
This module contains the definition of the Controller base classes


Type = 'type'

Constant data type (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

Access = 'r/w type'

Constant data access (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

Description = 'description'

Constant description (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

DefaultValue = 'defaultvalue'

Constant default value (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

FGet = 'fget'

Constant for getter function (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

FSet = 'fset'

Constant for setter function (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

Memorize = 'memorized'

Constant memorize (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes) Possible values for this key are Memorized, MemorizedNoInit and NotMemorized

Memorized = 'true'

Constant memorized (to be used as a value in the Memorize field definition in axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

MemorizedNoInit = 'true_without_hard_applied'

Constant memorize but not write at initialization (to be used as a value in the Memorize field definition in axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

NotMemorized = 'false'

Constant not memorize (to be used as a value in the Memorize field definition in axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)

MaxDimSize = 'maxdimsize'

Constant MaxDimSize (to be used as a key in the definition of axis_attributes or ctrl_attributes)



Readable interface

Inheritance diagram of Readable
class Readable[source]

Bases: object

A Readable interface. A controller for which it’s axis are ‘readable’ (like a motor, counter or 1D for example) should implement this interface


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a read of the value of all axis. Default implementation does nothing.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a read of the value of a single axis. Default implementation does nothing.


axis (int) – axis number


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to read the value of all selected axis Default implementation does nothing.


Controller API. Override is MANDATORY! Default implementation raises NotImplementedError


axis (int) – axis number

Return type:



the axis value

Referable interface

Inheritance diagram of Referable
class Referable[source]

Bases: object

A Referable interface. A controller for which it’s axis can report data references (like a 1D or 2D for example) should implement this interface


The Referable class has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the class) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers.

referable_axis_attributes = {'ValueRef': {'description': 'Value reference', 'r/w type': 0, 'type': <class 'str'>}, 'ValueRefBuffer': {'description': 'Value reference buffer', 'r/w type': 0, 'type': <class 'str'>}, 'ValueRefEnabled': {'description': 'Value reference enabled', 'r/w type': 1, 'type': <class 'bool'>}, 'ValueRefPattern': {'description': 'Value reference template', 'r/w type': 1, 'type': <class 'str'>}}

A dict containing the referable attributes present on each axis device


Controller API. Override is MANDATORY! Default implementation raises NotImplementedError


axis (int) – axis number

Return type:



the axis value

Startable interface

Inheritance diagram of Startable
class Startable[source]

Bases: object

A Startable interface. A controller for which it’s axis are ‘startable’ (like a motor, for example) should implement this interface


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a start of all axis (whatever pre-start means). Default implementation does nothing.

PreStartOne(axis, value)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a start of the given axis (whatever pre-start means). Default implementation returns True.

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • value (float) – new value

Return type:



True means a successfull pre-start or False for a failure

StartOne(axis, value)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to do a start of the given axis (whatever start means). Default implementation raises NotImplementedError

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • value (float) – new value


Controller API. Override is MANDATORY! Default implementation does nothing.

Stopable interface

Inheritance diagram of Stopable
class Stopable[source]

Bases: object

A Stopable interface. A controller for which it’s axis are ‘stoppable’ (like a motor, for example) should implement this interface


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a abort of all axis (whatever pre-abort means). Default implementation does nothing.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a abort of the given axis (whatever pre-abort means). Default implementation returns True.


axis (int) – axis number

Return type:



True means a successfull pre-abort or False for a failure


Controller API. Override is MANDATORY! Default implementation raises NotImplementedError. Aborts one of the axis


axis (int) – axis number


Controller API. Override if necessary. Aborts all active axis of this controller. Default implementation does nothing.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a stop of all axis (whatever pre-stop means). Default implementation does nothing.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a stop of the given axis (whatever pre-stop means). Default implementation returns True.


axis (int) – axis number

Return type:



True means a successfull pre-stop or False for a failure


Controller API. Override if necessary. Stops one of the axis. This method is reserved for future implementation. Default implementation calls AbortOne().


axis (int) – axis number

Added in version 1.0.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Stops all active axis of this controller. Default implementation calls AbortAll().

