

“Factory as fixture”



set_obj_attrs(obj, attrs)[source]

Set multiple attributes to an object using setattr


Return python attr values corresponding to the fixture.

Must be called from within the fixture code.

Python attrs must be passed using pytest marker e.g.:

@pytest.mark.attrs({"pool": {"drift_correction": False}})
def test_pool(pool):
    assert pool.drift_correction = False

Return attribute values corresponding to the fixture.

Must be called from within the fixture code.

Attribute values must be passed using pytest marker e.g.:

@pytest.mark.attribute_values({"mot01": {"Offset": 1.23}})
def test_motor(mot01):
    assert mot01.offset = 1.23

Return creation kwargs corresponding to the fixture.

Must be called from within the fixture code.

Attribute values must be passed using pytest marker e.g.:

@pytest.mark.kwargs({"motctrl01" {"properties": {"Prop2": 123}}}})
def test_motctrl(motctrl01):
    assert motctrl01.ctrl.Prop2 == 123
pool(create_pool, request)[source]

Return a Pool object.

By default it is loaded with built-in controller plugins. Can be customized with attrs and kwargs markers.

motctrl01(create_motor_ctrl, request)[source]

Return a PoolController object of motor type. By default it uses the dummy controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

mot01(create_motor, motctrl01, request)

Return a PoolMotor object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the motctrl01 fixture.

mot02(create_motor, motctrl01, request)

Return a PoolMotor object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the motctrl01 fixture.

mot03(create_motor, motctrl01, request)

Return a PoolMotor object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the motctrl01 fixture.

mot04(create_motor, motctrl01, request)

Return a PoolMotor object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the motctrl01 fixture.

ctctrl01(create_counter_timer_ctrl, request)[source]

Return a PoolController object of counter/timer type. By default it uses the dummy controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

ct01(create_counter_timer, ctctrl01, request)

Return a PoolCounterTimer object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the ctctrl01 fixture.

ct02(create_counter_timer, ctctrl01, request)

Return a PoolCounterTimer object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the ctctrl01 fixture.

ct03(create_counter_timer, ctctrl01, request)

Return a PoolCounterTimer object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the ctctrl01 fixture.

ct04(create_counter_timer, ctctrl01, request)

Return a PoolCounterTimer object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the ctctrl01 fixture.

zerodctrl01(create_zerod_ctrl, request)[source]

Return a PoolController object of 0D experimental channel type. By default it uses the dummy controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

zerod01(create_zerod, zerodctrl01, request)

Return a Pool0DExpChannel object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the zerodctrl01 fixture.

zerod02(create_zerod, zerodctrl01, request)

Return a Pool0DExpChannel object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the zerodctrl01 fixture.

zerod03(create_zerod, zerodctrl01, request)

Return a Pool0DExpChannel object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the zerodctrl01 fixture.

zerod04(create_zerod, zerodctrl01, request)

Return a Pool0DExpChannel object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the zerodctrl01 fixture.

onedctrl01(create_oned_ctrl, request)[source]

Return a PoolController object of 1D experimental channel type. By default it uses the dummy controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

oned01(create_oned, onedctrl01, request)

Return a Pool1DExpChannel object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the onedctrl01 fixture.

twodctrl01(create_twod_ctrl, request)[source]

Return a PoolController object of 2D experimental channel type. By default it uses the dummy controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

twod01(create_twod, twodctrl01, request)

Return a Pool2DExpChannel object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the twodctrl01 fixture.

iorctrl01(create_ior_ctrl, request)[source]

Return a PoolController object of IORegister type. By default it uses the dummy controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

ior01(create_ior, iorctrl01, request)

Return a PoolIORegister object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the iorctrl01 fixture.

ior02(create_ior, iorctrl01, request)

Return a PoolIORegister object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the iorctrl01 fixture.

tgctrl01(create_tg_ctrl, request)[source]

Return a PoolController object of TriggerGate type. By default it uses the dummy controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

tg01(create_tg, tgctrl01, request)

Return a PoolTriggerGate object which axis number is determined from the last two digits of the fixture name. It is handled by the controller object returned by the tgctrl01 fixture.

slitctrl01(create_pseudo_motor_ctrl, mot01, mot02, request)[source]

Return a PoolPseudoMotorController object. By default it uses the slit controller plugin. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.

gap01(create_pseudo_motor, slitctrl01, request)[source]

Return a PoolPseudoMotor object corresponding to the Gap role. It is handled by the controller object returned by the slitctrl01 fixture.

offset01(create_pseudo_motor, slitctrl01, request)[source]

Return a PoolPseudoMotor object corresponding to the Offset role. It is handled by the controller object returned by the slitctrl01 fixture.

motgrp0102(create_motor_group, mot01, mot02, request)[source]

Return a PoolMotorGroup object handling motors returned by the mot01 and mot02 fixtures. It resides in the pool object returned by the pool fixture.


