How to write a counter/timer controller

This chapter provides the necessary information to write a counter/timer controller in Sardana.

The basics

An example of a hypothetical Springfield counter/timer controller will be build incrementally from scratch to aid in the explanation.

By now you should have read the general controller basics chapter. You should be able to create a CounterTimerController with:

  • a proper constructor,

  • add and delete axis methods

  • get axis state

import springfieldlib

from sardana.pool.controller import CounterTimerController

from sardana import State

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def __init__(self, inst, props, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SpringfieldCounterTimerController, self).__init__(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)

        # initialize hardware communication
        self.springfield = springfieldlib.SpringfieldCounterHW()

        # do some initialization
        self._counters = {}

    def AddDevice(self, axis):
        self._counters[axis] = True

    def DeleteDevice(self, axis):
        del self._counters[axis]

    StateMap = {
        1 : State.On,
        2 : State.Moving,
        3 : State.Fault,

    def StateOne(self, axis):
        springfield = self.springfield
        state = self.StateMap[ springfield.getState(axis) ]
        status = springfield.getStatus(axis)
        return state, status

The examples use a springfieldlib module which emulates a counter/timer hardware access library.

The springfieldlib can be downloaded from here.

The Springfield counter/timer controller can be downloaded from here.

The following code describes a minimal Springfield base counter/timer controller which is able to return both the state and value of an individual counter as well as to start an acquisition:

class SpringfieldBaseCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):
    """The most basic controller intended from demonstration purposes only.
    This is the absolute minimum you have to implement to set a proper counter
    controller able to get a counter value, get a counter state and do an

    This example is so basic that it is not even directly described in the

    def __init__(self, inst, props, *args, **kwargs):
              self).__init__(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)
        self.springfield = springfieldlib.SpringfieldCounterHW()

    def ReadOne(self, axis):
        """Get the specified counter value"""
        return self.springfield.getValue(axis)

    def StateOne(self, axis):
        """Get the specified counter state"""
        springfield = self.springfield
        state = springfield.getState(axis)
        if state == 1:
            return State.On, "Counter is stopped"
        elif state == 2:
            return State.Moving, "Counter is acquiring"
        elif state == 3:
            return State.Fault, "Counter has an error"

    def StartOne(self, axis, value=None):
        """acquire the specified counter"""

    def LoadOne(self, axis, value, repetitions, latency):
        self.springfield.LoadChannel(axis, value)

    def StopOne(self, axis):
        """Stop the specified counter"""

Get counter state

To get the state of a counter, sardana calls the StateOne() method. This method receives an axis as parameter and should return either:

  • state (State) or

  • a sequence of two elements:

The state should be a member of State (For backward compatibility reasons, it is also supported to return one of PyTango.DevState). The status could be any string.

Load a counter

To load a counter with either the integration time or the monitor counts, sardana calls the LoadOne() method. This method receives axis, value and repetitions parameters. For the moment let’s focus on the first two of them.

Here is an example of the possible implementation of LoadOne():

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def LoadOne(self, axis, value, repetitions, latency):
        self.springfield.LoadChannel(axis, value)

Get counter value

To get the counter value, sardana calls the ReadOne() method:

  • at a given frequency during the acquisition to get the still changing result

  • one more time after the acquisition to collect the final result

This method receives an axis as parameter and should return a valid counter value. Sardana notifies the pseudo counters about the new counter value so they can be updated (see Pseudo counter overview for more details).

In case it is not possible to return a valid counter value you should raise an exception indicating the reason. For example:

  • during the acquisition the hardware does not provide the still changing value (returning None is deprecated since version 3.4)

  • after the acquisition the final result is invalid e.g. the data format is incorrect

  • a hardware failure was detected

Here is an example of the possible implementation of ReadOne():

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def ReadOne(self, axis):
            return self.springfield.getValue(axis)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("Problem when reading value") from e

Start a counter

When an order comes for sardana to start a counter, sardana will call the StartOne() method. This method receives an axis as parameter. The controller code should trigger the hardware acquisition.

Here is an example of the possible implementation of StartOne():

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def StartOne(self, axis, value):

As soon as StartOne() is invoked, sardana expects the counter to be acquiring. It enters a high frequency acquisition loop which asks for the counter state through calls to StateOne(). It will keep the loop running as long as the controller responds with State.Moving. If StateOne() raises an exception or returns something other than State.Moving, sardana will assume the counter is stopped and exit the acquisition loop.

For an acquisition to work properly, it is therefore, very important that StateOne() responds correctly.

Stop a counter

It is possible to stop a counter when it is acquiring. When sardana is ordered to stop a counter acquisition, it invokes the StopOne() method. This method receives an axis parameter. The controller should make sure the desired counter is gracefully stopped.

