) data_handler.addRecorder(shm_recorder) data_handler.addRecorder(shm_recorder_1d) self._data = data self._data_handler = data_handler # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup environment # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self._setupEnvironment(env) def _check_moveables_limits(self): for m in self._moveables: pos_range = m.moveable.getAttribute("Position").range try: high = float(pos_range[1].magnitude) # Taurus 4 except AttributeError: try: high = float(pos_range[1]) # Taurus 3 except ValueError: high = None try: low = float(pos_range[0].magnitude) # Taurus 4 except AttributeError: try: low = float(pos_range[0]) # Taurus 3 except ValueError: low = None if any((high, low)) and not any((m.min_value, m.max_value)):"Scan range is not defined for %s and could " "not be verified against motor limits." % m.moveable.getName()) for pos in (m.min_value, m.max_value): if pos is None: continue if high is not None: if float(pos) > high: raise RuntimeError( "requested movement of %s is above its upper limit" % m.moveable.getName()) if low is not None: if float(pos) < low: raise RuntimeError( "requested movement of %s is below its lower limit" % m.moveable.getName()) def _getExtraColumns(self): ret = [] try: cols = self.macro.getEnv('ExtraColumns') except InterruptException: raise except Exception:'ExtraColumns is not defined') return ret try: for i, kwargs in enumerate(cols): kw = dict(kwargs) try: if 'instrument' in kw: type_class = Type.Instrument instrument = self.macro.getObj(kw['instrument'], type_class=type_class) if instrument: kw['instrument'] = instrument ret.append(TangoExtraData(**kw)) except InterruptException: raise except Exception as colexcept: colname = kw.get('label', str(i)) self.macro.warning("Extra column %s is invalid: %s", colname, str(colexcept)) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: self.macro.warning('ExtraColumns has invalid value. Must be a ' 'sequence of maps') return ret def _getJsonRecorder(self): try: json_enabled = self.macro.getEnv('JsonRecorder') if json_enabled: return self._rec_manager.getRecorderClass("JsonRecorder")( self.macro) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass'JsonRecorder is not defined. Use "senv JsonRecorder ' 'True" to enable it') def _getDataRecorders(self): try: data_recorders = self.macro.getEnv('DataRecorder') except InterruptException: raise except Exception as e: self.debug('DataRecorder is not defined. Use "senv DataRecorder ' 'with the recorder class name (or a list).') return [] if isinstance(data_recorders, str): data_recorders = [data_recorders] _rec_list = [] for rec in data_recorders: _obj = self._rec_manager.getRecorderClass(rec)(macro=self.macro) _rec_list.append(_obj) return _rec_list def _getOutputRecorder(self): cols = None output_block = False try: cols = self.macro.getEnv('OutputCols') except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass try: output_block = self.macro.getViewOption('OutputBlock') except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass return self._rec_manager.getRecorderClass("OutputRecorder")( self.macro, cols=cols, number_fmt='%g', output_block=output_block) def _getFileRecorders(self): macro = self.macro is_scan_dir_set = True is_scan_file_set = True scan_dir = self.scan_dir if scan_dir is None or len(scan_dir) == 0: is_scan_dir_set = False file_names = self.scan_file if file_names is None or len(file_names) == 0: is_scan_file_set = False scan_recorders = [] try: scan_recorders = macro.getEnv('ScanRecorder') except InterruptException: raise except UnknownEnv: pass if not is_scan_dir_set or not is_scan_file_set: msg = 'This operation will not be stored persistently.' \ ' Use "expconf" or "newfile" to configure data storage' \ ' (or eventually' if not is_scan_dir_set: macro.debug("ScanDir is not defined.") msg += ' "senv ScanDir <abs directory>"' if not is_scan_file_set: macro.debug("ScanFile is not defined.") msg += ' "senv ScanFile <file name(s)>"' msg += ")" macro.warning(msg) return () if not isinstance(scan_dir, str): scan_dir_t = type(scan_dir).__name__ raise TypeError("ScanDir MUST be string. It is '%s'" % scan_dir_t) if not isinstance(file_names, scan_file_t = type(file_names).__name__ raise TypeError("ScanFile MUST be string or sequence of strings." " It is '%s'" % scan_file_t) if isinstance(scan_recorders, str): scan_recorders = (scan_recorders,) elif not isinstance(scan_recorders, scan_recorders_t = type(scan_recorders).__name__ raise TypeError("ScanRecorder MUST be string or sequence of " "strings. It is '%s'" % scan_recorders_t) file_recorders = [] for i, file_name in enumerate(file_names): abs_file_name = os.path.join(scan_dir, file_name) try: file_recorder = None if len(scan_recorders) > i: file_recorder = self._rec_manager.getRecorderClass( scan_recorders[i])(abs_file_name, macro=macro) if not file_recorder: file_recorder = FileRecorder(abs_file_name, macro=macro) file_recorders.append(file_recorder) except InterruptException: raise except AmbiguousRecorderError as e: macro.error('Select recorder that you would like to use ' '(i.e. set ScanRecorder environment variable).') raise e except Exception: macro.warning("Error creating recorder for %s", abs_file_name) macro.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) if len(file_recorders) == 0: macro.warning("No valid recorder found. This operation will not " "be stored persistently") return file_recorders def _getSharedMemoryRecorder(self, eid): macro, mg, shm = self.macro, self.measurement_group, False shmRecorder = None try: shm = macro.getEnv('SharedMemory') except InterruptException: raise except Exception:'SharedMemory is not defined. Use "senv ' 'SharedMemory sps" to enable it') return if not shm: return kwargs = {} # For now we only support SPS shared memory format if shm.lower() == 'sps': cols = 1 # Point nb column cols += len(self.moveables) # motor columns ch_nb = len(mg.getChannels()) oned_nb = 0 array_prefix = mg.getName().upper() try: oned_nb = len(mg.OneDExpChannels) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: oned_nb = 0 twod_nb = 0 try: twod_nb = len(mg.TwoDExpChannels) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: twod_nb = 0 if eid == 0: # counter/timer & 0D channel columns cols += (ch_nb - oned_nb - twod_nb) elif eid == 1: cols = 1024 if eid == 0: kwargs.update({'program': macro.getDoorName(), 'array': "%s_0D" % array_prefix, 'shape': (cols, 4096)}) elif eid == 1: if oned_nb == 0: return else: kwargs.update({'program': macro.getDoorName(), 'array': "%s_1D" % array_prefix, 'shape': (cols, 99)}) try: shmRecorder = SharedMemoryRecorder(shm, macro, **kwargs) except Exception: macro.warning("Error creating %s SharedMemory recorder." % shm) macro.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) return shmRecorder def _secsToTimedelta(self, secs): days, secs = divmod(secs, 86400) # we don't have to care about microseconds because if secs is a float # timedelta will do it for us return datetime.timedelta(days, secs) def _timedeltaToSecs(self, td): return 86400 * td.days + td.seconds + 1E-6 * td.microseconds @property def scan_id(self): if hasattr(self, "_scan_id"): return self._scan_id try: self._scan_id = self.macro.getEnv("ScanID") + 1 except UnknownEnv: self._scan_id = 1 self.macro.setEnv("ScanID", self._scan_id) return self._scan_id @property def scan_dir(self): if hasattr(self, "_scan_dir"): return self._scan_dir try: scan_dir = self.macro.getEnv('ScanDir') except InterruptException: raise except UnknownEnv: self._scan_dir = None return self._scan_dir = scan_dir.format(ScanID=self.scan_id) return self._scan_dir @property def scan_file(self): if hasattr(self, "_scan_file"): return self._scan_file try: scan_file = self.macro.getEnv('ScanFile') except InterruptException: raise except UnknownEnv: self._scan_file = None return if isinstance(scan_file, str): scan_file = [scan_file] self._scan_file = [] for file_ in scan_file: try: file_ = file_.format(ScanID=self.scan_id) except KeyError: pass self._scan_file.append(file_) return self._scan_file def _setupEnvironment(self, additional_env): try: user = self.macro.getEnv("ScanUser") except UnknownEnv: user = USER_NAME env = ScanDataEnvironment( {'serialno': self.scan_id, # TODO: this should be got from # self.measurement_group.getChannelsInfo() 'user': user, 'title': self.macro.getMacroCommand()}) env['startts'] = ts = time.time() env['starttime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) # Initialize the data_desc list (and add the point number column) data_desc = [ ColumnDesc(name='point_nb', label='#Pt No', dtype='int64') ] # add motor columns ref_moveables = [] for moveable in self.moveables: data_desc.append(moveable) if moveable.is_reference: ref_moveables.insert(0, if not ref_moveables and len(self.moveables): ref_moveables.append(data_desc[-1].name) env['ref_moveables'] = ref_moveables # add channels from measurement group channels_info = self.measurement_group.getChannelsEnabledInfo() counters = [] for ci in channels_info: full_name = ci.full_name shape = None instrument = '' try: # Use DeviceProxy instead of taurus to avoid crashes in Py3 # See: tango-controls/pytango#292 # channel = taurus.Device(full_name) channel = PyTango.DeviceProxy(full_name) except Exception: try: channel = PyTango.AttributeProxy(full_name) except Exception: channel = None if channel: shape = _get_shape(channel) try: instrument = channel.instrument except Exception: instrument = '' try: instrumentFullName = \ self.macro.getInstrument(instrument).getFullName() except InterruptException: raise except Exception: instrumentFullName = '' if shape is None: self.warning("unknown shape of {}, assuming scalar".format( shape = [] # substitute the axis placeholder by the corresponding moveable. plotAxes = [] i = 0 for a in ci.plot_axes: if a == '<mov>': # skip plots against moveables in scans that do not involve # them e.g. time scans if len(ref_moveables) == 0: continue plotAxes.append(ref_moveables[i]) i += 1 else: plotAxes.append(a) try: value_ref_enabled = ci.value_ref_enabled except AttributeError: value_ref_enabled = False # create the ColumnDesc object column = ColumnDesc(name=ci.full_name, label=ci.label, dtype=ci.data_type, shape=shape, instrument=instrumentFullName, source=ci.source, output=ci.output, conditioning=ci.conditioning, normalization=ci.normalization, plot_type=ci.plot_type, plot_axes=plotAxes, data_units=ci.unit, value_ref_enabled=value_ref_enabled) data_desc.append(column) counters.append( env['counters'] = counters for extra_column in self._extra_columns: data_desc.append(extra_column.getColumnDesc()) # add extra columns data_desc += self._extrainfodesc data_desc.append(ColumnDesc(name='timestamp', label='dt', dtype='float64')) env['datadesc'] = data_desc # set the data compression default try: env['DataCompressionRank'] = self.macro.getEnv( 'DataCompressionRank') except UnknownEnv: env['DataCompressionRank'] = -1 # set the sample information # @todo: use the instrument API to get this info try: env['SampleInfo'] = self.macro.getEnv('SampleInfo') except UnknownEnv: env['SampleInfo'] = {} # set the source information # @todo: use the instrument API to get this info try: env['SourceInfo'] = self.macro.getEnv('SourceInfo') except UnknownEnv: env['SourceInfo'] = {} # take the pre-scan snapshot try: preScanSnapShot = self.macro.getEnv('PreScanSnapshot') except UnknownEnv: preScanSnapShot = [] env['preScanSnapShot'] = self.takeSnapshot(elements=preScanSnapShot) env['macro_id'] = self.macro.getID() env['ScanFile'] = self.scan_file env['ScanDir'] = self.scan_dir env['estimatedtime'], env['total_scan_intervals'] = self._estimate() env['instrumentlist'] = self.macro.findObjs( '.*', type_class=Type.Instrument, reserve=False) # env.update(self._getExperimentConfiguration) #add all the info from # the experiment configuration to the environment env.update(additional_env) self._env = env # Give the environment to the ScanData
[docs] def takeSnapshot(self, elements=[]): """reads the current values of the given elements :param elements: (list<str,str>) list of tuples of label,src for the elements to read (can be pool elements or Taurus attribute names). :return: (list<ColumnDesc>) a list of :class:`ColumnDesc`, each including a "pre_scan_value" attribute with the read value for that attr """ manager = self.macro.getManager() all_elements_info = manager.get_elements_with_interface('Element') ret = [] for src, label in elements: try: if src in all_elements_info: ei = all_elements_info[src] column = ColumnDesc(name=ei.full_name, label=label, instrument=ei.instrument, source=ei.source) else: column = ColumnDesc(name=src, label=label, source=src) # @Fixme: Tango-centric. It should work for any Taurus # Attribute v = PyTango.AttributeProxy(column.source).read().value column.pre_scan_value = v column.shape = np.shape(v) column.dtype = getattr(v, 'dtype', np.dtype(type(v))).name ret.append(column) except Exception: self.macro.warning( 'Error taking pre-scan snapshot of %s (%s)', label, src) self.debug('Details:', exc_info=1) return ret
def get_virtual_motors(self): ret = [] for moveable in self.moveables: try: v_motor = VMotor.fromMotor(moveable.moveable) except Exception: # self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) v_motor = VMotor(min_vel=0, max_vel=float('+inf'), accel_time=0, decel_time=0) ret.append(v_motor) return ret MAX_ITER = 100000 def _estimate(self, max_iter=None): """Estimate time and intervals of a scan. Time estimation considers motion time (including going to the start position) and acquisition time. Interval estimation is a number of scan trajectory intervals. """ with_time = hasattr(self.macro, "getTimeEstimation") with_interval = hasattr(self.macro, "getIntervalEstimation") if with_time and with_interval: t = self.macro.getTimeEstimation() i = self.macro.getIntervalEstimation() return t, i max_iter = max_iter or self.MAX_ITER try: iterator = self.generator(estimate=True) except TypeError: # this generator does not accept estimate kwarg iterator = self.generator() total_time = 0.0 point_nb = 0 interval_nb = None try: if not with_time: try: start_pos = self.motion.readPosition(force=True) v_motors = self.get_virtual_motors() motion_time, acq_time = 0.0, 0.0 while point_nb < max_iter: step = next(iterator) end_pos = step['positions'] max_path_duration = 0.0 new_start_pos = start_pos.copy() for i, (v_motor, start, stop) in enumerate( zip(v_motors, start_pos, end_pos)): if stop is None or np.isnan(stop): continue path = MotionPath(v_motor, start, stop) max_path_duration = max( max_path_duration, path.duration) new_start_pos[i] = stop integ_time = step.get("integ_time", 0.0) acq_time += integ_time motion_time += max_path_duration total_time += integ_time + max_path_duration point_nb += 1 start_pos = new_start_pos finally: if with_interval: interval_nb = self.macro.getIntervalEstimation() else: try: while point_nb < max_iter: step = next(iterator) point_nb += 1 finally: total_time = self.macro.getTimeEstimation() except StopIteration: pass else: # max iteration reached. total_time = -total_time point_nb = -point_nb if interval_nb is None: if point_nb < 1: interval_nb = point_nb + 1 elif point_nb > 1: interval_nb = point_nb - 1 else: interval_nb = 0 self.warning("Estimation of intervals have not succeeded") return total_time, interval_nb @property def data(self): """Scan data.""" return self._data @property def data_handler(self): return self._data_handler @property def macro(self): return self._macro() @property def measurement_group(self): return self._measurement_group @property def generator(self): """Generator of steps or waypoints used in this scan.""" return self._generator() @property def motion(self): return self._motion @property def moveables(self): return self._moveables @property def do_last_point(self): return not hasattr(self.macro, "do_last_point") or self.macro.do_last_point @property def steps(self): if not hasattr(self, '_steps'): self._steps = enumerate(self.generator()) return self._steps def start(self): self.do_backup() env = self._env env['scanstartts'] = ts = time.time() env['scanstarttime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) env['acqtime'] = 0 env['motiontime'] = 0 env['deadtime'] = 0 env['setuptime'] = ts - env['startts'] def end(self): env = self._env env['endts'] = end_ts = time.time() env['endtime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(end_ts) # total macro time, including snapshots # total_time = end_ts - env['startts'] # time to run actual scan total_scan_time = end_ts - env['scanstartts'] # estimated = env['estimatedtime'] acq_time = env['acqtime'] # env['deadtime'] = 100.0 * (total_time - estimated) / total_time env['deadtime'] = total_scan_time - acq_time if 'delaytime' in env: env['motiontime'] = total_scan_time - acq_time - env['delaytime'] elif 'motiontime' in env: env['delaytime'] = total_scan_time - acq_time - env['motiontime'] try: scan_history = self.macro._getEnv('ScanHistory') except UnknownEnv: scan_history = [] scan_file = env['ScanFile'] names = [ for col in env['datadesc']] history = dict(startts=env['startts'], endts=env['endts'], estimatedtime=env['estimatedtime'], deadtime=env['deadtime'], title=env['title'], serialno=env['serialno'], user=env['user'], ScanFile=scan_file, ScanDir=env['ScanDir'], endstatus=ScanEndStatus.whatis(env['endstatus']), channels=names) scan_history.append(history) while len(scan_history) > self.MAX_SCAN_HISTORY: scan_history.pop(0) self.macro._setEnv('ScanHistory', scan_history) def scan(self): for _ in self.step_scan(): pass def step_scan(self): macro = self.macro if hasattr(macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in macro.getHooks('pre-scan'): hook() self.start() try: for i in self.scan_loop(): self.macro.pausePoint() yield i endstatus = ScanEndStatus.Normal except StopException: endstatus = ScanEndStatus.Stop raise except AbortException: endstatus = ScanEndStatus.Abort raise except Exception: endstatus = ScanEndStatus.Exception raise finally: self._env["endstatus"] = endstatus self.end() self.do_restore() if hasattr(macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in macro.getHooks('post-scan'): hook() def scan_loop(self): raise NotImplementedError('Scan method cannot be called by ' 'abstract class') def do_backup(self): try: if hasattr(self.macro, 'do_backup'): self.macro.do_backup() except InterruptException: raise except Exception: msg = ("Failed to execute 'do_backup' method of the %s macro" % self.macro.getName()) self.macro.debug(msg) self.macro.debug('Details: ', exc_info=True) raise ScanException('error while doing a backup') def do_restore(self): try: if hasattr(self.macro, 'do_restore'): self.macro.do_restore() except InterruptException: raise except Exception: msg = ("Failed to execute 'do_restore' method of the %s macro" % self.macro.getName()) self.macro.debug(msg) self.macro.debug('Details: ', exc_info=True) raise ScanException('error while restoring a backup')