Loadable interface

Inheritance diagram of Loadable
class Loadable[source]

Bases: object

A Loadable interface. A controller for which it’s axis are ‘loadable’ (like a counter, 1D or 2D for example) should implement this interface

default_timer = None

axis of the default timer

PrepareOne(axis, value, repetitions, latency, nb_starts)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare the master channel axis with the measurement parameters. Default implementation does nothing.

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • repetitions (int) – number of repetitions

  • value (float) – integration time / monitor count

  • latency (float) – latency time

  • nb_starts (int) – number of starts


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare loading the integration time / monitor value. Default implementation does nothing.

PreLoadOne(axis, value, repetitions, latency)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare loading the master channel axis with the acquisition parameters. Default implementation returns True.

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • value (float) – integration time /monitor value

  • repetitions (int) – number of repetitions

  • latency (float) – latency time

Return type:



True means a successful PreLoadOne or False for a failure


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to load the integration time / monitor value. Default implementation does nothing.

LoadOne(axis, value, repetitions, latency)[source]

Controller API. Override is MANDATORY! Called to load the integration time / monitor value. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • value (float) – integration time /monitor value

  • repetitions (int) – number of repetitions

  • latency (float) – latency time

  • value – integration time /monitor value

Synchronizer interface

Inheritance diagram of Synchronizer
class Synchronizer[source]

Bases: object

A Synchronizer interface. A controller for which its axis are ‘Able to Synchronize’ should implement this interface


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare loading the synchronization description. Default implementation does nothing.

PreSynchOne(axis, description)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare loading the axis with the synchronization description. Default implementation returns True.

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • description (List[Dict]) – synchronization description

Return type:



True means a successfull PreSynchOne or False for a failure


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to load the synchronization description. Default implementation does nothing.

SynchOne(axis, description)[source]

Controller API. Override is MANDATORY! Called to load the axis with the synchronization description. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • description (List[dict]) – synchronization description

Abstract Controller

Inheritance diagram of Controller
class Controller(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Base controller class. Do NOT inherit from this class directly

  • inst (str) – controller instance name

  • props (Dict) – a dictionary containing pairs of property name, property value

ctrl_features = []

A sequence of str representing the controller features

ctrl_properties = {}

A dict containing controller properties where:

  • key : (str) controller property name

  • value : dict with with three str keys (“type”, “description” and “defaultvalue” case insensitive):

    • for Type, value is one of the values described in Data Type definition

    • for Description, value is a str description of the property. if is not given it defaults to empty string.

    • for DefaultValue, value is a python object or None if no default value exists for the property.


from sardana.pool.controller import MotorController, \
    Type, Description, DefaultValue

class MyCtrl(MotorController):

    ctrl_properties = \
        'host' : { Type : str,
                   Description : "host name" },
        'port' : { Type : int,
                   Description : "port number",
                   DefaultValue: 5000 }
ctrl_attributes = {}

A dict containning controller extra attributes where:

  • key : (str) controller attribute name

  • value : dict with str possible keys: “type”, “r/w type”, “description”, “fget”, “fset” and “maxdimsize” (case insensitive):

    • for Type, value is one of the values described in Data Type definition

    • for Access, value is one of DataAccess (“read” or “read_write” (case insensitive) strings are also accepted) [default: ReadWrite]

    • for Description, value is a str description of the attribute [default: “” (empty string)]

    • for FGet, value is a str with the method name for the attribute getter [default: “get”<controller attribute name>]

    • for FSet, value is a str with the method name for the attribute setter. [default, if Access = “read_write”: “set”<controller attribute name>]

    • for DefaultValue, value is a python object or None if no default value exists for the attribute. If given, the attribute is set when the controller is first created.

    • for Memorize, value is a str with possible values: Memorized, MemorizedNoInit and NotMemorized [default: Memorized]

      Added in version 1.1.

    • for MaxDimSize, value is a tuple with possible values:
      • for scalar must be an empty tuple ( () or [] ) [default: ()]

      • for 1D arrays a sequence with one value (example: (1024,)) [default: (2048,)]

      • for 1D arrays a sequence with two values (example: (1024, 1024)) [default: (2048, 2048)]

      Added in version 1.1.

