#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of Sardana
# http://www.sardana-controls.org/
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""This module is part of the Python Sardana libray. It defines the base classes
for Sardana attributes"""
__all__ = ["SardanaAttribute", "SardanaSoftwareAttribute",
"ScalarNumberAttribute", "SardanaAttributeConfiguration"]
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import weakref
import datetime
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Tuple
import sardana
from .sardanaevent import EventGenerator, EventType
from .sardanadefs import ScalarNumberFilter, AttrQuality
from .sardanavalue import SardanaValue
class SardanaAttribute(EventGenerator):
"""Class representing an atomic attribute like position of a motor or a
counter value"""
def __init__(self, obj, name=None, initial_value=None, **kwargs):
super(SardanaAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if obj is not None:
obj = weakref.ref(obj)
self._obj = obj
self.name = name or self.__class__.__name__
self._r_value = None
self._last_event_value = None
self._w_value = None
self._quality = AttrQuality.Valid
self.filter = lambda a, b: True
self.config = SardanaAttributeConfiguration()
if initial_value is not None:
def has_value(self) -> bool:
"""Determines if the attribute's read value has been read at least once
in the lifetime of the attribute.
:return: True if the attribute has a read value stored or False otherwise
return self._has_value()
def _has_value(self):
return not self._r_value is None
def has_write_value(self) -> bool:
"""Determines if the attribute's write value has been read at least once
in the lifetime of the attribute.
:return: True if the attribute has a write value stored or False otherwise
return self._has_write_value()
def _has_write_value(self):
return self._w_value is not None
def get_obj(self) -> Any:
"""Returns the object which *owns* this attribute
:return: the object which *owns* this attribute
return self._get_obj()
def _get_obj(self):
obj = self._obj
if obj is not None:
obj = obj()
return obj
def in_error(self) -> bool:
"""Determines if this attribute is in error state.
:return: True if the attribute is in error state or False otherwise
return self._in_error()
def _in_error(self):
return self.has_value() and self._r_value.error
def set_value(self, value: Union[Any, SardanaValue], exc_info: Optional[Tuple] = None, timestamp: Optional[float] = None, propagate: int = 1) -> None:
"""Sets the current read value and propagates the event (if
propagate > 0).
:param value: the new read value for this attribute. If a SardanaValue
is given, exc_info and timestamp are ignored (if given)
:param exc_info: exception information as returned by
:func:`sys.exc_info` [default: None, meaning no
:param timestamp: timestamp of attribute readout [default: None, meaning
create a 'now' timestamp]
:param propagate:
0 for not propagating, 1 to propagate, 2 propagate with priority
return self._set_value(value, exc_info=exc_info, timestamp=timestamp,
def _set_value(self, value, exc_info=None, timestamp=None, propagate=1):
if isinstance(value, SardanaValue):
rvalue = value
rvalue = SardanaValue(
value=value, exc_info=exc_info, timestamp=timestamp)
self._r_value = rvalue
def get_value(self) -> Any:
"""Returns the last read value for this attribute.
:return: the last read value for this attribute
:raises: :exc:`Exception` if no read value has been set yet
return self._get_value()
def _get_value(self):
return self.get_value_obj().value
def get_value_obj(self) -> sardana.sardanavalue.SardanaValue:
"""Returns the last read value for this attribute.
:return: the last read value for this attribute
:raises: :exc:`Exception` if no read value has been set yet"""
return self._get_value_obj()
def _get_value_obj(self):
if not self.has_value():
raise Exception("{0}.{1} doesn't have a read value yet".format(
self.obj.name, self.name))
return self._r_value
def set_write_value(self, w_value: Any, timestamp: Optional[float] = None, propagate: int = 1) -> None:
"""Sets the current write value.
:param value: the new write value for this attribute. If a SardanaValue
is given, timestamp is ignored (if given)
:param timestamp: timestamp of attribute write [default: None, meaning
create a 'now' timestamp]
:param propagate:
0 for not propagating, 1 to propagate, 2 propagate with priority
return self._set_write_value(w_value, timestamp=timestamp,
def _set_write_value(self, w_value, timestamp=None, propagate=1):
if isinstance(w_value, SardanaValue):
wvalue = w_value
wvalue = SardanaValue(value=w_value, timestamp=timestamp)
self._w_value = wvalue
def get_write_value(self) -> object:
"""Returns the last write value for this attribute.
:return: the last write value for this attribute or None if value has
not been written yet
return self._get_write_value()
def _get_write_value(self):
w_value = self.get_write_value_obj()
if w_value is not None:
return w_value.value
def get_write_value_obj(self) -> sardana.sardanavalue.SardanaValue:
"""Returns the last write value object for this attribute.