[docs]class SScan(GScan): """Step scan""" def __init__(self, macro, generator=None, moveables=[], env={}, constraints=[], extrainfodesc=[]): GScan.__init__(self, macro, generator=generator, moveables=moveables, env=env, constraints=constraints, extrainfodesc=extrainfodesc) self._deterministic_scan = None @property def deterministic_scan(self): """Check if the scan is a deterministic scan. Scan is considered as deterministic scan if the `~sardana.macroserver.macro.Macro` specialization owning the scan object contains ``nb_points`` and ``integ_time`` attributes. Scan flow depends on this property (some optimizations are applied). These can be disabled by setting this property to `False`. """ if self._deterministic_scan is None: macro = self.macro if hasattr(macro, "nb_points") and hasattr(macro, "integ_time"): self._deterministic_scan = True else: self._deterministic_scan = False return self._deterministic_scan @deterministic_scan.setter def deterministic_scan(self, value): self._deterministic_scan = value def scan_loop(self): lstep = None macro = self.macro scream = False if hasattr(macro, "nb_points"): nb_points = float(macro.nb_points) scream = True else: yield 0.0 if self.deterministic_scan: self.measurement_group.putIntegrationTime(macro.integ_time) self.measurement_group.setNbStarts(macro.nb_points) self.measurement_group.prepare() self._sum_motion_time = 0 self._sum_acq_time = 0 for i, step in self.steps: # allow scan to be stopped between points macro.checkPoint() self.stepUp(i, step, lstep) lstep = step if scream: yield ((i + 1) / nb_points) * 100 if not scream: yield 100.0 self._env['motiontime'] = self._sum_motion_time self._env['acqtime'] = self._sum_acq_time def stepUp(self, n, step, lstep): mg = self.measurement_group startts = self._env['startts'] def pre_move_hooks(): # pre-move hooks for hook in step.get('pre-move-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass def exec_motion(step_positions): try: state, positions = self.motion.move(step_positions) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: self.dump_information(n, step, self.macro.motors) raise return state, positions # Move self.debug("[START] motion") move_start_time = time.time() nans = [] for idx, step_value in enumerate(step['positions']): if step_value is None or np.isnan(step_value): nans.append(idx) if len(nans) == 0: # all motors will be moved # if number of motors to move has changed update macro info if len(self.motion.moveable_list) != len(step['positions']): self.macro.returnObj(self._motion) motion = self.macro.getMotion( [ for m in self.moveables]) self._motion = motion self.macro.motors = self.moveables pre_move_hooks() state, positions = exec_motion(step['positions']) elif len(nans) == len(step['positions']): # no motor will be moved state = self.motion.readState() positions = self.motion.readPosition() else: # only some motors will be moved # if number of motors to move has changed update macro info if len(self.motion.moveable_list) != len(step['positions']): moveables = [] motors_moved = [] motors_positions = [] for idx, moveable in enumerate(self.moveables): if idx not in nans: moveables.append(moveable) motors_moved.append( motors_positions.append(step['positions'][idx]) self.macro.returnObj(self._motion) motion = self.macro.getMotion(motors_moved) # does addObj self._motion = motion self.macro.motors = moveables pre_move_hooks() state, positions = exec_motion(motors_positions) for idx in nans: # fill the gaps of not moved motors moveable = self.moveables[idx] motor = self.macro.getMoveable( pos = motor.position positions.insert(idx, pos) self._sum_motion_time += time.time() - move_start_time self._env['motiontime'] = self._sum_motion_time self.debug("[ END ] motion") curr_time = time.time() dt = curr_time - startts # post-move hooks if len(nans) != len(step['positions']): # some motor was moved for hook in step.get('post-move-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass # allow scan to be stopped between motion and data acquisition self.macro.checkPoint() if state != Ready: self.dump_information(n, step, self.motion.moveable_list) m = "Scan aborted after problematic motion: " \ "Motion ended with %s\n" % str(state) raise ScanException({'msg': m}) # pre-acq hooks for hook in step.get('pre-acq-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass integ_time = step['integ_time'] # Acquire data self.debug("[START] acquisition") try: if self.deterministic_scan: state, data_line = mg.count_raw() else: state, data_line = mg.count(integ_time) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: names = mg.ElementList elements = [self.macro.getObj(name) for name in names] self.dump_information(n, step, elements) raise for ec in self._extra_columns: data_line[ec.getName()] = self.debug("[ END ] acquisition") self._sum_acq_time += integ_time self._env['acqtime'] = self._sum_acq_time # post-acq hooks for hook in step.get('post-acq-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass # Add final moveable positions data_line['point_nb'] = n data_line['timestamp'] = dt for i, m in enumerate(self.moveables): data_line[m.moveable.getName()] = positions[i] # Add extra data coming in the step['extrainfo'] dictionary if 'extrainfo' in step: data_line.update(step['extrainfo']) # post-step hooks for hook in step.get('post-step-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass def dump_information(self, n, step, elements): msg = ["Report: Stopped at step #" + str(n) + " with:"] for element in elements: msg.append(element.information())"\n".join(msg))
[docs]class CScan(GScan): """Continuous scan abstract class. Implements helper methods.""" def __init__(self, macro, generator=None, moveables=[], env={}, constraints=[], extrainfodesc=[]): # Read ScanOvershootCorrection before instatiating GScan - # it is necessary for the scan time estimation. # In case it is not defined apply the overshoot correction # for backward compatibility. try: self._apply_overshoot_correction = \ macro.getEnv('ScanOvershootCorrection') except UnknownEnv: self._apply_overshoot_correction = True GScan.__init__(self, macro, generator=generator, moveables=moveables, env=env, constraints=constraints, extrainfodesc=extrainfodesc) self._current_waypoint_finished = False self._all_waypoints_finished = False self.motion_event = threading.Event() self.motion_end_event = threading.Event() data_structures = self.populate_moveables_data_structures(moveables) self._moveables_trees, \ physical_moveables_names, \ self._physical_moveables = data_structures # The physical motion object contains only physical motors - no pseudo # motors (in case the pseudomotors are involved in the scan, # it comprarises the underneath physical motors) # This is due to the fact that the CTScan coordinates the # pseudomotors' underneeth physical motors on on their constant # velocity in contrary to the the CScan which do not coordinate them if len(physical_moveables_names) > 0: self._physical_motion = self.macro.getMotion( physical_moveables_names) else: self._physical_motion = None
[docs] def populate_moveables_data_structures(self, moveables): """Populates moveables data structures. :param moveables: (list<Moveable>) data structures will be generated for these moveables :return (moveable_trees, physical_moveables_names, physical_moveables) - moveable_trees (list<Tree>) - each tree represent one Moveable with its hierarchy of inferior moveables. - physical_moveables_names (list<str> - list of the names of the physical moveables. List order is important and preserved. - physical_moveables (list<Moveable> - list of the moveable objects. List order is important and preserved. """ def generate_moveable_node(macro, moveable): """Function to generate a moveable data structures based on moveable object. Internally can be recursively called if moveable is a PseudoMotor. :param moveable: moveable object :return (moveable_node, physical_moveables_names, physical_moveables) - moveable_node (BaseNode) - can be a BranchNode if moveable is a PseudoMotor or a LeafNode if moveable is a PhysicalMotor. - physical_moveables_names (list<str> - list of the names of the physical moveables. List order is important and preserved. - physical_moveables (list<Moveable> - list of the moveable objects. List order is important and preserved. """ moveable_node = None physical_moveables_names = [] physical_moveables = [] moveable_type = moveable.getType() if moveable_type == "PseudoMotor": moveable_node = BranchNode(moveable) moveables_names = moveable.elements sub_moveables = [macro.getMoveable(name) for name in moveables_names] for sub_moveable in sub_moveables: sub_moveable_node, \ _physical_moveables_names, \ _physical_moveables = \ generate_moveable_node(macro, sub_moveable) physical_moveables_names += _physical_moveables_names physical_moveables += _physical_moveables moveable_node.addChild(sub_moveable_node) elif moveable_type == "Motor": moveable_node = LeafNode(moveable) moveable_name = moveable.getName() physical_moveables_names.append(moveable_name) physical_moveables.append(moveable) return moveable_node, physical_moveables_names, physical_moveables moveable_trees = [] physical_moveables_names = [] physical_moveables = [] for moveable in moveables: moveable_root_node, _physical_moveables_names, \ _physical_moveables = generate_moveable_node(self.macro, moveable.moveable) moveable_tree = Tree(moveable_root_node) moveable_trees.append(moveable_tree) physical_moveables_names += _physical_moveables_names physical_moveables += _physical_moveables return moveable_trees, physical_moveables_names, physical_moveables
[docs] def get_moveables_trees(self): """Returns reference to the list of the moveables trees""" return self._moveables_trees
[docs] def on_waypoints_end(self, restore_positions=None): """To be called by the waypoint thread to handle the end of waypoints (either because no more waypoints or because a macro abort was triggered)""" self.set_all_waypoints_finished(True) if restore_positions is not None: self._restore_motors() # first restore motors backup self._setFastMotions() # then try to go even faster (limits)"Correcting overshoot...") self.motion.move(restore_positions) self.motion_end_event.set() self.motion_event.set()