Added in version 1.0.


from sardana.pool.controller import PseudoMotorController, \
    Type, Description, DefaultValue, DataAccess

class HKLCtrl(PseudoMotorController):

    ctrl_attributes = \
        'ReflectionMatrix' : { Type : ( (float,), ),
                               Description : "The reflection matrix",
                               Access : DataAccess.ReadOnly,
                               FGet : 'getReflectionMatrix', },

    def getReflectionMatrix(self):
        return ( (1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0) )
axis_attributes = {}

A dict containning controller extra attributes for each axis where:

  • key : (str) axis attribute name

  • value : dict with three str keys (“type”, “r/w type”, “description” case insensitive):

    • for Type, value is one of the values described in Data Type definition

    • for Access, value is one of DataAccess (“read” or “read_write” (case insensitive) strings are also accepted)

    • for Description, value is a str description of the attribute

    • for DefaultValue, value is a python object or None if no default value exists for the attribute. If given, the attribute is set when the axis is first created.

    • for Memorize, value is a str with possible values: Memorized, MemorizedNoInit and NotMemorized [default: Memorized]

      Added in version 1.1.

    • for MaxDimSize, value is a tuple with possible values:
      • for scalar must be an empty tuple ( () or [] ) [default: ()]

      • for 1D arrays a sequence with one value (example: (1024,)) [default: (2048,)]

      • for 1D arrays a sequence with two values (example: (1024, 1024)) [default: (2048, 2048)]

      Added in version 1.1.

Added in version 1.0.


from sardana.pool.controller import MotorController, \
    Type, Description, DefaultValue, DataAccess

class MyMCtrl(MotorController):

    axis_attributes = \
        'EncoderSource' : { Type : str,
                            Description : 'motor encoder source', },

    def getAxisExtraPar(self, axis, name):
        name = name.lower()
        if name == 'encodersource':
            return self._encodersource[axis]

    def setAxisExtraPar(self, axis, name, value):
        name = name.lower()
        if name == 'encodersource':
            self._encodersource[axis] = value
standard_axis_attributes = {}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = None

A str representing the controller gender

model = 'Generic'

A str representing the controller model name

organization = 'Sardana team'

A str representing the controller organization

image = None

A str containning the path to the image file

A str containning the path to the image logo file


Controller API. Override if necessary. Default implementation does nothing.


axis (int) – axis number


Controller API. Override if necessary. Default implementation does nothing.


axis (int) – axis number


Controller API. The controller instance name.

Return type:



the controller instance name

Added in version 1.0.


Controller API. The axis name.

Return type:



the axis name

Added in version 1.0.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a read of the state of all axis. Default implementation does nothing.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare a read of the state of a single axis. Default implementation does nothing.


axis (int) – axis number


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to read the state of all selected axis. Default implementation does nothing.


Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Called to read the state of one axis. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.

SetCtrlPar(parameter, value)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to set a parameter with a value. Default implementation sets this object member named ‘_’+parameter with the given value.

Added in version 1.0.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to set a parameter with a value. Default implementation returns the value contained in this object’s member named ‘_’+parameter.

Added in version 1.0.

SetAxisPar(axis, parameter, value)[source]

Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Called to set a parameter with a value on the given axis. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.

Added in version 1.0.

GetAxisPar(axis, parameter)[source]

Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Called to get a parameter value on the given axis. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.

Added in version 1.0.

SetAxisExtraPar(axis, parameter, value)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to set a parameter with a value on the given axis. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.

Added in version 1.0.

GetAxisExtraPar(axis, parameter)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to get a parameter value on the given axis. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.

Added in version 1.0.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Returns a dictionary of all attributes per axis. Default implementation returns a new dict with the standard attributes plus the axis_attributes


axis (int) – axis number


a dict containing attribute information as defined in axis_attributes

Added in version 1.0.


Controller API. Override if necessary. Sends a string to the controller. Default implementation raises NotImplementedError.


stream (str) – stream to be sent

Return type:



any relevant information e.g. response of the controller

Abstract Pseudo Controller

Inheritance diagram of PseudoController
class PseudoController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller

Base class for all pseudo controllers.