Here is an example of the possible implementation of StopOne():

class SpringfieldCounterTImerController(CounterTimerController):

    def StopOne(self, axis):

Abort a counter

In an emergency situation, it is desirable to abort an acquisition as fast as possible. When sardana is ordered to abort a counter acquisition, it invokes the AbortOne() method. This method receives an axis parameter. The controller should make sure the desired counter is stopped as fast as it can be done.

Here is an example of the possible implementation of AbortOne():

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def AbortOne(self, axis):

Advanced topics

Timer and monitor roles

Usually counters can work in either of two modes: timer or monitor. In both of them, one counter in a group is assigned a special role to control when the rest of them should stop counting. The stopping condition is based on the integration time in case of the timer or on the monitor counts in case of the monitor. The assignment of this special role is based on the measurement group Configuration. The controller receives this configuration (axis number) via the controller parameter timer and monitor. The currently used acquisition mode is set via the controller parameter acquisition_mode.

Controller may announce its default timer axis with the default_timer class attribute.

Timestamp a counter value

When you read the value of a counter from the hardware sometimes it is necessary to associate a timestamp with that value so you can track the value of a counter in time.

If sardana is executed as a Tango device server, reading the value attribute from the counter device triggers the execution of your controller’s ReadOne() method. Tango responds with the value your controller returns from the call to ReadOne() and automatically assigns a timestamp. However this timestamp has a certain delay since the time the value was actually read from hardware and the time Tango generates the timestamp.

To avoid this, sardana supports returning in ReadOne() an object that contains both the value and the timestamp instead of the usual numbers.Number. The object must be an instance of SardanaValue.

Here is an example of associating a timestamp in ReadOne():

import time
from sardana.pool.controller import SardanaValue

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

   def ReadOne(self, axis):
       return SardanaValue(value=self.springfield.getValue(axis),

If your controller communicates with a Tango device, Sardana also supports returning a DeviceAttribute object. Sardana will use this object’s value and timestamp. Example:

class TangoCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

   def ReadOne(self, axis):
       return self.device.read_attribute("value")

Multiple acquisition synchronization

This chapter describes an extended API that allows you to better synchronize acquisitions involving more than one counter, as well as optimize hardware communication (in case the hardware interface also supports this).

Often it is the case that the experiment/procedure the user runs requires to acquire more than one counter at the same time (see Measurement group overview). Imagine that the user requires counter at axis 1 and counter at axis 2 to be acquired. Your controller will receive two consecutive calls to StartOne():


and each StartOne will probably connect to the hardware (through serial line, socket, Tango or EPICS) and ask the counter to be started. This will do the job but, there will be a slight desynchronization between the two counters because hardware call of counter 1 will be done before hardware call to counter 2.

Sardana provides an extended start acquisition which gives you the possibility to improve the synchronization (and probably reduce communications) but your hardware controller must somehow support this feature as well.

The complete start acquisition API consists of four methods:

Except for StartOne(), the implementation of all other start methods is optional and their default implementation does nothing (PreStartOne() actually returns True).

So, actually, the algorithm for counter acquisition start in sardana is:

/FOR/ Each controller(s) implied in the acquisition
    - Call PreStartAll()

/FOR/ Each controller(s) implied in the acquisition
    /FOR/ Each counter(s) implied in the acquisition
        - ret = PreStartOne(counter to acquire, new position)
        - /IF/ ret is not true
            /RAISE/ Cannot start. Counter PreStartOne returns False
        - /END IF/
        - Call StartOne(counter to acquire, new position)
    /END FOR/

/FOR/ Each controller(s) implied in the acquisition
    - Call StartAll()

The controllers over which we iterate in the above pseudo code are organized so the master timer/monitor controller is the last one to be called. Similar order of iteration applies to the counters of a given controller, so the timer/monitor is the last one to be called.

You can assign the master controller role with the order of the controllers in the measurement group. There is one master per each of the following synchronization modes: SoftwareTrigger and SoftwareStart. This order must be set within the measurement group Configuration.

So, for the example above where we acquire two counters, the complete sequence of calls to the controller is:


if not PreStartOne(1):
    raise Exception("Cannot start. Counter(1) PreStartOne returns False")
if not PreStartOne(2):
    raise Exception("Cannot start. Counter(2) PreStartOne returns False")



Sardana assures that the above sequence is never interrupted by other calls, like a call from a different user to get counter state.