:return: the last write value for this attribute or None if value has
not been written yet
return self._get_write_value_obj()
def _get_write_value_obj(self):
if self.has_write_value():
return self._w_value
def get_quality(self):
return self._quality
def set_quality(self, quality):
self._quality = quality
def get_exc_info(self) -> Optional[Tuple]:
"""Returns the exception information (like :func:`sys.exc_info`) about
last attribute readout or None if last read did not generate an
:return: exception information or None
return self._get_exc_info()
def _get_exc_info(self):
exc_info = None
if self.has_value():
exc_info = self._r_value.exc_info
return exc_info
def accepts(self, propagate):
if propagate < 1:
return False
if self._last_event_value is None:
return True
return propagate > 1 or self.filter(self.get_value(), self._last_event_value.value)
def get_timestamp(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""Returns the timestamp of the last readout or None if the attribute
has never been read before
:return: timestamp of the last readout or None
return self._get_timestamp()
def _get_timestamp(self):
if self.has_value():
return self._r_value.timestamp
def get_write_timestamp(self) -> Optional[float]:
"""Returns the timestamp of the last write or None if the attribute
has never been written before
:return: timestamp of the last write or None
return self._get_write_timestamp()
def _get_write_timestamp(self):
if self.has_write_value():
return self._w_value.timestamp
def fire_write_event(self, propagate: int = 1) -> None:
"""Fires an event to the listeners of the object which owns this
:param propagate:
0 for not propagating, 1 to propagate, 2 propagate with priority
if propagate < 1:
evt_type = EventType("w_" + self.name, priority=propagate)
self.fire_event(evt_type, self)
def fire_read_event(self, propagate: int = 1) -> None:
"""Fires an event to the listeners of the object which owns this
:param propagate:
0 for not propagating, 1 to propagate, 2 propagate with priority
if self.accepts(propagate):
obj = self.obj
if obj is not None:
self._last_event_value = self._r_value
evt_type = EventType(self.name, priority=propagate)
self.fire_event(evt_type, self)
obj = property(get_obj, "container object for this attribute")
value_obj = property(get_value_obj)
write_value_obj = property(get_write_value_obj)
value = property(get_value, set_value,
"current read value for this attribute")
w_value = property(get_write_value, set_write_value,
"current write value for this attribute")
quality = property(get_quality, set_quality,
"current quality for this attribute")
timestamp = property(get_timestamp, doc="the read timestamp")
w_timestamp = property(get_write_timestamp, doc="the write timestamp")
error = property(in_error)
exc_info = property(get_exc_info)
def __repr__(self):
v = None
if self.in_error():
v = "<Error>"
elif self.has_value():
v = self.value
return "{0}(value={1})".format(self.name, v)
def __str__(self):
if self.has_value():
value = "{0} at {1}".format(
self.value, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp))
value = "-----"
if self.has_write_value():
w_value = "{0} at {1}".format(
self.w_value, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.w_timestamp))
w_value = "-----"
ret = """{0.__class__.__name__}(
name = {0.name}
manager = {0.obj}
read = {1}
write = {2})
""".format(self, value, w_value)
return ret
class SardanaSoftwareAttribute(SardanaAttribute):
"""Class representing a software attribute. The difference between this and
:class:`SardanaAttribute` is that, because it is a pure software attribute,
there is no difference ever between the read and write values."""
get_value = SardanaAttribute.get_value
def set_value(self, value: Any, exc_info: Optional[Tuple] = None, timestamp: Optional[float] = None, propagate: int = 1) -> None:
Sets the current read value and propagates the event (if
propagate > 0).
:param value: the new read value for this attribute
:param exc_info: exception information as returned by
:func:`sys.exc_info` [default: None, meaning no
:param timestamp: timestamp of attribute readout [default: None, meaning
create a 'now' timestamp]
:param propagate:
0 for not propagating, 1 to propagate, 2 propagate with priority
SardanaAttribute.set_value(self, value, exc_info=exc_info,
self.set_write_value(value, timestamp=self.timestamp)
value = property(get_value, set_value, "current value for this attribute")
class ScalarNumberAttribute(SardanaAttribute):
"""A :class:`SardanaAttribute` specialized for numbers"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
SardanaAttribute.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.filter = ScalarNumberFilter()
class SardanaAttributeConfiguration(object):
"""Storage class for :class:`SardanaAttribute` information (like ranges)"""
NoRange = float('-inf'), float('inf')
def __init__(self):
self.range = self.NoRange
self.alarm = self.NoRange
self.warning = self.NoRange