“Factory as fixture” for creating Pool objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_pool(create_pool):
    pool = create_pool()
    pool.pool_path = "/path/to/tour/controller/classes"

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_ctrl(create_ctrl):
    kwargs = {
        "name": "motctrl01",
        "klass": "TangoAttrMotorController",
        "library": "TangoAttrMotorCtrl.py"
        "type": "Motor",
        "properties": {}
    ctrl = create_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects of motor type.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_motor_ctrl(create_motor_ctrl):
    kwargs = {              
        "klass": "TangoAttrMotorController",
        "library": "TangoAttrMotorCtrl.py"                
    ctrl = create_motor_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects of counter/timer type.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_counter_timer_ctrl(create_counter_timer_ctrl):
    kwargs = {
        "klass": "TangoAttrCTController",
        "library": "TangoAttrCTCtrl.py"
    ctrl = create_counter_timer_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects of 0D experimental channel type.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_zerod_ctrl(create_zerod_ctrl):
    kwargs = {
        "klass": "TangoAttrZeroDController",
        "library": "TangoAttrZeroDCtrl.py"
    ctrl = create_zerod_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects of 1D experimental channel type.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_oned_ctrl(create_oned_ctrl):
    kwargs = {
        "klass": "OneDController",
        "library": "OneDCtrl.py"
    ctrl = create_oned_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects of 2D experimental channel type.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_twod_ctrl(create_twod_ctrl):
    kwargs = {
        "klass": "TwoDController",
        "library": "TwoDCtrl.py"
    ctrl = create_twod_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects of IORegister type.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_ior_ctrl(create_ior_ctrl):
    kwargs = {
        "klass": "TangoAttrIORController",
        "library": "TangoAttrIORCtrl.py"
    ctrl = create_ior_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolController objects of TriggerGate type.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_tg_ctrl(create_tg_ctrl):
    kwargs = {
        "klass": "TriggerGateController",
        "library": "TriggerGateCtrl.py"
    ctrl = create_tg_ctrl(kwargs)
    assert ctrl.is_online() == True

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolElement objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_element(motctrl01, create_element):
    kwargs = {
        "type": "Motor",
        "name": "mot01",
        "ctrl_id": motctrl01.id,
        "axis": 1
    element = create_element(kwargs)
    assert element.state == State.On

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolMotor objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_motor(motctrl01, create_motor):
    motor = create_motor(motctrl01, axis=6)
    assert motor.state == State.On

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolCounterTimer objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_counter_timer(ctctrl01, create_counter_timer):
    ct = create_counter_timer(ctctrl01, axis=1)
    assert ct.state == State.On

“Factory as fixture” for creating Pool0DExpChannel objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_zerod(zerodctrl01, create_zerod):
    zerod = create_zerod(zerodctrl01, axis=1)
    assert zerod.state == State.On

“Factory as fixture” for creating Pool1DExpChannel objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_oned(onedctrl01, create_oned):
    oned = create_oned(onedctrl01, axis=1)
    assert oned.state == State.On

“Factory as fixture” for creating Pool2DExpChannel objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_twod(twodctrl01, create_twod):
    twod = create_twod(twodctrl01, axis=1)
    assert twod.state == State.On

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolIORegister objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_ior(iorctrl01, create_ior):
    ior = create_ior(iorctrl01, axis=1)
    assert ior.state == State.On

“Factory as fixture” for creating PoolTriggerGate objects.

Can be used to create fixtures or directly from tests:

def test_tg(tgctrl01, create_ior):
    tg = create_tg(tgctrl01, axis=1)
    assert tg.state == State.On
class ActionEvent(element)[source]

Helper class for synchronizing tests with background actions.

Can be used for synchronizing actions start and finish events:

def test_motor_motion(mot01):
    motion_event = ActionEvent(mot01)
    mot01.position = 10
    # here you could do some stuff
    assert mot01.position.value == 10