Suppose the springfield library tells us in the documentation that:

… to acquire multiple counters at the same time use:



startCounters([1, 2])

We can modify our counter controller to take profit of this hardware feature:

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(MotorController):

    def PreStartAll(self):
        # clear the local acquisition information dictionary
        self._counters_info = []

    def StartOne(self, axis):
        # store information about this axis motion

    def StartAll(self):

External (hardware) synchronization

The synchronization achieved in Multiple acquisition synchronization may not be enough when it comes to acquiring with multiple controllers at the same time or to executing multiple acquisitions in a row. Some of the controllers can be synchronized on an external hardware event and in this case several important aspects needs to be taken into account.

Synchronization type

First of all the controller needs to know which type of synchronization will be used. This is assigned on the measurement group Configuration level. The controller receives one of the AcqSynch values via the controller parameter synchronization.

The selected mode will change the behavior of the counter after the StartOne() is invoked. In case one of the software modes was selected, the counter will immediately start acquiring. In case one of the hardware modes was selected, the counter will immediately get armed for the hardware events, and will wait with the acquisition until they occur.

Here is an example of the possible implementation of SetCtrlPar():

from sardana.pool import AcqSynch

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    SynchMap = {
        AcqSynch.SoftwareTrigger : 1,
        AcqSynch.SoftwareGate : 2,
        AcqSynch.SoftwareStart : 3,
        AcqSynch.HardwareTrigger: 4,
        AcqSynch.HardwareGate: 5,
        AcqSynch.HardwareStart: 6

    def SetCtrlPar(self, name, value):
        super(SpringfieldMotorController, self).SetCtrlPar(name, value)
        synchronization = SynchMap[value]
        if name == "synchronization":

Multiple acquisitions

It is a very common scenario to execute multiple hardware synchronized acquisitions in a row. One example of this type of measurements are the Continuous scans. The controller receives the number of acquisitions via the repetitions argument of the LoadOne() method.

Here is an example of the possible implementation of LoadOne():

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def LoadOne(self, axis, value, repetitions, latency):
        self.springfield.LoadChannel(axis, value)
        return value

In order to make the acquisition flow smoothly the synchronizer and the counter/timer controllers needs to agree on the synchronization pace. The counter/timer controller manifest what is the maximum allowed pace for him by means of the latency_time controller parameter (in seconds). This parameter corresponds to the minimum time necessary by the hardware controller to re-arm for the next acquisition.

Here is an example of the possible implementation of GetCtrlPar():

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def GetCtrlPar(self, name):
        if name == "latency_time":
            return self.springfield.GetLatencyTime()


By default, the CounterTimerController base classes return zero latency time controller parameter. If in your controller you override the GetCtrlPar() method remember to always call the super class method as fallback:

def GetCtrlPar(self, name):
    if name == "some_par":
        return "some_val"
        return super().GetCtrlPar(name)

In the case of the HardwareStart or SoftwareStart synchronizations the counter/timer hardware auto triggers itself during the measurement process. In order to fully configure the hardware and set the re-trigger pace you can use the latency argument (in seconds) of the LoadOne() method:

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def LoadOne(self, axis, value, repetitions, latency):
        self.springfield.LoadChannel(axis, value)
        return value

Get counter values

During the hardware synchronized acquisitions the counter values are usually stored in the hardware buffers. Sardana enters a high frequency acquisition loop after the StartOne() is invoked which, apart of asking for the counter state through calls to the StateOne() method, will try to retrieve the counter values using the ReadOne() method. It will keep the loop running as long as the controller responds with State.Moving. Sardana executes one extra readout after the state has changed in order to retrieve the final counter values.

The ReadOne() method is used indifferently of the selected synchronization but its return values should depend on it and can be:

However, in the second case we may find that some calls to the hardware do not return new values (because with these types of synchronizations Sardana doesn’t explicitly control the data acquisition). In this situation you should return an empty sequence []. You should still raise an exception if a hardware failure occurs, the data format is incorrect or an unexpected behaviour is detected.

Sardana assumes that the counter values are returned in the order of acquisition and that there are no gaps in between them.

Per measurement preparation

Since SEP18 counter/timer controllers may take a profit from the per measurement preparation and reserve resources for a sequence of SoftwareTrigger or SoftwareGate acquisitions already in the PrepareOne() method. This method is called only once at the beginning of the measurement e.g. Deterministic step scans or Continuous scans. It enables an opportunity for significant dead time optimization thanks to the single per measurement configuration instead of the multiple per acquisition preparation using the LoadOne().

Here is an example of the possible implementation of PrepareOne():

class SpringfieldCounterTimerController(CounterTimerController):

    def PrepareOne(self, value, repetitions, latency, nb_starts):
        return self.springfield.SetNbStarts()