Motor Controller API

Inheritance diagram of MotorController
class MotorController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller, Startable, Stopable, Readable

Base class for a motor controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own motor controller for the device pool.

A motor controller should support these axis parameters:

  • acceleration

  • deceleration

  • velocity

  • base_rate

  • step_per_unit

These parameters are configured through the GetAxisPar()/SetAxisPar() API.

NoLimitSwitch = 0

A constant representing no active switch.

HomeLimitSwitch = 1

A constant representing an active home switch. You can OR two or more switches together. For example, to say both upper and lower limit switches are active:

limit_switches = self.HomeLimitSwitch | self.LowerLimitSwitch
UpperLimitSwitch = 2

A constant representing an active upper limit switch. You can OR two or more switches together. For example, to say both upper and lower limit switches are active:

limit_switches = self.UpperLimitSwitch | self.LowerLimitSwitch
LowerLimitSwitch = 4

A constant representing an active lower limit switch. You can OR two or more switches together. For example, to say both upper and lower limit switches are active:

limit_switches = self.UpperLimitSwitch | self.LowerLimitSwitch
standard_axis_attributes = {'Acceleration': {'description': 'Acceleration time (s)', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Backlash': {'description': 'Backlash', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Base_rate': {'description': 'Base rate', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Deceleration': {'description': 'Deceleration time (s)', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'DialPosition': {'description': 'Dial Position', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Limit_switches': {'description': "This attribute is the motor limit switches state. It's an array with 3 \nelements which are:\n0 - The home switch\n1 - The upper limit switch\n2 - The lower limit switch\nFalse means not active. True means active", 'type': (<class 'bool'>,)}, 'Offset': {'description': 'Offset', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Position': {'description': 'Position', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Sign': {'description': 'Sign', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Step_per_unit': {'description': 'Steps per unit', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Velocity': {'description': 'Velocity', 'type': <class 'float'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = 'Motor controller'

A str representing the controller gender


Motor Controller API. Override if necessary. Returns a sequence of all attributes per axis. Default implementation returns a dict containning:

  • Position

  • DialPosition

  • Offset

  • Sign

  • Step_per_unit

  • Acceleration

  • Deceleration

  • Base_rate

  • Velocity

  • Backlash

  • Limit_switches

plus all attributes contained in axis_attributes


Normally you don’t need to Override this method. You just implement the class member axis_attributes. Typically, you will need to Override this method in two cases:

  • certain axes contain a different set of extra attributes which cannot be simply defined in axis_attributes

  • some axes (or all) don’t implement a set of standard moveable parameters (ex.: if a motor controller is created to control a power supply, it may have a position (current) and a velocity (ramp speed) but it may not have acceleration)


axis (int) – axis number


a dict containing attribute information as defined in axis_attributes

Added in version 1.0.

DefinePosition(axis, position)[source]

Motor Controller API. Override is recommended! This method is called to load a new motor position. Default implementation does nothing.

Pseudo Motor Controller API

Inheritance diagram of PseudoMotorController
class PseudoMotorController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: PseudoController

Base class for a pseudo motor controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own pseudo motor controller for the device pool.

Every Pseudo Motor implementation must be a subclass of this class. Current procedure for a correct implementation of a Pseudo Motor class:

pseudo_motor_roles = ()

a sequence of strings describing the role of each pseudo motor axis in this controller

motor_roles = ()

a sequence of strings describing the role of each motor in this controller

standard_axis_attributes = {'Position': {'description': 'Position', 'type': <class 'float'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = 'Pseudo motor controller'

A str representing the controller gender

CalcAllPseudo(physical_pos, curr_pseudo_pos)[source]

Pseudo Motor Controller API. Override if necessary. Calculates the positions of all pseudo motors that belong to the pseudo motor system from the positions of the physical motors. Default implementation does a loop calling PseudoMotorController.calc_pseudo() for each pseudo motor role.