[docs] def go_through_waypoints(self, iterate_only=False): """Go through the different waypoints.""" try: self._go_through_waypoints() except Exception: # this includes InterruptException self.on_waypoints_end() raise
def _go_through_waypoints(self): """ Internal, unprotected method to go through the different waypoints. """ raise NotImplementedError("_go_through_waypoints must be implemented" " in CScan derived classes")
[docs] def waypoint_estimation(self): """ Internal, unprotected method to go through the different waypoints. """ motion, waypoints = self.motion, self.generator() total_duration = 0 # v_motors = self.get_virtual_motors() curr_positions, last_end_positions = motion.readPosition( force=True), None for i, waypoint in enumerate(waypoints): start_positions = waypoint.get( 'start_positions', last_end_positions) positions = waypoint['positions'] if start_positions is None: last_end_positions = positions continue waypoint_info = self.prepare_waypoint(waypoint, start_positions, iterate_only=True) motion_paths, delta_start, acq_duration = waypoint_info start_path, end_path = [], [] for path in motion_paths: start_path.append(path.initial_user_pos) end_path.append(path.final_user_pos) # move from last waypoint to start position of this waypoint first_duration = 0 if i == 1: # first waypoint means, moving from current position to the # start of first waypoint initial = curr_positions else: initial = start_positions for _path, start, end in zip(motion_paths, initial, start_path): v_motor = _path.motor path = MotionPath(v_motor, start, end) first_duration = max(first_duration, path.duration) # move from waypoint start position to waypoint end position second_duration = 0 for _path, start, end in zip(motion_paths, start_path, end_path): v_motor = _path.motor path = MotionPath(v_motor, start, end) second_duration = max(second_duration, path.duration) total_duration += first_duration + second_duration last_end_positions = end_path # add overshoot correction time if self._apply_overshoot_correction: overshoot_duration = 0 for _path, start, end in zip(motion_paths, last_end_positions, positions): v_motor = _path.motor path = MotionPath(v_motor, start, end) overshoot_duration = max(overshoot_duration, path.duration) total_duration += overshoot_duration return total_duration
def prepare_waypoint(self, waypoint, start_positions, iterate_only=False): raise NotImplementedError("prepare_waypoint must be implemented in " + "CScan derived classes") def set_all_waypoints_finished(self, v): self._all_waypoints_finished = v def _backup_motor(self): """Backup motors initial state (velocity, acceleration and deceleration). """ self._backup = backup = [] for moveable in self._physical_moveables: # first backup all motor parameters motor = moveable try: velocity = motor.getVelocity() accel_time = motor.getAcceleration() decel_time = motor.getDeceleration() motor_backup = dict(moveable=moveable, velocity=velocity, acceleration=accel_time, deceleration=decel_time) self.debug("Backup of %s", motor) except AttributeError: motor_backup = None backup.append(motor_backup) def do_backup(self): super(CScan, self).do_backup() self._backup_motor() def _restore_motors(self): """Restore changed motors to initial state (velocity, acceleration and deceleration). """ for motor_backup in self._backup: if motor_backup is None: continue motor = motor_backup['moveable'] attributes = OrderedDict(velocity=motor_backup["velocity"], acceleration=motor_backup["acceleration"], deceleration=motor_backup["deceleration"]) try: self.configure_motor(motor, attributes) except ScanException as e: msg = "Error when restoring motor's backup (%s)" % e raise ScanException(msg) def do_restore(self): # Restore motor backups (vel, acc, ...) first so the macro's # do_restore finds the system as before GSF found it. # This is especially important for dscan macros which must return # to inital position at nominal speed even after user stop. self._restore_motors() super(CScan, self).do_restore() def _setFastMotions(self, motors=None): """Make given motors go at their max velocity and acceleration. If max velocity is not available it will set the current one""" if motors is None: motors = [b.get('moveable') for b in self._backup if b is not None] for motor in motors: attributes = OrderedDict(velocity=self.get_max_velocity(motor), acceleration=self.get_min_acc_time(motor), deceleration=self.get_min_dec_time(motor)) try: self.configure_motor(motor, attributes) except ScanException as e: msg = "Error when setting fast motion (%s)" % e raise ScanException(msg)
[docs] def get_velocity_range(self, motor) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Helper method to find the max and min velocity for the motor. If the motor doesn't have a defined range for velocity, it returns -inf and +inf :return: velocity range described by min and max value """ top_vel_obj = motor.getVelocityObj() min_vel, max_vel = top_vel_obj.getRange() # Taurus4 reports -inf or inf when no limits are defined (NotSpecified) return min_vel.magnitude, max_vel.magnitude
[docs] def get_max_top_velocity(self, motor): """Helper method to find the maximum top velocity for the motor. If the motor doesn't have a defined range for top velocity, then use the current top velocity""" msg = ( 'get_max_top_velocity is deprecated since 3.4.0.' 'Use get_max_velocity instead.') self.warning(msg) return self.get_max_velocity(motor)
[docs] def get_max_velocity(self, motor): """Helper method to find the maximum velocity for the motor. If the motor doesn't have a defined range for max/min velocity, then return the current velocity""" maxVel = self.get_velocity_range(motor)[1] if np.isinf(maxVel): maxVel = motor.getVelocity() return maxVel
[docs] def get_min_velocity(self, motor): """Helper method to find the minimum velocity for the motor. If the motor doesn't have a defined range for max/min velocity, then use the current min velocity""" minVel = self.get_velocity_range(motor)[0] if np.isinf(minVel): minVel = motor.getVelocity() return minVel
[docs] def get_min_acc_time(self, motor): """Helper method to find the minimum acceleration time for the motor. If the motor doesn't have a defined range for the acceleration time, then use the current acceleration time""" acc_time_obj = motor.getAccelerationObj() min_acc_time, _ = acc_time_obj.getRange() try: min_acc_time = float(min_acc_time) except ValueError: min_acc_time = motor.getAcceleration() # Taurus4 reports -inf or inf when no limits are defined (NotSpecified) if np.isinf(min_acc_time): min_acc_time = motor.getAcceleration() return min_acc_time
[docs] def get_min_dec_time(self, motor): """Helper method to find the minimum deceleration time for the motor. If the motor doesn't have a defined range for the acceleration time, then use the current acceleration time""" dec_time_obj = motor.getDecelerationObj() min_dec_time, _ = dec_time_obj.getRange() try: min_dec_time = float(min_dec_time) except ValueError: min_dec_time = motor.getDeceleration() # Taurus4 reports -inf or inf when no limits are defined (NotSpecified) if np.isinf(min_dec_time): min_dec_time = motor.getAcceleration() return min_dec_time
[docs] def set_max_top_velocity(self, moveable): """Helper method to set the maximum top velocity for the moveable to its maximum allowed limit. :param moveable: moveable (motor or pseudo motor) on which to set the max top velocity :type moveable: `sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana.BaseSardanaElement` """ if moveable.type == "PseudoMotor": for name in moveable.physical_elements: motor = self.macro.getMotor(name) self._set_max_top_velocity(motor) else: self._set_max_top_velocity(moveable)
def _set_max_top_velocity(self, motor): v = self.get_max_top_velocity(motor) try: motor.setVelocity(v) except Exception: self.warning( "failed setting max top velocity {} for {}".format( v,, exc_info=True)
[docs] def get_min_pos(self, motor): '''Helper method to find the minimum position for a given motor. If the motor doesn't define its minimum position, then the negative infinite float representation is returned. ''' pos_obj = motor.getPositionObj() min_pos, _ = pos_obj.getRange() try: # Taurus 4 uses quantities however Sardana does not support them # yet - use magnitude for the moment. min_pos = min_pos.magnitude except AttributeError: pass try: min_pos = float(min_pos) except ValueError: min_pos = float('-Inf') return min_pos
[docs] def get_max_pos(self, motor): '''Helper method to find the maximum position for a given motor. If the motor doesn't define its maximum position, then the positive infinite float representation is returned. ''' pos_obj = motor.getPositionObj() _, max_pos = pos_obj.getRange() try: # Taurus 4 uses quantities however Sardana does not support them # yet - use magnitude for the moment. max_pos = max_pos.magnitude except AttributeError: pass try: max_pos = float(max_pos) except ValueError: max_pos = float('Inf') return max_pos
[docs] def configure_motor(self, motor, attributes): """Configure motor with a given attribute values. :param motor: (Motor or Moveable) motor to be configured :param attributes: (OrderedDict) dictionary with attribute names (keys) and attribute values (values) """ for param, value in list(attributes.items()): try: motor._getAttrEG(param).write(value) except Exception: self.macro.debug("Error when setting %s of %s" % (param,, exc_info=True) msg = "setting %s of %s to %r failed" %\ (param,, value) raise ScanException(msg)
