
Utilities for testing pool and third-party controller plugins.

For third-party controller plugins projects it is recommended to develop their integration tests with the pool. From the other hand, the pool core features can be easily tested using the dummy controller plugins. This module contains fixtures and test utilities applicable for both these use cases.

The util module comes with a set of fixtures providing you the most common pool elements e.g. those created by the sar_demo macro e.g. mot01, ct01, motctrl01, etc. You can use them directly in your tests without even importing them, this is because sardana installs them as pytest plugins.

For example, to test that the calculation of the user position works you could write the following test:

def test_motor_user_pos_after_set_sign(mot01):
    mot01.sign = -1
    assert mot01.position.value == -3

You can customize the fixtures with the following markers:

  • kwargs for customizing the object creation e.g.:

    @pytest.mark.kwargs({"motctrl01": {"properties": {"Prop1": "foo"}}})
    def test_property(motctrl01):
        assert motctrl01.ctrl.Prop1 == "foo"
  • attribute_values for setting attribute values:

    @pytest.mark.attribute_values({"mot01": {"Offset": -1},
                                   "mot02": {"Offset": 1}})
    def test_motor_group_get_position(motgrp0102):
        assert motgrp0102.position == [-1, 1]
  • attrs for setting python object attributes (using setattr):

    @pytest.mark.attrs({"pool": {"drift_correction": False},
    def test_dummy_motor_controller(pool):
        assert pool.drift_correction == False

This may be specially useful when you use fixtures of higher level elements and you would like to change the behavior of the lower level elements indirectly requested as fixtures.

The above introduced markers are good for minor and occasional modifications of fixtures. For more demanding use cases it is better that you use the factory fixtures e.g. create_motor.

You can parametrize your test with multiple fixtures using parametrize marker and request.getfixturevalue(). This will automatically create one test per parameterize option:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("moveable", ["mot01", "gap01"])
def test_get_moveable_position(moveable, request):
    moveable = request.getfixturevalue(moveable)
    assert moveable.position.value == 0

For synchronizing your tests execution with execution of background actions it is very handy to use the ActionEvent class.