  • physical_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing physical motor positions

  • curr_pseudo_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing the current pseudo motor

  • physical_pos – a sequence containing physical motor positions

  • curr_pseudo_pos – a sequence containing the current pseudo motor positions

Return type:



a sequece of pseudo motor positions (one for each pseudo motor role)

Added in version 1.0.

CalcAllPhysical(pseudo_pos, curr_physical_pos)[source]

Pseudo Motor Controller API. Override if necessary. Calculates the positions of all motors that belong to the pseudo motor system from the positions of the pseudo motors. Default implementation does a loop calling PseudoMotorController.calc_physical() for each motor role.

  • pseudo_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing pseudo motor positions

  • curr_physical_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing the current physical motor positions

Return type:



a sequece of motor positions (one for each motor role)

Added in version 1.0.

CalcPseudo(axis, physical_pos, curr_pseudo_pos)[source]

Pseudo Motor Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Calculate pseudo motor position given the physical motor positions

  • axis (int) – the pseudo motor role axis

  • physical_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing motor positions

  • curr_pseudo_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing the current pseudo motor positions

Return type:



a pseudo motor position corresponding to the given axis pseudo motor role

Added in version 1.0.

CalcPhysical(axis, pseudo_pos, curr_physical_pos)[source]

Pseudo Motor Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Calculate physical motor position given the pseudo motor positions.

  • axis (int) – the motor role axis

  • pseudo_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing pseudo motor positions

  • curr_physical_pos (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing the current physical motor positions

Return type:



a motor position corresponding to the given axis motor role

Added in version 1.0.


Returns the motor for a given role/index.


  • Use with care: Executing motor methods can be dangerous!

  • Since the controller is built before any element (including motors), this method will FAIL when called from the controller constructor


index_or_role (Union[int, str]) – index number or role name

Return type:



Motor object for the given role/index


Returns the pseudo motor for a given role/index.


  • Use with care: Executing pseudo motor methods can be dangerous!

  • Since the controller is built before any element (including pseudo motors), this method will FAIL when called from the controller constructor


index_or_role (Union[int, str]) – index number or role name

Return type:



PseudoMotor object for the given role/index

Counter Timer Controller API

Inheritance diagram of CounterTimerController
class CounterTimerController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller, Readable, Startable, Stopable, Loadable

Base class for a counter/timer controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own counter/timer controller for the device pool.

A counter timer controller should support these controller parameters:

  • timer

  • monitor

standard_axis_attributes = {'IntegrationTime': {'description': 'Integration time used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Shape': {'description': 'Shape of the value, it is an empty array', 'type': (<class 'int'>,)}, 'Timer': {'description': 'Timer used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'str'>}, 'Value': {'description': 'Value', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'ValueBuffer': {'description': 'Value buffer', 'type': <class 'str'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = 'Counter/Timer controller'

A str representing the controller gender

StartOne(axis, value)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to do a start of the given axis (whatever start means).

  • axis (int) – axis number

  • value (float) – new value

0D Controller API

Inheritance diagram of ZeroDController
class ZeroDController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller, Readable, Stopable

Base class for a 0D controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own 0D controller for the device pool.

standard_axis_attributes = {'IntegrationTime': {'description': 'Integration time used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Shape': {'description': 'Shape of the value, it is an empty array', 'type': (<class 'int'>,)}, 'Value': {'description': 'Value', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'ValueBuffer': {'description': 'Value buffer', 'type': <class 'str'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = '0D controller'

A str representing the controller gender


This method is not executed by the system. Default implementation does nothing.


axis (int) – axis number

1D Controller API

Inheritance diagram of OneDController
class OneDController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller, Readable, Startable, Stopable, Loadable

Base class for a 1D controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own 1D controller for the device pool.

Added in version 1.2.

standard_axis_attributes = {'IntegrationTime': {'description': 'Integration time used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Shape': {'description': 'Shape of the value, it is an array with 1 element - X dimension', 'type': (<class 'int'>,)}, 'Timer': {'description': 'Timer used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'str'>}, 'Value': {'description': 'Value', 'maxdimsize': (16384,), 'type': (<class 'float'>,)}, 'ValueBuffer': {'description': 'Value buffer', 'type': <class 'str'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = '1D controller'

A str representing the controller gender

GetAxisPar(axis, parameter)[source]

Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Called to get a parameter value on the given axis.