def dump_information(self, elements, action_description=None, log_level=logging.INFO): report_line = "Report: Stopped" if action_description: report_line += " during " + action_description report_line += " with:" msg = [report_line] for element in elements: msg.append(element.information()) self.macro.log(log_level, "\n".join(msg))
class CSScan(CScan): """Continuous scan controlled by software""" def __init__(self, macro, waypointGenerator=None, periodGenerator=None, moveables=[], env={}, constraints=[], extrainfodesc=[]): CScan.__init__(self, macro, generator=waypointGenerator, moveables=moveables, env=env, constraints=constraints, extrainfodesc=extrainfodesc) self._periodGenerator = periodGenerator def _calculateTotalAcquisitionTime(self): return None @property def period_generator(self): return self._periodGenerator @property def period_steps(self): if not hasattr(self, '_period_steps'): self._period_steps = enumerate(self.period_generator()) return self._period_steps def prepare_waypoint(self, waypoint, start_positions, iterate_only=False): slow_down = waypoint.get('slow_down', 1) positions = waypoint['positions'] duration, cruise_duration, delta_start = 0, 0, 0 ideal_paths, real_paths = [], [] for i, (moveable, position) in enumerate(zip(self.moveables, positions)): motor = moveable.moveable coordinate = True try: base_vel, top_vel = motor.getBaseRate(), motor.getVelocity() accel_time = motor.getAcceleration() decel_time = motor.getDeceleration() if slow_down > 0: # find and set the maximum top velocity for the motor. # If the motor doesn't have a defined range for top # velocity, then use the current top velocity max_top_vel = self.get_max_top_velocity(motor) if not iterate_only: motor.setVelocity(max_top_vel) else: max_top_vel = top_vel except AttributeError: if not iterate_only: self.macro.warning( "%s motion will not be coordinated", motor) base_vel, top_vel, max_top_vel = 0, float( '+inf'), float('+inf') accel_time, decel_time = 0, 0 coordinate = False last_user_pos = start_positions[i] real_vmotor = VMotor(min_vel=base_vel, max_vel=max_top_vel, accel_time=accel_time, decel_time=decel_time) real_path = MotionPath(real_vmotor, last_user_pos, position) real_path.moveable = moveable real_path.apply_correction = coordinate # Find the cruise duration of motion at top velocity. For this # create a virtual motor which has instantaneous acceleration and # deceleration ideal_vmotor = VMotor(min_vel=base_vel, max_vel=max_top_vel, accel_time=0, decel_time=0) # create a path which will tell us which is the cruise # duration of this motion at top velocity ideal_path = MotionPath(ideal_vmotor, last_user_pos, position) ideal_path.moveable = moveable ideal_path.apply_correction = coordinate # if really motor is moving in this waypoint if ideal_path.displacement > 0: # recalculate time to reach maximum velocity delta_start = max(delta_start, accel_time) # recalculate cruise duration of motion at top velocity cruise_duration = max(cruise_duration, ideal_path.duration) duration = max(duration, real_path.duration) ideal_paths.append(ideal_path) real_paths.append(real_path) if slow_down <= 0: return real_paths, 0, duration # after finding the duration, introduce the slow down factor added # by the user cruise_duration /= slow_down if cruise_duration == 0: cruise_duration = float('+inf') # now that we have the appropriate top velocity for all motors, the # cruise duration of motion at top velocity, and the time it takes to # recalculate for path in ideal_paths: vmotor = path.motor # in the case of pseudo motors or not moving a motor... if not path.apply_correction or path.displacement == 0: continue moveable = path.moveable motor = moveable.moveable new_top_vel = path.displacement / cruise_duration vmotor.setMaxVelocity(new_top_vel) accel_t, decel_t = motor.getAcceleration(), motor.getDeceleration() base_vel = vmotor.getMinVelocity() vmotor.setAccelerationTime(accel_t) vmotor.setDecelerationTime(decel_t) disp_sign = path.positive_displacement and 1 or -1 new_initial_pos = path.initial_user_pos - accel_t * 0.5 * \ disp_sign * (new_top_vel + base_vel) - disp_sign * \ new_top_vel * (delta_start - accel_t) path.setInitialUserPos(new_initial_pos) new_final_pos = path.final_user_pos + \ disp_sign * vmotor.displacement_reach_min_vel path.setFinalUserPos(new_final_pos) return ideal_paths, delta_start, cruise_duration def go_through_waypoints(self, iterate_only=False): """go through the different waypoints.""" try: self._go_through_waypoints() except InterruptException: raise except Exception: self.macro.debug('An error occurred moving to waypoints') self.macro.debug('Details: ', exc_info=True) self.on_waypoints_end() raise ScanException('error while moving to waypoints') def _go_through_waypoints(self): """ Internal, unprotected method to go through the different waypoints. """ macro, motion, waypoints = self.macro, self.motion, self.steps self.macro.debug("_go_through_waypoints() entering...") last_positions = None for _, waypoint in waypoints: self.macro.debug("Waypoint iteration...") start_positions = waypoint.get('start_positions') positions = waypoint['positions'] if start_positions is None: start_positions = last_positions if start_positions is None: last_positions = positions continue waypoint_info = self.prepare_waypoint(waypoint, start_positions) motion_paths, delta_start, acq_duration = waypoint_info self.acq_duration = acq_duration # execute pre-move hooks for hook in waypoint.get('pre-move-hooks', []): hook() start_pos, final_pos = [], [] for path in motion_paths: start_pos.append(path.initial_user_pos) final_pos.append(path.final_user_pos) if macro.isStopped(): self.on_waypoints_end() return # move to start position self.macro.debug("Moving to start position: %s" % repr(start_pos)) motion.move(start_pos) if macro.isStopped(): self.on_waypoints_end() return # prepare motor(s) with the velocity required for synchronization for path in motion_paths: if not path.apply_correction: continue vmotor = path.motor motor = path.moveable.moveable motor.setVelocity(vmotor.getMaxVelocity()) if macro.isStopped(): self.on_waypoints_end() return self.timestamp_to_start = time.time() + delta_start self.motion_event.set() # move to waypoint end position motion.move(final_pos) self.motion_event.clear() if macro.isStopped(): return self.on_waypoints_end() # execute post-move hooks for hook in waypoint.get('post-move-hooks', []): hook() if start_positions is None: last_positions = positions if self._apply_overshoot_correction: self.on_waypoints_end(positions) else: self.on_waypoints_end() def scan_loop(self): motion = self.motion mg = self.measurement_group # waypoints = self.steps macro = self.macro manager = macro.getManager() scream = False motion_event = self.motion_event startts = self._env['startts'] sum_delay = 0 sum_integ_time = 0 if hasattr(macro, "nb_points"): nb_points = float(macro.nb_points) scream = True else: yield 0.0 # moveables = [m.moveable for m in self.moveables] period_steps = self.period_steps point_nb, step = -1, None # data = # start move & acquisition as close as possible # from this point on synchronization becomes critical manager.add_job(self.go_through_waypoints) while not self._all_waypoints_finished: # wait for motor to reach start position motion_event.wait() # allow scan to stop macro.checkPoint() if self._all_waypoints_finished: break # wait for motor to reach max velocity start_time = time.time() deltat = self.timestamp_to_start - start_time if deltat > 0: time.sleep(deltat) curr_time = acq_start_time = time.time() integ_time = 0 # Acquisition loop: acquire consecutively until waypoint asks to # stop or we see that we will enter deceleration time in next # acquisition while motion_event.is_set(): # allow scan to stop macro.checkPoint() try: point_nb, step = next(period_steps) except StopIteration: self._all_waypoints_finished = True break integ_time = step['integ_time'] # If there is no more time to acquire... stop! elapsed_time = time.time() - acq_start_time if elapsed_time + integ_time > self.acq_duration: motion_event.clear() break # pre-acq hooks for hook in step.get('pre-acq-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: self._all_waypoints_finished = True raise except Exception: pass # allow scan to stop macro.checkPoint() positions = motion.readPosition(force=True) dt = time.time() - startts # Acquire data self.debug("[START] acquisition") state, data_line = mg.count(integ_time) sum_integ_time += integ_time # allow scan to stop macro.checkPoint() # After acquisition, test if we are asked to stop, probably # because the motor are stopped. In this case discard the last # acquisition if not self._all_waypoints_finished: for ec in self._extra_columns: data_line[ec.getName()] = self.debug("[ END ] acquisition") # post-acq hooks for hook in step.get('post-acq-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: self._all_waypoints_finished = True raise except Exception: pass # Add final moveable positions data_line['point_nb'] = point_nb data_line['timestamp'] = dt for i, m in enumerate(self.moveables): data_line[m.moveable.getName()] = positions[i] # Add extra data coming in the step['extrainfo'] dictionary if 'extrainfo' in step: data_line.update(step['extrainfo']) if scream: yield ((point_nb + 1) / nb_points) * 100 else: break old_curr_time = curr_time curr_time = time.time() sum_delay += (curr_time - old_curr_time) - integ_time self.motion_end_event.wait() env = self._env env['acqtime'] = sum_integ_time env['delaytime'] = sum_delay if not scream: yield 100.0 class CAcquisition(object): def __init__(self): # protect older versions of Taurus (without the worker_cls argument) # remove it whenever we bump Taurus dependency try: self._thread_pool = ThreadPool(name="ValueBufferTH", Psize=1, Qsize=100000, worker_cls=OmniWorker) except TypeError: import taurus taurus.warning("Your Sardana system is affected by bug" "tango-controls/pytango#307. Please use " "Taurus with taurus-org/taurus#1081.") self._thread_pool = ThreadPool(name="ValueBufferTH", Psize=1, Qsize=100000) self._countdown_latch = CountLatch() self._index_offset = 0 def value_buffer_changed(self, channel, value_buffer): """Delegate processing of value buffer events to a worker thread.""" # value_buffer is a dictionary with at least keys: data, index # and its values are of type sequence # e.g. dict(data=seq<float>, index=seq<int>) if value_buffer is None: return full_name = channel.getFullName() info = {'label': full_name} if self._index_offset != 0: idx = np.array(value_buffer['index']) idx += self._index_offset value_buffer['index'] = idx.tolist() info.update(value_buffer) # info is a dictionary with at least keys: label, data, # index and its values are of type string for label and # sequence for data, index # e.g. dict(label=str, data=seq<float>, index=seq<int>) self._countdown_latch.count_up() # only one thread is present in the pool so jobs are serialized self._thread_pool.add(, self._countdown_latch.count_down, info) def value_ref_buffer_changed(self, channel, value_ref_buffer): """Delegate processing of value buffer events to a worker thread.""" # value_ref_buffer is a dictionary with at least keys: # value_ref, index # and its values are of type sequence # e.g. dict(value_ref=seq<float>, index=seq<int>) if value_ref_buffer is None: return full_name = channel.getFullName() info = {'label': full_name} if self._index_offset != 0: idx = np.array(value_ref_buffer['index']) idx += self._index_offset value_ref_buffer['index'] = idx.tolist() info.update(value_ref_buffer) # info is a dictionary with at least keys: label, data, # index and its values are of type string for label and # sequence for data, index # e.g. dict(label=str, data=seq<float>, index=seq<int>) self._countdown_latch.count_up() # only one thread is present in the pool so jobs are serialized # TODO: think if the RecordList.addData is the best API for # passing value references self._thread_pool.add(, self._countdown_latch.count_down, info) def wait_value_buffer(self): """Wait until all value buffer events are processed.""" self._countdown_latch.wait() def join_thread_pool(self): """Dispose the thread pool. Call it when you finish with processing value_buffer events.""" self._thread_pool.join() @staticmethod def is_measurement_group_compatible(measurement_group): """Check if the given measurement group is compatible with continuous acquisition. Non compatible measurement groups are those with channels of the following types: - external channels (Tango attributes) - pseudo counters that are not based on physical channels .. todo:: add validation for psuedo counters """ non_compatible_channels = [] validator = TangoDeviceNameValidator() for channel_info in measurement_group.getChannels(): full_name = channel_info["full_name"] name = channel_info["name"] if not validator.isValid(full_name): non_compatible_channels.append(name) is_compatible = len(non_compatible_channels) == 0 return is_compatible, non_compatible_channels def _fill_missing_records(self, start_record=0): """Fill missing records in scan data. Usefull for final padding at the end of the waypoint/scan. :param start_record: record number from which start calculating missing records (usefull to multi-waypoints scans) :type start_record: int """ # in multi-waypoint scans e.g. meshct, nb_points is per waypoint expected_records = self.macro.nb_points total_records = len( records = total_records - start_record missing_records = expected_records - records def generate_timestamps(synch_description, initial_timestamp=0): """Generate theoretical timestamps at which the acquisition should take place according to the synchronization description :param synch_description: synchronization description data structure :type synch_description: list<dict> :param initial_timestamp: initial timestamp to start from :type initial_timestamp: float """ ret = dict() timestamp = initial_timestamp index = 0 for group in synch_description: delay = group[SynchParam.Delay][SynchDomain.Time] total = group[SynchParam.Total][SynchDomain.Time] repeats = group[SynchParam.Repeats] timestamp += delay ret[index] = dict(timestamp=timestamp) index += 1 for _ in range(1, repeats): timestamp += total ret[index] = dict(timestamp=timestamp) index += 1 return ret def generate_positions(labels, starts, finals, nb_interv, do_last_point=True): ret = dict() # generate theoretical positions moveable_positions = [] for start, final in zip(starts, finals): positions = np.linspace(start, final, nb_interv + 1) if not do_last_point: positions = positions[:-1] moveable_positions.append(positions) # prepare table header from moveables names dtype_spec = [] for label in labels: dtype_spec.append((label, 'float64')) # convert to numpy array for easier handling table = np.array(list(zip(*moveable_positions)), dtype=dtype_spec) n_rows = table.shape[0] for i in range(n_rows): row = dict() for label in table.dtype.names: row[label] = table[label][i] ret[i] = row return ret class CTScan(CScan, CAcquisition): '''Generic continuous scan class. The idea is that the scan macros create an instance of this class, supplying in the constructor a reference to the macro that created the scan, a waypoint generator function pointer, a list of moveable items, an extra environment and a sequence of constrains. The generator must be a function yielding a dictionary with the following content (minimum) at each step of the scan: - 'start_positions' : The user positions where the **physical** motors should start the active region of the waypoint scan (usually during the constant velocity of the **physical** motors) - 'positions' : The user positions where the **physical** motors should end the active region of the waypoint scan (since currently the post-trigger acquisition is assumed this does not mean leaving the constant velocity of the **physical** motors - the constant velocity will be maintained for the last point of the waypoint scan) - 'active_time' : Duration of the active region of the waypoint scan, (in contrary to the *positions* configuration this one includes the time necessary for hangling the last point of the waypoint scan with its *latency time* (in seconds) - 'pre-move-hooks' : (optional) a sequence of callables to be called in strict order before starting to move - 'post-move-hooks': (optional) a sequence of callables to be called in strict order after finishing the move - 'waypoint_id' : a hashable identifing the waypoint - 'check_func' : (optional) a list of callable objects. callable(moveables, counters) - 'extravalues': (optional) a dictionary containing the values for each extra info field. The extra information fields must be described in extradesc (passed in the constructor of the Gscan) .. todo:: - instead of passing the *active_time* pass the synchronization description - decide whether *positions* should include the real end of the active region - decide if the *start_positions* and *positions* should operate directly on the physical motors or it would be more interesting on the pseudo motors .. note:: The CTScan class has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the module) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. ''' def __init__(self, macro, generator=None, moveables=[], env={}, constraints=[], extrainfodesc=[]): CScan.__init__(self, macro, generator=generator, moveables=moveables, env=env, constraints=constraints, extrainfodesc=extrainfodesc) CAcquisition.__init__(self) self.__mntGrpSubscribed = False def prepare_waypoint(self, waypoint, start_positions, iterate_only=False): """Prepare list of MotionPath objects per each physical motor. :param waypoint: (dict) waypoint dictionary with necessary information :param start_positions: (list< float>) list of starting position per each physical motor :return (ideal_paths, acc_time, active_time) - ideal_paths: (list<MotionPath> representing motion attributes of each physical motor) - acc_time: acceleration time which will be used during the scan it corresponds to the longest acceleration time of all the motors - active_time: time interval while all the physical motors will maintain constant velocity""" positions = waypoint['positions'] active_time = waypoint["active_time"] ideal_paths = [] max_acc_time, max_dec_time = 0, 0 for moveable, start_position, end_position in zip( self._physical_moveables, start_positions, positions): # motors that won't be moved do not participate in the # configuration selection # TODO: think of not attaching them to the waypoint at all if start_position == end_position: continue motor = moveable self.macro.debug("Motor: %s" % motor.getName()) self.macro.debug("AccTime: %f" % self.get_min_acc_time(motor)) self.macro.debug("DecTime: %f" % self.get_min_dec_time(motor)) max_acc_time = max(self.get_min_acc_time(motor), max_acc_time) max_dec_time = max(self.get_min_dec_time(motor), max_dec_time) acc_time = max_acc_time dec_time = max_dec_time for moveable, start, end in \ zip(self._physical_moveables, start_positions, positions): total_displacement = abs(end - start) direction = 1 if end > start else -1 interval_displacement = total_displacement / self.macro.nr_interv # move further in order to acquire the last point at constant # velocity if self.do_last_point: end = end + direction * interval_displacement base_vel = moveable.getBaseRate() ideal_vmotor = VMotor(accel_time=acc_time, decel_time=dec_time, min_vel=base_vel) ideal_path = MotionPath(ideal_vmotor, start, end, active_time) # check if calculated ideal velocity is accepted by hardware backup_vel = moveable.getVelocity(force=True) ideal_max_vel = try_vel = ideal_path.max_vel try: while True: moveable.setVelocity(try_vel) get_vel = moveable.getVelocity(force=True) if get_vel < ideal_max_vel: msg = 'Ideal scan velocity {0} of motor {1} cannot ' \ 'be reached, {2} will be used instead'.format( ideal_max_vel,, get_vel) self.macro._warning(msg) ideal_path.max_vel = get_vel break elif get_vel > ideal_max_vel: try_vel -= (get_vel - try_vel) else: break except Exception: self.macro.debug("Unknown error when trying if hardware " "accepts ideal scan velocity", exc_info=1) ideal_path.max_vel = ideal_max_vel finally: moveable.setVelocity(backup_vel) ideal_path.moveable = moveable ideal_path.apply_correction = True ideal_paths.append(ideal_path) return ideal_paths, acc_time, active_time def _go_through_waypoints(self): """Internal, unprotected method to go through the different waypoints. It controls all the three objects: motion, trigger and measurement group.""" macro = self.macro motion = self._physical_motion waypoints = self.steps measurement_group = self.measurement_group self.macro.debug("_go_through_waypoints() entering...") compatible, channels = \ self.is_measurement_group_compatible(measurement_group) if not compatible: self.debug("Non compatible channels are: %s" % channels) msg = "Measurement group %s is not compatible with %s" %\ (measurement_group.getName(), macro.getName()) raise ScanException(msg) # add listener of data events measurement_group.subscribeValueBuffer(self.value_buffer_changed) # add listener of value ref events measurement_group.subscribeValueRefBuffer( self.value_ref_buffer_changed) # initializing mntgrp subscription control variables self.__mntGrpSubscribed = True = {} last_positions = None self.macro.warning( "Motor positions and relative timestamp (dt) columns contains" " theoretical values" ) start_record = 0 for i, waypoint in waypoints: self.macro.debug("Waypoint iteration...") start_positions = waypoint.get('start_positions') positions = waypoint['positions'] if start_positions is None: start_positions = last_positions if start_positions is None: last_positions = positions continue waypoint_info = self.prepare_waypoint(waypoint, start_positions) motion_paths, delta_start, acq_duration = waypoint_info self.acq_duration = acq_duration # execute pre-move hooks for hook in waypoint.get('pre-move-hooks', []): hook() # parepare list of start and final positions for the motion object start_pos, final_pos, velocity = [], [], [] for path in motion_paths: start_pos.append(path.initial_user_pos) final_pos.append(path.final_user_pos) velocity.append(path.max_vel) # validate if start and final positions are within range moveables = self._physical_moveables for start, final, vel, moveable in zip( start_pos, final_pos, velocity, moveables ): min_pos = self.get_min_pos(moveable) max_pos = self.get_max_pos(moveable) min_vel, max_vel = self.get_velocity_range(moveable) if start < min_pos or start > max_pos: name = moveable.getName() msg = 'start position of motor %s (%f) ' % (name, start) +\ 'is out of range (%f, %f)' % (min_pos, max_pos) raise ScanException(msg) if final < min_pos or final > max_pos: name = moveable.getName() msg = 'final position of motor %s (%f) ' % (name, final) +\ 'is out of range (%f, %f)' % (min_pos, max_pos) raise ScanException(msg) if vel > 0 and (vel > max_vel or vel < min_vel): name = moveable.getName() msg = 'scan velocity of motor %s (%f) ' % (name, vel) +\ 'is out of range (%f, %f)' % (min_vel, max_vel) raise ScanException(msg) self.macro.checkPoint() # at least one motor must have different start and final positions if all(self.macro.starts == self.macro.finals): if len(self.macro.starts) > 1: msg = "Scan start and end must be different for at " \ "least one motor" else: msg = "Scan start and end must be different." raise ScanException(msg) # Set the index offset used in CAcquisition class. self._index_offset = start_record startTimestamp = time.time() # extra pre configuration if hasattr(macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in macro.getHooks('pre-configuration'): hook() self.macro.checkPoint() # TODO: let a pseudomotor specify which motor should be used as # source MASTER = 0 moveable = moveables[MASTER].full_name self.measurement_group.setMoveable(moveable) path = motion_paths[MASTER] repeats = self.macro.nb_points active_time = self.macro.integ_time active_position = path.max_vel * active_time if not path.positive_displacement: active_position *= -1 start = path._initial_user_pos final = path._final_user_pos total_position = (final - start) / repeats initial_position = start total_time = abs(total_position) / path.max_vel delay_time = path.max_vel_time delay_position = start - path.initial_user_pos synch = [ {SynchParam.Delay: {SynchDomain.Time: delay_time, SynchDomain.Position: delay_position}, SynchParam.Initial: {SynchDomain.Position: initial_position}, SynchParam.Active: {SynchDomain.Position: active_position, SynchDomain.Time: active_time}, SynchParam.Total: {SynchDomain.Position: total_position, SynchDomain.Time: total_time}, SynchParam.Repeats: repeats}] self.debug('SynchDescription: %s' % synch) measurement_group.setSynchDescription(synch) self.macro.checkPoint() # extra post configuration if hasattr(macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in macro.getHooks('post-configuration'): hook() self.macro.checkPoint() endTimestamp = time.time() self.debug("Configuration took %s time." % repr(endTimestamp - startTimestamp)) ############ # try to go as fast as possile to start position self._setFastMotions(moveables) # move to start position self.macro.debug("Moving to start position: %s" % repr(start_pos)) try: state, _positions = motion.move(start_pos) except InterruptException: raise except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Moving to start position failed to start") from e if state in (Alarm, Fault): self.dump_information( motion.moveable_list, "moving to start position", logging.WARNING) if state == Fault: raise ScanException( "Moving to start position ended with %s\n" % self.macro.checkPoint() # a table of motor settings # ("u" is short for "unit", to save space) motor_table = List(["Motor", "Velocity[u/s]", "Acceleration[s]", "Deceleration[s]", "Start[u]", "End[u]"], header_separator=None, text_alignment=[Alignment.HCenter] * 6, max_col_width=[-1] * 6) # prepare motor(s) to move with their maximum velocity for path in motion_paths: motor = path.moveable self.macro.debug("Motor: %s" % motor.getName()) self.macro.debug('start_user: %f; ' % path._initial_user_pos + 'end_user: %f; ' % path._final_user_pos + 'start: %f; ' % path.initial_pos + 'end: %f; ' % path.final_pos + 'ds: %f' % (path.final_pos - path.initial_pos)) cell_format = "%g" # TODO is this the proper format to use? motor_table.appendRow([motor.getName(), cell_format % path.max_vel, cell_format % path.max_vel_time, cell_format % path.min_vel_time, cell_format % path.initial_pos, cell_format % path.final_pos]) attributes = OrderedDict(velocity=path.max_vel, acceleration=path.max_vel_time, deceleration=path.min_vel_time) # do not configure motors which are not moved in the waypoint # TODO: think of not attaching them to the waypoint at all if path.initial_user_pos == path.final_user_pos: continue try: self.configure_motor(motor, attributes) except ScanException as e: msg = "Error when configuring scan motion (%s)" % e raise ScanException(msg) self.macro.output("") for line in motor_table.genOutput(): self.macro.output(line) self.macro.output("") # TODO: don't fill theoretical positions but implement the position # capture, both hardware and software if i == 0: dt_timestamp = 0 first_timestamp = time.time() else: dt_timestamp = time.time() - first_timestamp initial_data = starts = self.macro.starts finals = self.macro.finals nb_interv = self.macro.nr_interv labels = [motor.getName() for motor in self.macro.motors] theoretical_positions = generate_positions( labels, starts, finals, nb_interv, do_last_point=self.do_last_point ) theoretical_timestamps = generate_timestamps(synch, dt_timestamp) for index, data in list(theoretical_positions.items()): data.update(theoretical_timestamps[index]) initial_data[index + self._index_offset] = data # TODO: this changes the initial data on-the-fly - seems like not # the best practice = initial_data if hasattr(macro, 'getHooks'): pre_acq_hooks = waypoint.get('pre-acq-hooks', []) for hook in pre_acq_hooks: hook() self.macro.debug("Starting measurement group") self.measurement_group.setNbStarts(1) self.measurement_group.prepare() mg_id = self.measurement_group.start() if i == 0: first_timestamp = time.time() try: timeout = self.macro.getEnv("ScanMntGrpFinishTimeout") except UnknownEnv: timeout = 15 try: self.timestamp_to_start = time.time() + delta_start end_move = False # move to waypoint end position self.macro.debug( "Moving to waypoint/end position: %s" % repr(final_pos)) state, _ = motion.move(final_pos) if state in (Alarm, Fault): self.dump_information(motion.moveable_list, "moving to waypoint/end position") raise RuntimeError( "Moving to waypoint/end position ended with %s\n" % end_move = True except InterruptException: timeout = 0 raise except Exception as e: timeout = 0 raise ScanException("Moving to waypoint/end position failed") from e finally: measurement_group.waitFinish(timeout=timeout, id=mg_id) # if macro was stopped the meas group will be stopped anyway if not macro.isStopped(): state = # if it does not finish, abort the measurement group # (this could be due to missed