GetAxisPar with ‘data_source’ parameter is deprecated since 2.8.0. Inherit from Referable class in order to report value references.

Default implementation calls deprecated GetPar() which, by default, raises NotImplementedError.

Added in version 1.2.

2D Controller API

Inheritance diagram of TwoDController
class TwoDController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller, Readable, Startable, Stopable, Loadable

Base class for a 2D controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own 2D controller for the device pool.

standard_axis_attributes = {'IntegrationTime': {'description': 'Integration time used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Shape': {'description': 'Shape of the value, it is an array with 2 elements: X and Y dimensions', 'type': (<class 'int'>,)}, 'Timer': {'description': 'Timer used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'str'>}, 'Value': {'description': 'Value', 'maxdimsize': (4096, 4096), 'type': ((<class 'float'>,),)}, 'ValueBuffer': {'description': 'Value buffer', 'type': <class 'str'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = '2D controller'

A str representing the controller gender

GetAxisPar(axis, parameter)[source]

Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Called to get a parameter value on the given axis.

GetAxisPar with ‘data_source’ parameter is deprecated since 2.8.0. Inherit from Referable class in order to report value references.

Default implementation calls deprecated GetPar() which, by default, raises NotImplementedError.

Added in version 1.2.

Pseudo Counter Controller API

Inheritance diagram of PseudoCounterController
class PseudoCounterController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller

Base class for a pseudo counter controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own pseudo counter controller for the device pool.

Every Pseudo Counter implementation must be a subclass of this class. Current procedure for a correct implementation of a Pseudo Counter class:

pseudo_counter_roles = ()

a sequence of strings describing the role of each pseudo counter axis in this controller

counter_roles = ()

a sequence of strings describing the role of each counter in this controller

standard_axis_attributes = {'IntegrationTime': {'description': 'Integration time used in independent acquisition', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'Shape': {'description': 'Shape of the value, it is an empty array', 'type': (<class 'int'>,)}, 'Value': {'description': 'Value', 'type': <class 'float'>}, 'ValueBuffer': {'description': 'Data', 'type': <class 'str'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = 'Pseudo counter controller'

A str representing the controller gender

Calc(axis, values)[source]

Pseudo Counter Controller API. Override is MANDATORY. Calculate pseudo counter position given the counter values.

  • axis (int) – the pseudo counter role axis

  • values (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing current values of underlying elements

Return type:



a pseudo counter value corresponding to the given axis pseudo counter role

Added in version 1.0.


Pseudo Counter Controller API. Override if necessary. Calculates all pseudo counter values from the values of counters. Default implementation does a loop calling PseudoCounterController.Calc() for each pseudo counter role.


values (Sequence[float]) – a sequence containing current values of underlying elements

Return type:



a sequece of pseudo counter values (one for each pseudo counter role)

Added in version 1.2.

Trigger/Gate Controller API

Inheritance diagram of TriggerGateController
class TriggerGateController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller, Synchronizer, Stopable, Startable

Base class for a trigger/gate controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own trigger/gate controller for the device pool.

gender = 'Trigger/Gate controller'

A str representing the controller gender

standard_axis_attributes = {'MoveableOnInput': {'description': 'Moveable', 'type': <class 'str'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

PrepareOne(axis, nb_starts)[source]

Controller API. Override if necessary. Called to prepare the trigger/gate axis with the measurement parameters. Default implementation does nothing.

  • axis (int) – axis

  • nb_starts (int) – number of starts

IO Register Controller API

Inheritance diagram of IORegisterController
class IORegisterController(inst, props, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Controller, Readable

Base class for a IORegister controller. Inherit from this class to implement your own IORegister controller for the device pool.

standard_axis_attributes = {'Value': {'description': 'Value', 'type': <class 'float'>}}

A dict containing the standard attributes present on each axis device

gender = 'I/O register controller'

A str representing the controller gender

WriteOne(axis, value)[source]

IORegister Controller API. Override if necessary.