hardware triggers or # positioning problems) if state == PyTango.DevState.MOVING: measurement_group.Stop() if end_move: msg = ("Measurement did not finish acquisition within " "timeout ({} s). Stopping it...".format(timeout)) self.debug(msg) raise ScanException("acquisition timeout reached") for hook in waypoint.get('post-acq-hooks', []): hook() self.macro.checkPoint() # execute post-move hooks for hook in waypoint.get('post-move-hooks', []): hook() # fill record list with empty records for the final padding of # waypoint self._fill_missing_records(start_record=start_record) nb_points = self.macro.nb_points start_record += nb_points if start_positions is None: last_positions = positions if self._apply_overshoot_correction: self.on_waypoints_end(positions) else: self.on_waypoints_end() def on_waypoints_end(self, restore_positions=None): """To be called by the waypoint thread to handle the end of waypoints (either because no more waypoints or because a macro abort was triggered) .. todo:: Unify this method for all the continuous scans. Hint: use the motion property and return the _physical_motion member instead of _motion or in both cases: CSScan and CTScan coordinate the physical motors' velocit. """ self.debug("on_waypoints_end() entering...") self.set_all_waypoints_finished(True) if restore_positions is not None: self._restore_motors() # first restore motors backup self._setFastMotions() # then try to go even faster (limits) self._physical_motion.move(restore_positions) self.motion_end_event.set() self.cleanup() self.debug("Waiting for data events to be processed") self.wait_value_buffer() self.join_thread_pool() self.debug("All data events are processed") if restore_positions is not None:"Overshoot was corrected") else:"Overshoot was not corrected") # Note: The commented out code below works, but due to an issue with # output of the last measurement point, it should not be enabled yet. # See # # Output the restored motor settings # out = List(["Motor", "Velocity", "Acceleration", "Deceleration"], # header_separator=None, # text_alignment=[Alignment.HCenter] * 4, # max_col_width=[-1] * 4) # cell_format = "%g" # for motor_backup in self._backup: # out.appendRow([motor_backup["moveable"].getName(), # cell_format % motor_backup["velocity"], # cell_format % motor_backup["acceleration"], # cell_format % motor_backup["deceleration"]]) # self.macro.output("") # for line in out.genOutput(): # self.macro.output(line) def scan_loop(self): macro = self.macro # manager = macro.getManager() scream = False # startts = self._env['startts'] sum_delay = 0 sum_integ_time = 0 # moveables = [m.moveable for m in self.moveables] # point_nb, step = -1, None # data = self.go_through_waypoints() env = self._env env['acqtime'] = sum_integ_time env['delaytime'] = sum_delay yield 100.0 def cleanup(self): '''This method is responsible for restoring state of measurement group and trigger to its state before the scan.''' startTimestamp = time.time() if self.__mntGrpSubscribed: self.debug("Unsubscribing from value buffer events") try: self.measurement_group.unsubscribeValueBuffer( self.value_buffer_changed) self.measurement_group.unsubscribeValueRefBuffer( self.value_ref_buffer_changed) self.__mntGrpSubscribed = False except Exception: msg = "Exception occurred trying to remove data listeners" self.debug(msg) self.debug('Details: ', exc_info=True) raise ScanException('removing data listeners failed') if hasattr(self.macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in self.macro.getHooks('pre-cleanup'): self.debug("Executing pre-cleanup hook") try: hook() except InterruptException: raise except Exception: msg = "Exception while trying to execute a pre-cleanup " \ "hook" self.debug(msg) self.debug('Details: ', exc_info=True) raise ScanException('pre-cleanup hook failed') if hasattr(self.macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in self.macro.getHooks('post-cleanup'): self.debug("Executing post-cleanup hook") try: hook() except InterruptException: raise except Exception: msg = "Exception while trying to execute a " + \ "post-cleanup hook" self.debug(msg) self.debug('Details: ', exc_info=True) raise ScanException('post-cleanup hook failed') endTimestamp = time.time() self.debug("Cleanup took %s time." % repr(endTimestamp - startTimestamp)) class HScan(SScan): """Hybrid scan""" def stepUp(self, n, step, lstep): motion, mg = self.motion, self.measurement_group startts = self._env['startts'] # pre-move hooks for hook in step.get('pre-move-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass positions, integ_time = step['positions'], step['integ_time'] try: m_ID = motion.startMove(positions) mg_ID = mg.startCount(integ_time) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: self.dump_information(n, step, motion.moveable_list) raise try: motion.waitMove(id=m_ID) mg.waitCount(id=mg_ID) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: self.dump_information(n, step, motion.moveable_list) raise self._sum_acq_time += integ_time curr_time = time.time() dt = curr_time - startts m_state, m_positions = motion.readState(), motion.readPosition() if m_state != Ready: self.dump_information(n, step, motion.moveable_list) m = "Scan aborted after problematic motion: " \ "Motion ended with %s\n" % str(m_state) raise ScanException({'msg': m}) data_line = mg.getValues() # Add final moveable positions data_line['point_nb'] = n data_line['timestamp'] = dt for i, m in enumerate(self.moveables): data_line[m.moveable.getName()] = m_positions[i] # Add extra data coming in the step['extrainfo'] dictionary if 'extrainfo' in step: data_line.update(step['extrainfo']) # post-step hooks for hook in step.get('post-step-hooks', ()): hook() try: step['extrainfo'].update(hook.getStepExtraInfo()) except InterruptException: raise except Exception: pass def dump_information(self, n, step, elements): msg = ["Report: Stopped at step #" + str(n) + " with:"] for element in elements: msg.append(element.information())"\n".join(msg)) class TScan(GScan, CAcquisition): """Time scan. Macro that employs the time scan must define the synchronization description in either of the following two ways: - synch_description attribute that follows the synchronization description format of the measurement group - integ_time, nb_points and latency_time (optional) attributes """ def __init__(self, macro, generator=None, moveables=[], env={}, constraints=[], extrainfodesc=[]): GScan.__init__(self, macro, generator=generator, moveables=moveables, env=env, constraints=constraints, extrainfodesc=extrainfodesc) CAcquisition.__init__(self) self._synch_description = None def _create_synch_description(self, active_time, repeats, latency_time=0): delay_time = 0 mg_latency_time = self.measurement_group.getLatencyTime() if mg_latency_time > latency_time:"Choosing measurement group latency time: %f" % mg_latency_time) latency_time = mg_latency_time total_time = active_time + latency_time synch_description = [ {SynchParam.Delay: {SynchDomain.Time: delay_time}, SynchParam.Active: {SynchDomain.Time: active_time}, SynchParam.Total: {SynchDomain.Time: total_time}, SynchParam.Repeats: repeats}] return synch_description def get_synch_description(self): if self._synch_description is not None: return self._synch_description if hasattr(self.macro, "synch_description"): synch_description = self.macro.synch_description else: try: active_time = getattr(self.macro, "integ_time") repeats = getattr(self.macro, "nb_points") except AttributeError: msg = "Macro object is missing synchronization description " \ "attributes" raise ScanSetupError(msg) latency_time = getattr(self.macro, "latency_time", 0) synch_description = \ self._create_synch_description(active_time, repeats, latency_time) self._synch_description = synch_description return synch_description synch_description = property(get_synch_description) def scan_loop(self): macro = self.macro measurement_group = self.measurement_group synch_description = self.synch_description compatible, channels = \ self.is_measurement_group_compatible(measurement_group) if not compatible: self.debug("Non compatible channels are: %s" % channels) msg = "Measurement group %s is not compatible with %s" %\ (measurement_group.getName(), macro.getName()) raise ScanException(msg) theoretical_timestamps = \ generate_timestamps(synch_description) = theoretical_timestamps msg = "Relative timestamp (dt) column contains theoretical values" self.macro.warning(msg) if hasattr(macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in macro.getHooks('pre-acq'): hook() measurement_group.setNbStarts(1) measurement_group.count_continuous(synch_description, self.value_buffer_changed, self.value_ref_buffer_changed) self.debug("Waiting for value buffer events to be processed") self.wait_value_buffer() self.join_thread_pool() self.macro.checkPoint() self.debug("All data events are processed") self._fill_missing_records() yield 100 if hasattr(macro, 'getHooks'): for hook in macro.getHooks('post-acq'): hook() def _estimate(self): with_time = hasattr(self.macro, "getTimeEstimation") with_interval = hasattr(self.macro, "getIntervalEstimation") if with_time and with_interval: t = self.macro.getTimeEstimation() i = self.macro.getIntervalEstimation() return t, i if not hasattr(self.macro, "synch_description"): raise AttributeError("synch_description is mandatory " "to estimate") synch_description = self.macro.synch_description time = 0 intervals = 0 for group in synch_description: delay = group[SynchParam.Delay][SynchDomain.Time] time += delay total = group[SynchParam.Total][SynchDomain.Time] repeats = group[SynchParam.Repeats] time += total * repeats intervals += repeats return time, intervals